Stickershock23 temporarily closed

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Tucson, Az
"Sorry for any inconvenience folks, but is TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR NEW ORDERS.
I am having some major Shoulder surgery and will be unavailable until until at LEAST mid April, possibly longer.
PLEASE make sure to create an account. and sign up for e-mail messages (check your spam folder) I will update
Via that e-mail on my condition and how my recovery is going.

Thank you for all the Support Now and in the past! I could not do this without you!
I hope to be back at it as soon as possible!
Thank you – Mark and Marian!"

I wish him all the best for a speedy recover and wish to thank him for the outstanding services he has always provided.
Get well soon! I was lucky enough to get my order shipped just before this!
Not so far...

I will need to contact him pretty soon, though, because I am needing some decals for a 4" Falcon 9 I am building.
He sent out this email on 4/2

Well my recovery is going as expected.. pretty slow.. but good.
I FEEL I can take on some SIMPLE orders..
SO -
IF you have items you are in need of that are SIMPLE, I MAY be able to do some.. (again it may take me some time.. so if you can wait a few days or a week) Send me an e-mail.. and let me know what you need!
I AM GOING TO TAKE IN MAYBE one order a day! AND THEY NEED TO BE SIMPLE so I don't have to over do my shoulder..
Anything you would normally ADD TO CART that is full color printed..such as an ESTES INTERCEPTOR... OR any of the many LOC printed decals..
ANYTHING that is one or two colors and not TINY details.. such as a 3" Der Red Max.. or
ANYTHING "one color Custom lettering..." just tell me the text, the font, the color and the size you would want it..

MOST Estes reproductions... like a "GOBLIN" or any of the pro series sets (these are mostly one or two colors and consist of simple stripes etc)
Many of the Wildman or Madcow or Mac performance decals...

SIMPLE printed rocket wraps... LIKE "I have a Madcow Cowabunga and I want it with a space background.. and some kind of bright red flames..." (things that I already have Rocsim data so I know exactly how to fit it!) but not... "were building this 3 stage project and it needs all these things on .... and they need to go certain places etc etc etc "
or things that I need to do lots of design work.. things with a LOT of small lettering .. (like small Der Red Max sets or most of the scale army like missiles with lots of warning text)
I AM ONLY GOING TO TAKE IN THE AMOUNT OF WORK I CAN HANDLE... so if you want to send me an e-mail.. telling me what you need .. EVEN IF IT IS A FEW simple things.. I will look at it and let you know if I can do it and how long it might take..
PLEASE UNDERSTAND I will probably REJECT some things.. ESPECIALLY if I get a LOT of requests.. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I DON'T WANT TO DO YOUR DECALS.. I REALLY DO.. it just means I am not physically able to do them for you yet, or it's more than I can handle at this time! IF I am NOT able to fill your order now.. I CAN put you on a list and get back to you when I AM able to do that... but again that might be a week or even a month out..
Thank you again for all the support..

And 4/6 I got a set of printed vinyl for a Dragon Laser X.....
Well good news / Bad news..
Good news: The doctor has released me for light duty with my shoulder!
He's very happy with my progress, now I just need to build strength!
So the website is open and I'm taking orders..
TURN AROUND TIMES will still be a few days.. maybe more. BUT I will get them out as fast as I can..
Bad news.. My Hand doctor says "You need to fix your hand now or you might not regain full muscle / nerve recovery, and the numbness/pain could be permanent.
YEP getting old is tough when you worked hard for your entire life..
BUT GOOD NEWS IS he snuck me in for a week from Tuesday.. and RECOVERY is only a week or two.. SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY.. I'll leave the website open.
I'll answer e-mails and fill orders as I can but there may be a week that I can't do much!
I do want to thank EVERYONE for the well wishes and being patient! It's been a long few months for sure!
Thank you all so much.. and remember
Mark and Marian