Out of stock...out of stock...out of stock... I see a recurring theme here so far.
Might have to raid my build, and supply piles.
Might have to raid my build, and supply piles.
ooo. I forgot to add a quantum singularity to my wish list.
In this case you just get the flat rate box...I'd hate to see the dimensional weight charge for that package.
and "international shipping" rates..In this case you just get the flat rate box...
got it.
Damn, you guys and your particle accelerators.. they are hard to pack ya know..
At least my guys doesn't want a fusion cannon..
Conspirarators ? How could anyone conspire against such a cool group ?? Maybe the Flat Earth Weirdos... LOLI wonder if there are any conspirators out there this CIJ?
The anticipation of waiting till the 4th is going to drive the Kids crazy.... This will be fun.
I guess it depends, if you're on the nice list no worries, but if you've been naughty, well then...I hope a sleigh makes a stop a my house .
Something came from Eggtimer today. Since I haven’t ordered anything lately, looks like someone sent me a present