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I bought a box of parts on Ebay last year, in the box was a new Drifter. 12 dollars. I bought 6 Der Red Max and 6 interceptors....Keep the bring backs coming.
I have pre-ordered 3 Red Maxes and I am planning on purchasing at least a couple more via my various FLHS (Friendly Local Hobby Shops).

As for the Interceptor, while I didn't pre-order, I will also be purchasing a few of these, as well.

And as for additional classic re-releases... Call me crazy, but I want to see an official return of the Goonys!!! :D
Which of the two is your favorite Estes re-issue?

Where's the "Both" option. There's no reason to choose. They are cheap. Buy lots. That's the only way to encourage Estes to do more of the reissues.

What can you do with more? Der 3 stage Red Max. Stage an Interceptor maybe?

I have 2 Interceptors on pre-order with Tower..May hit up Red Arrow tonight for one, and see which gets here first :)

And as far as clustering the Interceptor, micro-max otors on the wing pods just for visuals..would look cool haveing flames come out of there when launched!:cool:
Definitely the Interceptor. But likely I'll get both, in spite of my aversion to the German insignias.

I suspect it may have been my encouragement for re-release of the 'Ceptor that garnered the most public support for it's re-release on the "E" Forum. I called the kit the "Iconic" trademark for Estes of the 70's and 80's, something they have been sorely missing ever since. And yet with all the made in _____ pieces of plastic cra9 that is coming from Penrose since Barry took it over, I found it surprising no one woke up to that fact in any of the buildings on H Street. For Shame!

But I digress. If it has Balsa fins and water-transfer decals, I'll buy it.
I voted for Der Red Max. When I was at the local hobby shop yesterday, there was both hanging there. I only purchased the Max. I left the Interceptor hanging there for someone else who wants it more. Of course I couldn't walk out with just one rocket so I picked up a Fat Boy, another Duece's Wild, and parts for building numerous Excelsior Rocketry Goony kit-bashes. I will get the up scaled version of the Interceptor when it comes out.

--- Ron
To be honest, I didn't know what the Interceptor looked like until a few minutes ago. Now that I've seen it, I voted Interceptor. Looks cool!
today at the LHS I found the Neon tube thingy ($15) and Der Red Max ($20). I bought those as (overpriced) consolation prizes 'cos I really want a couple Interceptors!
I found my Red Max today too. $20.00 at the LHS, I grit my teeth and paid it anyway. Funny thing is, I hated this rocket when I was a kid, thought it was corny. Now I really dig the proportions of the thing, all that NC. It's going on the bench right after I finish the Duce I'm working on now.
I've couldn't vote, Both HAD to be re-released. As both are Icons of their day. the DRM with it's hilariously funny decals and great paint scheme. and this Classic High tech look of the interceptor..Ya just gotta love em both.

Question about the re-Released DRM. Do the instructions have the same worm camo b&w diorama picture on the back page? Anyone interested in building diorama Launchers to go with there new models?
No diorama picture :(

Yes interested in building one! :)

OH Man I think I have a photo of just that back page if so I'll upload it in a minute. It was alway almost as funny as reading the Decals:)
YES! I still have it...!!!!

I'll try a search to see if we can bring the original thread back up first, if not I'll start a new thread, Maybe Phred still has his photo build as well, If so; we can take you thru the building process Almost step by step.
If memory serves Phread used a single exhaust port under his diorama, I used dual ports on my Micro Diorama just because I could. Both ways seemed to go a very good job protecting the base and barrels:D
I have to reload mine build photos from the home computer again if we can't get the 2004 thread to surface.
Will be fun to revisit Der Launcher building.
That would be cool John!
The current DRM istructions are kind of funny, with the poor German accent in print! :)
I voted Interceptor since I'm more into rockets that look like "real" or even plausible craft (and I keep looking out my front door for the box from Discount Rocketry to show up!).

I never had a DRM as a kid; it just didn't appeal to me at the time. But I bought one today....this rocket just has tons of character!
I'll definitely be getting the Max and K-50, they are both cool as heck, but neither were on my high priority list. I would still rather see anything from the Master Series brought back, or any of the Brutes, which includes most of the nice scale stuff they used to offer.

I really hope they box up the Red Max in a Launchable pack, they'd sell a TON of them! It would be a good candidate. If they can do the Bullpup, SS1, and Fat Boy, then I see no reason not to do the Max.;)
I got 2 Red max's one for me and one for my kid Red arrow has them for $15.95 and I got myself an intercepter R.A. price $19.99. so count me for both. Now maybe I will have time in my life time to build these along with a dozen other kits I have to build. not enough time in a day.
Mr. Bob
Of Starlight fame