What do you do WHILE you build?

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Builds Rockets for NASA
TRF Supporter
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
  1. Converse with spouse/family,
  2. listen to tunes,
  3. talk on phone headset,
  4. watch TV,
  5. dead silence to concentrate on craftsmanship,
  6. other?
Drink ice cold brew, stouts mostly, listen to music and converse with the family...
Drink a lot of coffee and eat chocolate is usally my norm..and a movie is popped in..when we left earth maybe.I never get tired of seeing that:eyepop:
Sometimes eat my lunch. I've been known to assemble more than a few models at my desk at work.....

Otherwise it's cofee or tea and tunes if I'm building at home.
I have been known to do sets of quick drying filets between games of modern warfare 2
I have been known to do sets of quick drying filets between games of modern warfare 2

modern warfare must be easier, my battlefield 3 takes too much concentration to be devided by something so important as rocket building. I like to crank up the tunes or maybe an audio book if i'm not doing too much detail work.

I listen to podcasts on my iPhone played through my Milwaukee jobsite radio...the one with the Fosgate sound system.

Here's what I listen to:
Spoken Wood Podcast w Matt Vanderlist
WoodTalk Online w Marc Spagnuolo
Planetary Radio w Mat Kaplan
ABC Starstuff w Stuart Gary
365 Days of Astronomy
Scallywag Show w Barnacle Brian
Security Now w Steve Gibson
Maximum PC No BS Podcast

The reason I use my iPhone is that the podcast app has a setting for 1.5x playback!
Mostly do whatever else needs doing around the house between build steps, while waiting on glue or paint to dry... build, work, build, work... sometimes the same but with TV thrown in if there's no work to be done...

Later! OL JR :)

PS. Sometimes it's build, post, build, post, build, surf...
I just put on a talk station for some noise, I can not work in silence. I get so involved the only way I know time is passing is when I hear top and bottom of the hour news. When I bring a drink in the shoppe, the soda goes flat or the coffee gets cold since I do not realize so much time has passed.
Amatures! sheesh...

I build other rockets while I'm building....

Assemble an engine mount here, another there and one more over there...

Then cut out these fins, then those fins, then those other fins.

By now the engine mounts have dried so install one mount, then another and then another...

etc, etc, repeat as necessary...

I too often split time between two or more rockets as it just seems more efficient that way mixing epoxy and all. Then after that I could be doing many things. At home I often will be watching a game. At work I will glue a fin while taking a 10 minute break. But it really ranges, during my L3 build I split time constructing four wine racks for my cellar. For the past couple of weeks I've been building this rocket while refinishing/reconstructing an antique dresser (attached).

I chain smoke and tweak designs in open rocket while yelling at little dogs to stay off my keyboard.
I too like to have a few rockets in the chain

For example today we have the
  1. Scratch/Clone Javelin XL (ready for color coat - picture of primed rocket is downstairs at the moment) - 2.6 inch (60mm) for 29mm motors
  2. Flis Night Whisperer (primed awaiting sanding) - BT-50 for 18mm motors
  3. Scratch Astrobee-D - 2.6 inch (60mm) diameter, Dual Deploy - for 29mm motors - Parts cut, ready to start assembly
  4. Scratch Barclone Arrowhead - BT20 for 13mm motors - Parts cut, ready to start assembly

No sounds. Quiet. And a coffee, ice tea, or a cocktail depending on the time of day...
Six cats... not allowed in garage... too many things toxic to kitties... YMMV.



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I like! I likes this alot!!:wink:
Drink a lot of coffee and eat chocolate is usally my norm.
Im all over that.Thats the TICKET!!!!!!!!!!:y: Can you say..VAAAAAARRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!Also,sometimes Ill listen to some tunes. Depends if Im in DEEP thought or doing a kit. If Im doing a scratcher, the tunes are playing, usaully some type of bump-n-grind. Sets the mood. Sometimes I do alot of cussing too.
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I usually have a college football game or baseball game on sometimes a cold beverage of the adult variety
I will usually have a beverage of some sort at hand. That's it, no tunes, I prefer quiet. Generally, I build a little at a time, walking away while the glue dries.
I usually listen to either WAMU-NPR or 103.1 WRNR, the local alternative rock station, and until recently the only independent radio station. I usually read or play some vidga ma games between epoxy and paint drying.
Have been building in the garage, used cell phone hooked to computer speakers to listen to OTR internet broadcasts like :

X minus 5, 4, 3, 2, X minus 1, FIRE.

Now rolling with old notebook media streaming old shows , near end of 4th season of Stargate Atlantis. Have been bumping to Shakira library also.

I work. Since I am a database applications developer there is always code to write or tables to build and of course I can't forget the Jimmy Buffett tunes.
I listen to music while building, but when I'm waiting on stuff to dry I text some friends, and if it's something that'll take a while, I migrate upstairs and watch TV. But, if I have problems or questions, I'll be on TRF
A couple cold ones and some music, usually try to work in such a way that I have something else to work on (another rocket different component, etc) while epoxy is drying on other things