From a kid till time k joined the Navy was always working with my dad doing plumbing and heating in upstate NY. Summer was furnace cleaning. hated it- but few bucks made let me buy my model rockets (Centuri mostly).
Did part time jobs with friends n summer picking cones and seeds for couple of bucks a bushel.
Learned the electrical and plumbing trades which proved invaluable later in Navy and home ownership.
79 - Joined the Navy Seabees as an Engineering Aide (civil engineering tech). Traveled the world : designed and built and surveyed roads and buildings and ball parks.
Started to get interested in computers in 82 with a big IBM (playing “The Oregon Trail”. Later tried Fortran and nope.
As time went on (still in Navy) and PCs were becoming more popular, i self taught mysef PC troubleshooting and building: design and install networks (LANs/WANs) as “collateral duty” while still doing “civill engineering work.
when I retired in 99- I was more into IT, but do miss construction- Am currently in the IT world (Cyber Security) and am looking at finally retiring from Dept of Defense end of the year.
For past 12 years, I have done a lot of STEM work and we teach a cyber camp (Palmetto Cyber Camp) in South Carolina.
Last year I did “water bottle rockets in addition to some Cyber Courses and this year , I got the Ok to use solid propellant engines and the kids will build an Estes Alpha III and Friday will be over 100 launches. (Lookng forward to it- but need to dig into lsatety with NAR, etc.
I’m def resdy to retire due to health. I’m not a teen in the 70s anymore. love what I do and getting kids excited about STEM, just can’t do what I want anymore. “Cancer sucks”.
Overall. Am excited about getting back into this hobby and getting some kids interested in it for our Cyber launch.
And maybe next year if fully retired can go to the launch clubs and watch the high power kits fly. (C6-7 biggest i ever flown). “And lost those kits)