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I got it to work. The second time was the charm. I used a two prong approach. I added two o-rings to the Q2G2 and took a five inch (13cm) single strand of cat5 wire and spiral wrapped it around the Q2G2 leads. It was a bit of a pain getting the O-Rings past the soldered leads, but with a neat solder joint, I was able to work them past. To be honest, I bet they are superflous. I imagine making the effective width of the wire diameter larger is the key. But I ain't gonna mess with success! :grin:

Tape probably will work as well. Clay perhaps.

The proof will be in the flying... which should happen Saturday! I hope it works. It makes converting single deploy machines into Dual Deploy (motor eject at apogee) so simple.

Best wishes (and no, I did not take video, like and idiot! :bangpan: )
I've been looking at these cable cutters quite intensely, and I can see the merits of the system. Simplifies the rocket considerably.

I will seriously consider purchasing at least 2 of these in the not so distant future.
Another option so you can use the existing equipment is to "shim" the Q2 that comes in contact with the hole by adding layers of masking tape until it's nice and snug. I bet that would work. If I can use masking tape as a thrust ring for a H275 I bet it would work here. Black Friday comes I am going to have to order one of these.

After a failed ground test several weeks ago, when the charge blew back out through the screw, I did just this - cut a thin strip of masking tape, and wrapped several layers around the e-match wire between the screw and match head. The next test worked like a charm. (dulled the cutter, though, even with the o-ring bumper - have to think more about that.)

Central Illinois Aerospace
NAR/Triploi L2

After my test (which spit the Q2G2 out the back, btw) the aluminum cutter was in fine shape.
If you notice any dulling of the piston, it shouldn't be an issue as long as it still slides in the body. A flat end can be used just as effectively. But if you are worried, two bumper o-rings can be used because sometimes one will rotate and be less effective at cushioning the piston contact (sometimes they can even extrude themselves out of the pressure relief hole).
Any plans to make a bigger cutter, for large cables?

Not unless the demand for them rises. The need for a larger cable isnt really there unless you need more tensile strength such as holding quick links together. If you use the traditional burrito style method, additional length to fit the circumference of a large chute can be had by simply linking multiple cable ties to each other. The necessity of extra strength in keeping the burrito bound shut is not required.
However, I have been approached before about larger units, and I can always do a custom order.
So, I could just solder more wire onto the Q2G2 ignites to get however long I need? is there any recommended wire that should be used? How sensitive are the Q2G2s to igniting while soldering?
Any wire would work, really. I soldered header pins onto a few of them and nothing happened...
To be clear I soldered them BEFORE inserting them in the cutter! :y:
I have used other e-matches, alas all not available anymore, and when they came back snipped the wire off the burnt ends. I then recycle the left over unburnt wire by soldering it on to Q2G2s or other ejection canisters.
First I ohm out the Q2G2. Then I solder. Then I ohm it out again. I accept anything within a few 1/10ths of an ohm of the original as successful. Never had an issue. I have done the same with Pratt Hobbies ejection canisters. Works so far.
Oh and lest it is not clear you have to insulate the solder joints from each other! :D

YMMV and BE CAREFUL out there.


I used the cable cutter this past weekend and did experience a failure. I was also using the quest Q2G2 igniters and sure enough the charge blew back out the closure end. Fortunately, just fin damage.

One difference from testing is that in testing I used a small black powder "pocket" around the Q2G2 and then stuffed that into the cable cutter. I think this created enough blockage to prevent the charge from escaping.

Probably lesson #1 learned: don't deviate from test setups during the live show

What are the chances of having two sizes of the closures? One for the regular e-matches and one for the Q2G2...I understand this could be difficult and not worth the time to alter production setups. I say this because it seems to me that a fair number of people use the Q2G2 for ejection charges.

My apologies for your failure. I offered to create different screw caps a few posts ago and I think that just confirmed it. Its really not much extra trouble. If it helps solve the problem then that'd what needs to be done.

Could someone please give me the diameter of the Q2G2 wires? What size hole would be best? It will take me a little while to get these made because I will be out of town for the next week and then I will have to order some new drill bits. I will try to have the option for the smaller diameter screws for the Black Friday sale though.

Also, Warren, when I get some of the new screw caps made, I will send you some for free.
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I would just use hot glue to seal the end, I have done this successfully a couple of times. even used Estes igniters but those are a bit more difficult. just be careful with everything and make sure it is sealed and you should be fine
This is an awesome product. I been working on a single separation dual deployment for a while now. And what iv come up with is not half as simple and ingenious as this. I'm honestly failing to see any limitation to this. It sounds like failure is mostly due to improper fitting of the e-match, just make the end cap a dime a dozen buy a bunch and glue the q2's in and take them to the field with you. Just think dual deploy to any rocket you own. I'm so buying this! :headbang: I do believe my Binder Design IRIS is getting an major dual deployment overhaul. Good thing I'm at that point in the build anyway.

This is an awesome product. ... snip... I'm so buying this! :headbang: I do believe my Binder Design IRIS is getting an major dual deployment overhaul. Good thing I'm at that point in the build anyway.


No one is arguing this. Is not the cap just a cap screw drilled out? Or not? If so, is that hard to do? I am asking. Don't don't misinterpret what I am saying. I just placed another order with Archetype Rocketry so it's not like I am not a supporter. Just wondering if I can drill my own to fit?

What about a threaded collar that holds a disposable plug through which the Q2 igniter passes? Glue the Q2 in place, use, discard the plug.

I'm thinking something along the lines of the collar used in Aeropack motor retention system but on a much smaller scale.
I measure 0.0375 inches.
Is that the diameter of each wire? How about them twisted together? Thanks for the info!

thobin said:
This is an awesome product. I been working on a single separation dual deployment for a while now. And what iv come up with is not half as simple and ingenious as this. I'm honestly failing to see any limitation to this. It sounds like failure is mostly due to improper fitting of the e-match, just make the end cap a dime a dozen buy a bunch and glue the q2's in and take them to the field with you. Just think dual deploy to any rocket you own. I'm so buying this! I do believe my Binder Design IRIS is getting an major dual deployment overhaul. Good thing I'm at that point in the build anyway.
Thank you so much! Yep, having a good seal on the e-match/q2g2 cap is the primary failure point on the Cable Cutter, but if you have the seal, there isnt much left to worry about.

Is not the cap just a cap screw drilled out? Or not? If so, is that hard to do?
Jeff, Yes the cap is simply a 1/4"-20 screw with a 7/64" hole. I will start making some new ones with smaller holes for the q2g2 when I get back from Thanksgiving break. It is not hard to do, but it can be a pain. If you have a lathe, that simplifies the process. Trying to hand drill one of these small screws would be a challenge. But if you are up to the task, you want to look into some specialized drill bits or else just cutting through a few screws will dull your bit to its demise.

Also, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Remember, Black Friday sale is tomorrow!
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I'm honestly failing to see any limitation to this. TA
By this I mean any rocket any size.

I only read a few posts before I commented after I got back from his website an watching the videos. I didn't mean to make it sound like any one was doing it wrong with the q2's. I was just commenting that the times it does fail is do the the small wire in the big hole in the end cap.

I'm so excited I couldn't sleep last night, I kept going over new deploy set ups in my head! These dual deploy setups have always been a pain, I hate all the separation points and all the linkage, all the more to go wrong. Just think of all the weight you can cut out. No more stress on the AV bay as a connection point ,it now only has to hold its own weight.

Your Paypal button is putting the wrong item in the cart.

I'm trying to make a purchase, but the website will not let me buy the cutters and only lets me put accessories in my cart.
Fixed. Sorry folks, had some errors with the HTML formatting. Try it out now :)
Please note that I added the option for two different styles - either E-Match (same drill size as before, made for standard e-match wires), or the new Q2G2 size (a smaller hole through the screw cap to help with sealing issues with those who want to use Q2G2 igniters).

Also, keep checking back (later, after I get some sleep) for a few random posts on this thread for a chance to get some Cable Cutters for even cheaper!

Thank you everyone. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and an even better Black Friday :cool:
The inevitable question:

What would it take to get of couple of the new (smaller hole) screws for my existing cable cutters? I'm definately a fan/user of Q2G2s and that smaller hole seems like the thing to have.

Great product by the way, thanks, s6