It would appear that CTI users like Skidmard motors. That is great. I love fireworks too. However, I am waiting for the bad news. I have a bit of experience with the old "Firestarter" motors. They were fun to watch--but they started fires. Under normal circumstances, if one is carefull, a motor that emits a shower of sparks can be perfectly safe--if one has water and fire fighting equipment on hand. However, every so often a rocket will go up about 10-20 feet and make a 90 degree turn--hug the ground and travel four or five hundred feet and dive to the ground. Normally, when this happens--it is not a major problem. If this were to happen with a motor that emits a shower of sparks--this could be a disaster. Many launch areas have lots of dried up weeds. I would hate to have to fight a 500' fire--it could be a problem. As someone once said: "This is Rocketry, not fireworks" My launch area is covered in dead weeds most of the year. I honestly do not think it is a good idea to fly a motor that could potentially cause a major problem. If someone wants to fly a sparky type motor where there is no fire danger--that is great. However, most of the sparky type motors that I have seen flown were flown in areas where fire was a danger. Every time I hear the LCO announce a sparky type motor-I cringe. They have the ability to seriously hurt the hobby. The last thing that we need is more bad publicity. I will not even mention the liability implications.