THIS WILL, be my NAR, "L2/L3".
That was, but wasn't my intention(s). But with a fresh L3 build yet in 98mm.....
I have about, 6 total hours into this build itself. I'm still organizing, I have more, lol..
The new* thread, once...Things are officially confirmed will also have a link here. I'm going to be a "Supporter", I need to sign up for that today. Plus place few smaller orders for now.
I, will have links to URRG(its the perfect club, for me as well. So, I talked directly to the clubs President, first. Some, unexpected "twists". Plus my other Social Media Accounts(
), and my new YouTube channel.
Longer, story short....
I, just turned 41....I Started flying at 7 years old.....
So today after shoveling "our", sidewalI'm working on sorting all my low/mid/high power things. "Today", its a "State of Emergency', temporarily...Here in Milton,
More text/pics as I'm moving forward, I have a few to get done too for LDRS, this year. My very first one, I was also approved for full time disability, in Pennsylvania..
.Then I will add text/pictures, like always on ALL of my threads.Now, "Michael's Rocketry". Will be making a soft "opening", probably at "LDRS-42"...@ URRG, in New York. We're I will personally be learning as an "L1", so after Larry found me a spot to try out, until I learn their ways...
I'll be on High Power Pad One, and learning the "ropes", to help assist any or all with BFR Setup's/Recovery. Its to help out with "Education".
Michael, B....
"Can" idea, I own all Patent Rights, to any and all parts im making to assist me 2irh my physical disabilities...