Starlight Mini: Anyone here used this flight computer?

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Yes, it came while I was away helping with the tARC finals. This was after the initial order was canceled (apparently there was some kind of build error in the first batch of boards he got) and then I re-ordered when he emailed to say they were available.

I have to decide how to proceed with it since its power connector has the opposite polarity of my cells and chargers. Somewhere I need to make a reversing adapter. It's easy to swap the pins in a cell's plug, but then I won't be able to charge it or use it with my Eggfinder IONs (which I built to be compatible with my existing cells and chargers by putting the power socket on the board the other way 'round from how Cris' documentation calls for).

Marcelo has been responsive to my questions and comments so far. I am a little disturbed about his comment in his post above that the thing is designed to be powered up while the rocket is on the pad, which is pretty awkward operationally at least for models like I like to fly. The device will fit in a BT-50 tube, and I think it still will with the cell plugged in to power it. But it would be a pain to put, say, the Nova Payloader on the pad with the nose cone off, power the thing up and slide it down into the payload section without jostling it too much, putting the nose cone on and securing it, then flying.

It does say this clearly in the manual, such as it is: "WARNING: DO NOT BOOT THE BOARD IN FLIGHT MODE UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO FLY AND THE BOARD IS POSITIONED IN THE ROCKET TO AVOID FALSE DETECTIONS." So it's not a secret. It's just not the way I'd prefer to do it.

I'm also wrestling with the requirement for Java 17 for his Mission Control Software as that version is not the version that is part of MacOS. But I did get the software running on the little Windows 10 ThinkPad that I take to the field for use with altimeters and such, so I can play with the software as soon as I decide where to insert a polarity-reversing adapter in my "altimeter infrastructure" or remove the power socket from the Starlight Mini and put it back on the other way around. I'd rather not do that, yet, so I see making a reversing adapter in my future....probably later today.

How's that for a long answer to a short question?
Good! I was wondering, it’s good to see that the customer service is really good.
Yes, it came while I was away helping with the tARC finals. This was after the initial order was canceled (apparently there was some kind of build error in the first batch of boards he got) and then I re-ordered when he emailed to say they were available.

I have to decide how to proceed with it since its power connector has the opposite polarity of my cells and chargers. Somewhere I need to make a reversing adapter. It's easy to swap the pins in a cell's plug, but then I won't be able to charge it or use it with my Eggfinder IONs (which I built to be compatible with my existing cells and chargers by putting the power socket on the board the other way 'round from how Cris' documentation calls for).

Marcelo has been responsive to my questions and comments so far. I am a little disturbed about his comment in his post above that the thing is designed to be powered up while the rocket is on the pad, which is pretty awkward operationally at least for models like I like to fly. The device will fit in a BT-50 tube, and I think it still will with the cell plugged in to power it. But it would be a pain to put, say, the Nova Payloader on the pad with the nose cone off, power the thing up and slide it down into the payload section without jostling it too much, putting the nose cone on and securing it, then flying.

It does say this clearly in the manual, such as it is: "WARNING: DO NOT BOOT THE BOARD IN FLIGHT MODE UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO FLY AND THE BOARD IS POSITIONED IN THE ROCKET TO AVOID FALSE DETECTIONS." So it's not a secret. It's just not the way I'd prefer to do it.

I'm also wrestling with the requirement for Java 17 for his Mission Control Software as that version is not the version that is part of MacOS. But I did get the software running on the little Windows 10 ThinkPad that I take to the field for use with altimeters and such, so I can play with the software as soon as I decide where to insert a polarity-reversing adapter in my "altimeter infrastructure" or remove the power socket from the Starlight Mini and put it back on the other way around. I'd rather not do that, yet, so I see making a reversing adapter in my future....probably later today.

How's that for a long answer to a short question?

If you have a soldering iron, it would be no sweat to swap the polarity of the connector on STARLIGHT MINI - I honestly might add an option to choose what polarity the connector should be soldered on (or an option to leave it un-soldered). If you aren't comfortable soldering it yourself, feel free to ship the board back and I'll re-solder it for you. Shipping on me =)

Apologies about the Java 17 requirement. I have been looking into designing a webapp for STARLIGHT & STARLIGHT MINI, but it wouldn't work well on the field as it would need internet access.

I agree that the boot-up sequence isn't amazing, and I would love feedback on a better software-based system. I only had space for one LED on the board & no other interactables (buttons, switches) on the board, so I'm not really sure how else I would do a start up sequence.. If you have any ideas, please let me know!
If you have a soldering iron, it would be no sweat to swap the polarity of the connector on STARLIGHT MINI - I honestly might add an option to choose what polarity the connector should be soldered on (or an option to leave it un-soldered). If you aren't comfortable soldering it yourself, feel free to ship the board back and I'll re-solder it for you. Shipping on me =)
Yeah, I can do it. Now that you're encouraging me to do so, I might just go ahead and do it. It will be so much simpler than making and wrangling adapters. Don't ask me about all the fun there was around the various different balance plugs used on LiPoly batteries when they first started being used for RC applications. What a mess that was!
I agree that the boot-up sequence isn't amazing, and I would love feedback on a better software-based system. I only had space for one LED on the board & no other interactables (buttons, switches) on the board, so I'm not really sure how else I would do a start up sequence.. If you have any ideas, please let me know!
Well, from my knothole, having not yet tried to use it, it seems that implementing a configurable period during which it's not looking for pressure changes or that 1.5 Gs that would allow for power up, installation in the model, and then putting it on the pad would work. Every other altimeter I have used has either a delay like this or can be commanded to be "flight ready" remotely via Bluetooth (AltimeterThree, FlightSketch) or WiFi (Eggtimer stuff). Making such a delay long enough to not only put it in the model and button it up but also get the model on the pad might be problematic for any use case besides flying on one's own, though since the time frames can be so variable at an organized launch.

AltimeterTwo uses its accelerometer for launch detect, and there is a caution in the manual about not dropping your rocket putting it on the pad, but it's never been an issue for me to get false launch detections using those devices. I believe that FlightSketch uses a combination of accelerometer and a pressure threshold (I'll have to dig through my emails to find the specifics) for launch detection. But of course those don't get into "flight ready" mode until commanded from the phone/tablet app.
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Yeah, I've thought about that use, as well as using it for composite second stage ignition in the LPR/MPR context. But first I have to fly it as an altimeter. It looks like later this week I may finally get to.
Quick update: I've flown mine three times. I'm working with Marcelo on some interesting things I found. He's already fixed one pretty significant bug in the Debrief function (with which you visualize and save the flight's data).

It's a work in progress, but work is being done. Considering his school work and such right now, that's pretty impressive, actually.