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now a simple silly thread about password get so foul it has to deleted.

Very disappointed.

I've seen this too shrox...a while back I started a seemingly innocent thread on something, I don't even remember what, but the the next day I went back to check on it and it was gone with a message about it turnning bad. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how such a thread coud have turned ugly.

Oh well.. C'est la vie
I carry a lot of weight in the model rocket world,

Maybe you should/could explain further how the weight carry thingy gives you special privilege to throw it around as you apparently believe?:eyeroll: Not trying to be rude, mind you.:lol:
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Maybe you should/could explain further how the weight carry thingy gives you special privilege to throw it around as you apparently believe?:eyeroll: Not trying to be rude, mind you.:lol:

Because I am funny.
Ive been on a number of forums and kicked off of most of them. For the most part me and moderators do not get a long very well. The moderators here are fine I haven't had or seen any issues with them yet. But that's another topic.

As for rude people the best way to deal it is to just laugh at it. Don't take them seriously and the rude people away fairly quickly.

You have to have fairly thick skin on the Internet. There are a lot of people with low self esteem on here in general. Basically the low self esteem types go around insulting others or being rude via belittling others to try and make up for their lack of self esteem.

Then there is the fact that many people in today's society believe they are.. Basically gods gift to the world. They are always right and they aren't here for discussions or debates. They are here to tell you that their beliefs and opinions are correct and you're a moron for even wanting to talk about it.

I wouldn't leave the forum. There are still a lot of great people here with good information capable of civil discussions. Just ignore the others.

Well said DV. I've seen thing's go bad on other forums too, and yes you have to have thick skin, but there are many that don't. When it come's to politic's, religion, health, taxes, government, morality, ethics, every one has thier own set of beliefs. As for the truth on these subjects, the truth is out there for any one to find, and one may have to come to the conclusion that what they hold dear may be wrong, I've experienced this and have been through it and I can say it's a very hard thing to do, no one want's to admit they're wrong. Comming to the truth on any subject is a personal thing, it has to be done on a personal level.

I've learned I'm not going to convince anyone and they aren't going to convince me, so I'm not going to waist my time argueing with any one, *especially* some one I don't even know. If you don't like a thread, it's simple, *don't click on it*.

The sad thing I've seen here is a thread where there are alot of people agreeing on a sublect, having a good time talking and posting pictures then one or two whiners will come on and just because they don't like the subject being discussed they piss and moan about it untill the whole thread get's deleted. But thats the way it is in life, it only takes one or two to ruin things for every one, or the same one or two who want to impose their set of self righteous beliefs on others.

Like I stated earlier, if one doesn't like the topic of a thread then ignore's just that simple!
Because I am funny.

"he's a funny kinda guy..."

"What do you mean funny?"

"like funny? Ha Ha?"

" No like funny; you know.":horse:

I forget what this is from, but dude your killing me, I can almost breath again. :rofl:

The anonymity of the web, and the distance of web lends itself to popping off. People seem to be even more rude in person as well, mostly among the younger, I've got something to prove crowd. I should say the "To stupid to even realize they are being rude" crowd, and it is an ever growing crowd. I hold my tongue, a lot! As I never know if the person is one brick shorter than I am. :bangbang:
"he's a funny kinda guy..."

"What do you mean funny?"

"like funny? Ha Ha?"

" No like funny; you know.":horse:

I forget what this is from, but dude your killing me, I can almost breath again. :rofl:

The anonymity of the web, and the distance of web lends itself to popping off. People seem to be even more rude in person as well, mostly among the younger, I've got something to prove crowd. I should say the "To stupid to even realize they are being rude" crowd, and it is an ever growing crowd. I hold my tongue, a lot! As I never know if the person is one brick shorter than I am. :bangbang:

Funny bizarre.
I agree with the first post. Some people can really be rude. Some more than others, but there are a few individual I have not heard a single bad word out of, like Layne Pemberton, Qquake, Grouch, and quite a few others.

This is my observation, but a lot of the heat goes to us youngins. Someone prove me wrong?

I often get impatient when people ask things I think are obvious. I have made a few impertinent posts in my time here (three I can remember). Luckily, despite my relative “youngin'ness" and my 5-post-a-day record, I have never been on the receiving end of any of this criticism.

In my opinion, if you were to determine who got “the heat" it would be mostly those who at least somewhat deserve it for not doing their research before asking questions, a category which seems to coincide with youth. This includes the people planning moon shots, liquid nitrogen/hot water liquid engines, and quite frankly, two stage level 2 rockets planned before having even seen an AP motor. However, one can earn respect through showing good work and making helpful comments, a perfect example of which can be found in what aksrockets does on the forums.

I do have to give some respect to blackbrandt for taking the heat and learning from it, as we all hoped he would on our own sides of our computers. However, the ends do not justify the means, and adult sarcasm is surprisingly often lost on the kids, so we should all take pains to imagine ourselves receiving the messages we write before posting then.

If we can all do that then I imagine the forum would become a much nicer place even for wayward, misguided souls.

As a side note: one situation in which I personally discriminate by age a little is typos. I understand people less accustomed to computers making mistakes, but anyone in my generation or later ought to have the capability to type without frequent errors, and my opinions of them are often influenced by such.
Hey if bb can take it and is still here there's no reason anyone should leave:eyepop:...Shrox your still not getting my password tho:lol:
As others have said, if you wouldn't say the same thing to someone's face you probably shouldn't post it here. Just a few weeks ago we were patting ourselves on the back saying how friendly we were on this forum.

One thing I have noticed is that the first few responses can set the tone of the discussion. If the first few people are nice the posts tend to be nice. If they are nasty then people pile on. I started a thread quite a while ago and the first few people were very critical of it. Then people just piled on and almost everyone got nasty. A few months later someone else posted a similar idea and the tone was much nicer.
Show us your cowbell!

It's not one thread, it's behavior of others. I started a harmless fun thread that somehow became so foul it had to be deleted before I could even return to it this morning!

I wanted to hear someone and their plans, but even when I asked others to be quiet so that I and those interested could hear, they literally acted like pouty children and kept interfering with what I wanted to hear.

I carry a lot of weight in the model rocket world, a recent thread by another pretty much proves that. I can cite a dozen webpages that people have made celebrating my work. So I am going to throw my weight around now with this demand:

Be nice please.

It's kind of ironic that the person you wanted to hear from in that other thread is the very one who so polluted your own password thread that it had to be deleted. I read the password thread after it was fouled and before it was removed, I think you'd be less anxious to hear from this fellow if you'd seen what he has to contribute. If you end up quitting TRF as a consequence of all this that would be even more ironic. I hope you'll stick around, a little bit of irony goes a long way.

Disclaimer: I am nobody in the model rocket world, just a guy who likes them. My words carry no weight beyond whatever force of reason they merit and may be summarily ignored. It is not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings with my comments and so I will end with this: puppy.

I belive in "Treat others the way you want to be treated". End of story!
Disclaimer: I am nobody in the model rocket world, just a guy who likes them. My words carry no weight beyond whatever force of reason they merit and may be summarily ignored. It is not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings with my comments and so I will end with this: puppy.


But what if I like kitties more?! :cry: :cry: :cry:


One problem with this form of communication is that you can not see the persons body/attitude, inflection in ones voice, leaving out a key word/punctuation, etc. This can lead to missunderstandings. And yes, I have seen outright rude posts, that are rude just for the sake of being rude. Most of the time I adhere to the rule: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.
One problem with this form of communication is that you can not see the persons body/attitude, inflection in ones voice, leaving out a key word/punctuation, etc. This can lead to missunderstandings. And yes, I have seen outright rude posts, that are rude just for the sake of being rude. Most of the time I adhere to the rule: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.

Considering your post count,... you seem to hold your tongue a lot!! :wink:
One problem with this form of communication is that you can not see the persons body/attitude, inflection in ones voice, leaving out a key word/punctuation, etc. This can lead to missunderstandings. And yes, I have seen outright rude posts, that are rude just for the sake of being rude. Most of the time I adhere to the rule: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.

Related to that, you see people who think that putting a smilie behind something somehow makes a rude remark "okay".

My mom used to say "if you can't say something nice, say something vague."

But what if I like kitties more?! :cry: :cry: :cry:

On behalf of our client we'd like to extend a sincere apology to cat-owners and cat-lovers everywhere who may have felt excluded by the canine focus of his earlier address. We assure you that this unfortunate omission is not indicative of any notions of canine superiority or of any feelings of enmity toward felines in general. In fact our client has a proud history of appreciation of cats in popular culture, he will admit to having seen the Garfield movie and has been known to linger longest upon the kitten posters on the ceiling of his dentist's office, though recollection of the latter is arguably clouded by anesthetics. It is our great hope that puppies and kittens may one day lay down their paws and unite in a common service, and so may we forward the cause of cuteness for all.
On behalf of our client we'd like to extend a sincere apology to cat-owners and cat-lovers everywhere who may have felt excluded by the canine focus of his earlier address. We assure you that this unfortunate omission is not indicative of any notions of canine superiority or of any feelings of enmity toward felines in general. In fact our client has a proud history of appreciation of cats in popular culture, he will admit to having seen the Garfield movie and has been known to linger longest upon the kitten posters on the ceiling of his dentist's office, though recollection of the latter is arguably clouded by anesthetics. It is our great hope that puppies and kittens may one day lay down their paws and unite in a common service, and so may we forward the cause of cuteness for all.

My mom used to say "if you can't say something nice, say something vague."

I learned more about you from that one quote, than all of the others combined. It is one thing to parry, quite another to parry with style. It somewhat reminds me of the dual of the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya, but I digress.

And for that reason, alone, I think you need to stick around. Not even counting the creative contribution to rocketry design.


One problem with this form of communication is that you can not see the persons body/attitude, inflection in ones voice, leaving out a key word/punctuation, etc. This can lead to missunderstandings. And yes, I have seen outright rude posts, that are rude just for the sake of being rude. Most of the time I adhere to the rule: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.

I learned more about you from that one quote, than all of the others combined. It is one thing to parry, quite another to parry with style. It somewhat reminds me of the dual of the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya, but I digress.

And for that reason, alone, I think you need to stick around. Not even counting the creative contribution to rocketry design.



" I know something you don't know... I am not left handed".......

I was asked to be a moderator here once, does that mean I'm somebody? I'm sorry, what was the question?
I like to use stylized latin for my passwords at work. We can't use english words because the filters will kick them out, but the filters don't know latin...ta da!

And yes - Shrox is kind of a big deal. Before him, most people thought ping pong balls were just for ping pong...

And, in closing, I'd like to paraphrase a great comedian...Tim Baddour..."From [my world] where the introverts look at their shoes, and the extroverts look at YOUR shoes..." have a good day!
Related to that, you see people who think that putting a smilie behind something somehow makes a rude remark "okay".


Thes is why I never use the cookie-cutter emoticons available from the forum. They're easily misinterpreted.
I learned more about you from that one quote, than all of the others combined. It is one thing to parry, quite another to parry with style. It somewhat reminds me of the dual of the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya, but I digress.

And for that reason, alone, I think you need to stick around. Not even counting the creative contribution to rocketry design.



I was the Dread Pirate Roberts for Halloween! That's because the Dread Pirate Douglas sounds about as scary as the Dread Pirate Westley.