Wildman's Black Saturday Sale

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Guess my latest "WOW" has been my recently acquired Loki 54/2800. Still look at it and smile :grin:

After you play with that, you need their 54/4000 -- it's almost 4 feet long!

I was floored, the first time I saw one.

well another week in the books here.
One UPS pick up and one run to the UPS depot Friday trying to get as many out before Christmas as possible.
Just when I was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel my wife brought out the CTI folder and told me the next CTI shipment should be here on Monday.
It's only 3 pallets and no 98mm reloads in this one.
So Monday will be a busy day here.
We are trying to get e-mail notifications all of the orders that were placed on the website first if you placed your order over the phone you probably won't receive an e-mail from UPS.

I want to thank everybody who participated in the Black Saturday sale once again and hope you all enjoy your purchases.
We look forward to see you all as regular customers for months and years to come.
You can describe to someone that a 98/6GXL is 4 feet long and 4 inches in diameter, but when they actually see it, in person they are absolutely stunned by how absolutely enormous it is.

I sure was when I first saw the flying sewer pipe.
The least you can use is two thirds.

I meant half the set, not half a case. :)

The CTI 75MM set I ordered includes two cases, a 3G and a 6G, and spacers. I can't use the lager case ... yet.

-- Roger
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Glad I got my stuff already, considering what the Packers just did to the Bears...
I am sorry to report that they won't be here until after the holidays.


Actually not really surprised....Jeroen showed me the "Bunker" at CTI last week and it was looking kind of low on propellant.....The three girls in the shipping department were very busy and, Bob was out back stirring more cookie dough!:tongue:
Actually not really surprised....Jeroen showed me the "Bunker" at CTI last week and it was looking kind of low on propellant.....The three girls in the shipping department were very busy and, Bob was out back stirring more cookie dough!:tongue:

I think we should ship those fine folks a big 'ol batch of cookies, and other goodies! :)

I think we should ship those fine folks a big 'ol batch of cookies, and other goodies! :)


Good idea Kevin!;) It's all these guys ordering the Pro-24/29/38/54mm stuff that's killing my order of (5) 98 6XL "N" reloads and, (3) 98 6XL "O" reloads.....:lol:

"Well Kemosabe....why do you have to fly the big magic stick all the time hmmmmmm........?:no: Can't the 'Terrorizer of the Ranger' fly little sticks like everyone else.....just be happy?":confused:

I had a misspent youth......I'm working real hard too catch up.......

If i didn't have such deep roots down here.....i'd work on a resume.....apply for dual citizenship with Canada and, try to get my foot in the door at CTI as an apprentice mix-master.....:rolleyes:
That would be quite an education working for/with Jeroen and Bob......Yah, shure dah hey!!;)
That mean UPS truck popped by our house...I ran out there like a monkey on caffeine...
That mean UPS truck popped by our house...I ran out there like a monkey on caffeine...

The same happen to me today :( I ran outside when I saw the big brown truck, but he said he did not have a package for me. I told him I was expecting something today and he said they split the route and its all messed up :mad: Oh well day is not over and I am still sitting here waiting for my Darkstar
They are coming one and all -thanks team Wildman!

Got my DARKSTAR 3", Darkstar Jr., Vindicator Jr and Eagle Claw Mini today.
Awesome looking, I now have a lot of glass tubing to play with over the next few months.

They are each special in their own right, but the Mini Eagle Claw and the Black Darkstar 3" are truly unique. Love the bowtail on the claw and the metal tipped nose cone on the Darkstar... wow.

Now... what do do about an engine retainer on the mini eagle claw....
Got my stuff on Thursday, was missing an Eagle Claw Mini... Called Tim today and It's already on its way to me. THANKS TIM!!!!!

as for engine retention on the Mini Claw I vote Tape!!
Got my stuff on Thursday, was missing an Eagle Claw Mini... Called Tim today and It's already on its way to me. THANKS TIM!!!!!

as for engine retention on the Mini Claw I vote Tape!!

I know that some people will grumble about the lost art of friction fit but our field is getting much stricter about requiring retainers for HP motors. Lawn equipment + metal motor case is not a good combo. We would hate to lose the field over that!

I think that the slimline is a good option assuming someone has the patience to open up the boattail for it.
So UPS came back at 8PM and dropped off my Darkstar :cool: Thank you Wildman and my good friend Wayne who helped me order it. So far I have gotten two orders from Wildman, and I am very happy.
So UPS came back at 8PM and dropped off my Darkstar :cool: Thank you Wildman and my good friend Wayne who helped me order it. So far I have gotten two orders from Wildman, and I am very happy.

It' just not fair! I get up at Odark30 to get in on the good deals, you sleep in and still get your rocket before me! Some guys have all the luck....
I'm happy for you though, once you figure out some the tricks putting it together this week, you can come and share them with us. Let me know what time you will be showing up Sunday, Sharon needs a little prep time.....
Any plans to put up build directions for 3" Black Dark Star, or the 5" Jart?

I always ask myself why people insist on directions. I'm NOT trying to be rude, even if it may sound like it. The 5" Jart comes with 10 parts. Motor tube, 2 centering rings, 3 fins, body tube, nosecone coupler, nosecone bulkhead, nosecone. It really isn't difficult.
Add recovery attachment points and go fly.

Maybe the instructions will include how to add dual deploy, but anything but gluing the parts together will require extra parts. Clean the parts, sand the parts before bonding, use your favorite epoxy, done. You could do the whole leave the centering ring off and do massive fillets everywhere step, but IMO they are unnecessary.

For the 3" follow BlackJacks thread, looks like it will be good.


Edit: Good catch on the terrible typo UncleVanya
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Yay!!! Got a big box today!!!
The UPS truck pulls in out front, and I sprint out there (again) like a monkey on caffeine. He opens the door, and hands me a box that is my heaviest order ever!!!

One problem...
My parents won't let me open it till Christmas!!!!


(PS, box has been tucked in, flip the screen for a better look)
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I am so jealous right now... No box and no tracking number yet. :drool:

No worries. I know everything I ordered will show up. Eventually.
I am so jealous right now... No box and no tracking number yet. :drool:

No worries. I know everything I ordered will show up. Eventually.

Tim won't even receive my "main" item until after January, and odds are I won't see it until April, or June....

It' just not fair! I get up at Odark30 to get in on the good deals, you sleep in and still get your rocket before me! Some guys have all the luck....
I'm happy for you though, once you figure out some the tricks putting it together this week, you can come and share them with us. Let me know what time you will be showing up Sunday, Sharon needs a little prep time.....

The waiting is all . . . <assuming half lotus position, starting meditation>
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