What did you do rocket wise today?

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Threw a rocket birthday party for my (now) 4-year-old. The Piñata rocket was a failure (the candy failed to come out at ejection) but enough backup candy on the ground made up for it. Between 4 rocket-flying families and spectators, we must have flown about 20 LPR rockets. Best birthday party ever!

Photos coming.

Put the first coat of filler primer on a Launch Pad Anubis.

Finaly got out with the family and put up a few birds.We took with us: Estes EPM 010,Estes Fletcher,Estes Photon Disruptor,Estes Comanche 3 (single stage only).
Quest Area 51 saucer.Odd'l Rockets Squatty Body. Semroc Moon Glo.Starlight Derecho.Sunward Mercury Lander JR and last but not least a Sunward Daddy Long Legs.
All filghts were good with only slight damage to the Moon Glo after it landed in the parking lot.
The only rocket that didn't come home was the Photon Disruptor-Flight 2 on a C-6-5 saw it land in the top of a tree:sad:
Twelve launches and only one loss not bad I've had much worse days.
All in all it was nice to just get out in the field and push a launch button.
Finally got started on my Estes Nike Smoke (build thread in MPR).

Installed rail buttons and finished up the fillets on my Mini Eagle Claw.

Downloaded the latest OpenRocket version, and played around with it.
Finished gluing on the fins and fillets for Gen's Baby Bertha.

Made Genevieve's Baby Bertha all purdy and shiny on the newest OpenRocket. She likes!
Read forums. (Surprise!) Cleaned up a box full of MicroMaxx rockets and motors for my nephew's birthday present. (Hook 'em young.) And read up on chute design and sewing. I may get to the local fabric store this afternoon for some ripstop.
Finished construction on a TLP BOLO, my first Launch Pad build experience. Now on to sanding and primer. Anyone ever seen an actual picture of one of these? Also built a new bottom section for my Dr. Zooch Discoverer Thor to replace the one I lost four years ago. It floated off when the C6-5 ejection charge snapped the sewing elastic shock cord. (Not my fault. I was trying not to be a squirming hatch-blower.) The important part was recovered, but the lower section floated out deep into the weeds, and despite a long search, I never found it. Lastly I replaced the fin on an Estes Rascal upscale that blew off the stand in my paint booth and shattered. I tried to piece it back together, but it just looked terrible, so I cut it off and cut out another one.Dr. Zooch Discoverer Thor.jpgTLP BOLO.jpg
Sanded the fillets on my MkIII. I think I will try to get the 2nd set done tonight.
  • Posted Launch Report on TRF (here is the link)
  • Removed the damaged sections of the Astrobee-D. I guess now its an Astrobee-D-lite... which works on many levels. :wink:
  • Washed the FG parts of the Formula 75.
  • Cleaned the Archetype Cutters I used yesterday and prepped them with new Q2G2s hot glued into the caps (no Black Powder of course).
  • Cleaned the 24mm casing I forgot to take out of the The Launch Pad Hawk from yesterdays launch :bangpan::bangpan:
  • Put Bondo Spot Putty on the deep spirals of the GLR T-Bolt.
  • Re-read the Flis Rose-A-Roc instructions getting ready to begin.

Cut The Queen of the Universe's Mega Pink Max's zipper out, got replacement BT section sized and primered. Also got the Hornet's replacement fin attached. Once the repairs are complete, going to commit to finishing TQOTU's upscale Phoenix Bird "Bluefin."


Tried to paint my Apogee Aspire today. The goal was a gloss fluorescent pink for high visibility. I rushed a bit through the various coats though and ended up with a little crazing. I'm hoping its nothing a little sanding and more careful reapplication can't fix. :)

Jim Z
Talked on the phone with a couple Tripoli Directors, bounced emails with a couple NAR Trustees, bounced emails with the SLI volunteer team, and worked on my Wildman two stager.

Oh, and for those keeping score, I also worked on the bathroom.

built a quest tracer with my almost-five-year-old and started filling the spirals on the tubes destined to be a ventris.

ment to post this on Friday: helped run 3 build sessions for 6th graders participating in a STEM day at a local college.
well it wasnt today, but saturday I applied Fix-It fillets to the MDRM, now comes sanding, then primering. Not getting anything done tonight, Getting my Third Degree at the Lodge! MDRM will have to wait until tomorrow for more work!
Placed an order with BRS Hobbies for supplies to build the three motor version of the Fantasy rocket.
This weekend my Onyx came in ballistic. :( Charge blew, NC didn't. Today, I started repairs with a payload section I had. (and fed it some blood via xacto.)
caught up on TRF threads - this one mostly. worked on my Home Automation System - the speech recognition for the most part. received my arduino shield for the launch controller and telemetry receiver, along with the rest of my BNC plugs and jacks. got more relays. still waiting on the GPS, and i still haven't finished my big antenna.
Sanded the crap outta some fillets. Still need some work. Might get set #3 on tonight.
Got my TeleBT in the mail today, and started figuring out how it all works.


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