What did you do rocket wise today?

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Considered buying a Loki 38/240 case. I have a ton of rockets that it can be used in...and no slim lines.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

Cool. Your Redstone, or something else?


I thought I remembered you saying you wanted a huge Pegasus from way back when. And sorry, nope. Something secret :dark:
Nope. Closest guess, so far, was the Bomarc, but it's not a Bomarc.

<shaking my head> Anybody who has the slightest insight into Kevin's world would know that this rocket starts with a "P". I could be wrong, but at the same time don't want to just give it away if I am right, not that it matters. Actually I'm jealous, I want one as well, but I am not craftsman enough to do it justice

Edit: Dang it, Mason jumped in while I was typing....
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Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

Cool. Your Redstone, or something else?


Oh wow!!! Pegasus... I can't believe I didn't think of that :facepalm::facepalm: I really like that little (depends on what you compare it to) rocket! Ahhhhh!... now I want to build one. :dark:
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I thought I remembered you saying you wanted a huge Pegasus from way back when.

Excellent memory, Mason! Yes, I have made mention of it, in the past.

<shaking my head> Anybody who has the slightest insight into Kevin's world would know that this rocket starts with a "P". I could be wrong, but at the same time don't want to just give it away if I am right, not that it matters. Actually I'm jealous, I want one as well, but I am not craftsman enough to do it justice

To be honest, the biggest challenge is the dimensions. Finding them has not been easy, and I have a tremendous amount of interpolation to do. Not to mention figuring out exactly how I'm going to build that wing. I did find a 2' x 4' sheet of Nomex honeycomb panel, which will be the core.

Oh wow!!! Pegasus... I can't believe I didn't think of that :facepalm::facepalm: I really like that little (depends on what you compare it to) rocket! Ahhhhh!... now I want to build one.

This one is 6" diameter, and close to 6 feet in length. I wanted to do an 8", but the wing ends up too darned big to be manageable, in terms of storage and hauling.

I had a day off so I made my parts list, av bay design, flight sim data, and rocket stability diagram for my Ultimate Darkstar.
I just emailed them to my TAP advisor for approval so I can start building.
First day of spring break, so I got done with the ground testing on the Darkstar. Got an Interceptor E in the mail. I think that will need a 29mm mount in it. Going to help run concessions at the soccer game to pay for Rocket Club expenses. Might cut out some larger Nomex for the rocket later tonight. Work area will probably get cleaned tomorrow.
Made a list and did a ton of price checking for my first scratch rocket. all that's left is to buy it all.. cant wait to get a job...
Glued the motor mount, the forward bulkhead, and one fin into one of the two to-be-L2300-powered rockets.
Glued a fin on.

Just got home from work and started sanding on the 20 mill project--gonna settle in to a glass of vino and complete my order to sandman for the tip pods in a bit
Recived my order from Sirius this afternoon:D Two TLP kits (Indigo and Anubis) a Fliskits Journeyman and some AT E-20-4 SU motors.

This was my first order with Sirius and will not be my last.

Another great rocketry company with excelent customer service.:clap:

Also did a little work on the BSV fin assembly.
I started building an Estes Curvilinear that my fiancee got me awhile back. Cool little fat rocket.

It's the first rocket kit I touched in weeks. Working overnight shifts tend to make you lazy.:wink:
Tried desperately to find the answer to the decaling questions about the 1971 Estes Astron Omega/Cineroc. Failed miserably so far.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
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Finished the paint on the AT Arreaux, started the paint on Sharon's SQUAT! Glued the launch lug on my scratch built clone of the Dyna-star Rip-roar. Guess that means it's ready for paint......
Started sewing up some Nomex pads for my buddy Juan, used up most of my material so I made another order with Pegasus Racing to the tune of $70. I don't think I'm making any money on these, but I get to make them custom fit our rockets.
Started working on my new rocket website I set up last night (in sig)

Lots of work to go on it though. I just figured folks were bored with my rocket stuff on my main website and wanted an area where I can post every rocket related adventure. Using a clone of my other sites, so it needs some adjusting.....

But I have no time for that now because I have tomorrow off and I am going a launching. Going to build up some reloads and shot 4 rockets a bunch of times. 9MPH winds and 60 degrees F expected.
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Worked more on the 1b, buggered up a wrap, just placed an order with Semroc for a replacement. Pretty cool that they offer all their parts separately, and as standard items!

Thought about the Pegasus, but didn't do anything beyond that.

Talked to some folks about SLI plans.

Assembled and installed the MMT for Mega Der Red Max. And...while I waited for epoxy to cure, I built an entire Estes Jetliner.

Also, I went dumpster diving for the box from Wildman (see post #1008). I realized I had not found the copperheads among the packing peanuts.
To get back to the original question, after a long and extra-snowy Canadian winter, today was a gem. The only new rocket I've added over the off season was a Dr Zooch Saturn V, and after work on this particularly nice day and getting my 5yo daughter back on her bike, I realized that there was no wind at all.

When I looked at my kids and said "Who wants to go shoot some rockets?" they almost exploded in happiness, and I couldn't pack the wadding and engines fast enough for our walk over to the park.

And one after the other, Bertha, Red Max, Mosquito, and Saturn V, etc, they all went straight up as needles and landed practically right back on the pad. After losing so many in the trees last year, it was a perfect start. I even caught most of them.

The kids loved it. Today was awesome. Thank you model rockets for the memory with my kids today, that's what it's all about.

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