What did you do rocket wise today?

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I found a can of gloss clear spray Rusto in my garage. Since I just finished a Bullpup and Black Brant with lots of decals I thought about spraying them with clear but I've seen horror stories of problems doing that. I made up a paint sample using the Ace hardware black and white and I'm going to spray the gloss clear over it to see how it reacts.
I found a can of gloss clear spray Rusto in my garage. Since I just finished a Bullpup and Black Brant with lots of decals I thought about spraying them with clear but I've seen horror stories of problems doing that. I made up a paint sample using the Ace hardware black and white and I'm going to spray the gloss clear over it to see how it reacts.
I had a traumatic experience with a problem like that with one of my very first plastic models. The nose of the F-4 became very soft and squishy when painted black. Sigh. That was right up there with the cheesy little plastic A6M kit my dad bought me that turned out to have two right wings. (or left, maybe?) Come to think of it, it was worse because what happened with the F4 was my fault and I should have known better.

I also had a similar paint problem with my Sprite, which developed acne when I used two incompatible coatings. I was sufficiently embarrassed that I never flew it and it is now lost to time.
Participated in setup for NYPOWER, and rediscovered that I'm an over the hill fat guy. Drank fluids during the effort, but not nearly enough. Still thought I was OK. In a break before the last task of the day, I laid myself down on the grass in the shade of my popup and a nice breeze. When I stood up I became dizzy an slightly feint. Sorry folks, I'm done. Went to a store (I wasn't driving) where I drank a liter of water and a 20 ounce bottle of electrolyte drink. Had a nice cool shower, and admitted to myself that the rocket I've been telling myself I'll finish up tonight and tomorrow night and fly Sunday is almost certainly not going to happen, and I'm still kidding myself by typing "almost".
Dehydration is nothing to mess with. When I was younger, I would sometimes do a whole bunch of things outside when it was hot. I could go through more than a gallon of water.

Feeling dizzy and faint after getting up suddenly isn't always a warning of disaster. Particularly if you are taking certain medications. Or even if not. I remember crouching down and picking strawberries on a sunny day that wasn't all that hot. When I stood up, I fainted for a moment, and found myself crouched down again. At the time I was a teenager and in pretty good shape. I could probably have run a few miles, but not if I got up that fast.
Laid down a coat of KBS DiamondFinish Clear on my LOC 4" Goblin. Though I had until 2pm before it rained. At a quarter of two, I looked outside and had to run go grab the Goblin in out of the rain!

Didn't seem to bother the DiamondFinish, as KBS says it cures faster in humid weather. Don't notice any bubbles, so hopefully I'm good. Tomorrow, I'll see about doing some finish sanding on it to smooth out the runs, etc. Time to pull out my nib file.
I built 10 rocket assembly stands (rocket cradles?) ready for the first "Build a Rocket" session on Monday.

Also finished off the launch stand with some donated 3mm thick stainless steel blast deflectors and finished wiring up the remote relay 4 channel launch controller. Nothing fancy, just functional with enough buttons and switches to keep the kids entertained. Photo was before the 2nd spring terminal block was wired in.


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Participated in setup for NYPOWER, and rediscovered that I'm an over the hill fat guy. Drank fluids during the effort, but not nearly enough. Still thought I was OK. In a break before the last task of the day, I laid myself down on the grass in the shade of my popup and a nice breeze. When I stood up I became dizzy a slightly feint. Sorry folks, I'm done. Went to a store (I wasn't driving) where I drank a liter of water and a 20 ounce bottle of electrolyte drink. Had a nice cool shower, and admitted to myself that the rocket I've been telling myself I'll finish up tonight and tomorrow night and fly Sunday is almost certainly not going to happen, and I'm still kidding myself by typing "almost".
Be careful, to much water quickly can do a number on your liver!!
Dehydration is nothing to mess with. When I was younger, I would sometimes do a whole bunch of things outside when it was hot. I could go through more than a gallon of water.

Feeling dizzy and faint after getting up suddenly isn't always a warning of disaster. Particularly if you are taking certain medications. Or even if not. I remember crouching down and picking strawberries on a sunny day that wasn't all that hot. When I stood up, I fainted for a moment, and found myself crouched down again. At the time I was a teenager and in pretty good shape. I could probably have run a few miles, but not if I got up that fast.
Did I say I got up fast? I got up and had a moment of dizziness. Then I walked a few yards, toks an ample breath to call for someone, and that's when I felt dizzy and feint.
Participated in setup for NYPOWER, and rediscovered that I'm an over the hill fat guy. Drank fluids during the effort, but not nearly enough. Still thought I was OK. In a break before the last task of the day, I laid myself down on the grass in the shade of my popup and a nice breeze. When I stood up I became dizzy an slightly feint. Sorry folks, I'm done. Went to a store (I wasn't driving) where I drank a liter of water and a 20 ounce bottle of electrolyte drink. Had a nice cool shower, and admitted to myself that the rocket I've been telling myself I'll finish up tonight and tomorrow night and fly Sunday is almost certainly not going to happen, and I'm still kidding myself by typing "almost".
How old are ya Joe?​
Clean up, repair and detail weekend here. Fixing a fin that popped on the Dark Aspire after a gravel parking lot landing. Sanding down the nose cone from the Helios HP. Going to repurpose it for a different build. Sanding and painting the new Helios HP nose cone that has a more accurate profile. Putting together a new motor pod for the RingHawk as the original took a swim in one of the Bong ponds. Finally doing OpenRocket work for a new HP build that will deploy a "unique" streamer at apogee.
Continued adding the wireing tunnel to my Polecat 4 inch Jayhawk that I have left unfinshed for far too many years. Will get out the scroll saw and cut out the back plate today. Still have decide on the best way to do the antennae for it. I will be useing small springs for durabilty like I have on other fun scale projects. Once I finish fly this one I will progress to my 5.5 inch Polecat Jayhawk. PXL_20240523_005952151.jpgPXL_20240525_140133852.jpgPXL_20240525_140155766.jpg
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Had a nice cool shower, and admitted to myself that the rocket I've been telling myself I'll finish up tonight and tomorrow night and fly Sunday is almost certainly not going to happen, and I'm still kidding myself by typing "almost".

If not, you get a capital E+ for effort.

Take care of yourself and be sure to enjoy the rest of the launch, no matter what your flight status is.
On April 21st, My son and I launched his LOC Goblin at SCORE in Pueblo Co. It was... Interesting. I just got around to editing the footage.

I have a few more launches in the video editing hopper.

Interesting about how it got wrapped around the bottom.

But from the video no idea just what broke on it?
Interesting about how it got wrapped around the bottom.

But from the video no idea just what broke on it?
We struggled with the UDDT and didn't get the delay drilled out enough. I had a similar issue with my Mega Red Max a couple of weeks ago where the rail left with the rocket and burned off about half the altitude. The difference between the two flights is that I had a JLCR on the Mega, so the rocket had normalized after deployment before the chute release was activated. The Mega sustained no damage.

The Goblin threw the laundry about 5 seconds of ballistic reentry and the force caused the shock cord to zipper the body tube all the way down to the fin can in two separate zippers. I guess if you're gonna do it, go big or go home. My son was obviously disappointed, but I was devastated. I think it might have been different if the chute release was on the Goblin but the core issue was the delay.

Thanks for watching.
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Made the first flight this morning at NSLW. Posted up about it here: https://www.rocketryforum.com/threads/nsl-west-2024.186478/#post-2588023
Fair warning, some of Sharon's pictures are large, might be slow loading.
Today is a blow out here, the launch was closed around 10:30, so Sharon went shopping.... I followed her around while she bought stuff from Moto Joe, CRS, and I got a baked potato from the 4H. I really did try to keep the spending down, failed miserably, but got some great CTI and AT motors....
Cti motors.jpg
Participated in setup for NYPOWER, and rediscovered that I'm an over the hill fat guy. Drank fluids during the effort, but not nearly enough. Still thought I was OK. In a break before the last task of the day, I laid myself down on the grass in the shade of my popup and a nice breeze. When I stood up I became dizzy an slightly feint. Sorry folks, I'm done. Went to a store (I wasn't driving) where I drank a liter of water and a 20 ounce bottle of electrolyte drink. Had a nice cool shower, and admitted to myself that the rocket I've been telling myself I'll finish up tonight and tomorrow night and fly Sunday is almost certainly not going to happen, and I'm still kidding myself by typing "almost".
Go a bit slower, drink more fluids, take more breaks. I push hard for things like that too but I'm not getting any younger either. It's natural to have to slow down a little bit as you get older, whether due to declining ability or due to being less active overall. However you have to be careful that there aren't other issues such as heart issues. My neighbor is younger than I am and more active than I am, but he was hauled out a year ago by paramedics, he was lucky enough to be able to get a few stints and recover. Not everybody is that lucky.
I flew three rockets at MMWP today. All great flights and easy recoveries. I finally flew my rebuilt Rocketman Praying Mantis that was lost at the Bong State Park in Wisconsin three years ago. I had planned on flying it at LDRS last July, but that didn't happen. Didn't happen at Midwest Power last year either.

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