Well, I'm now on the injured list.

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.....OpenRocket's ..... "Chuck Norris"
TRF Supporter
Mar 27, 2013
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Yesterday it snowed and unfortunately none of the students that I had classes for canceled. As such. I had to go to work yesterday.The only way I can get to work from where I live is either cab or by bicycle.And on a snowy day, there are no cabs.

I get to work, no problem.I do my work, I leave for the bike shops, take care of a problem with the a chain. I have a stuck link. After getting the chain dealt with, I went to go take a photograph for a Visa application.And then after that, decided to try and get something to eat for dinner.Just as I was pulling up to the enclosure that represents the beginning of the restaurant that I was going to get dinner at. I hit what appears to have been oiled ball bearings, on teflon.The bicycle went one way, trapping my leg, and the other leg went the opposite direction.

Needless to say, somebody of my age and weight is not exactly designed to do the splits. I now have a pretty serious muscle pull on my left side and a muscle pulls on the right leg as well. On top of that, I also seem to have done something to my back. I can stand and walk... Barely. But sitting down is excruciating when I try to do it for more than about .3 three of a nanosecond.

I went to the hospital and the doctor suggested that.I didn't break anything, which I was pretty sure I didn't, but that I should take some time off for the next four or five days.

Fortunately, he said that in the presence of my boss who came to rescue me.And?So she knows exactly what he recommends.

So now I'm gonna probably be spending about four days flat on my back most of the time.

Except for having to go.To a government office to get my Visa extended.

At the time being, I can't sit at the computer. The only way I can communicate VIA text with anyone is to do.Voice recognition, which means that my.Typing is not exactly up to my usual standard.
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Thanks for the message of support.

I can't say I didn't break anything.There's something very seriously wrong with the bicycle.I don't know if I snapped part of the wheel hangers or if I messed up the.Axle for the wheel, but.It's completely separated from the bicycle and needs to go back to the shop because I can't do anything. I can't pick the bike up, I can't.Bend over enough to to see what's wrong with it.

I had to abandon the bike at the restaurant, locked it up. They'll bring it inside after work today. Tomorrow, my boss is going to have somebody pick it up and take it to the bike shop as well as grab the key from my apartment. I left the key outside the door in a spot where.A courier can find it and they'll see what's wrong with the bike and hopefully be able to fix it.
Just wanted to send this brief message expressing my support. I’m sorry this happened. Focus on what you need and take it easy for the next few days. Respond at your convenience, if at all.