Still smoke free.

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Friend of mine with a crazy chain smoking habit used one of,the E-cigs to quit. He slowly used the nicotine stuff less and less, and now uses the nicotine free stuff in his. He can still go smoke with his friends, but doesn't get any nicotine. He said he the big problem with him was the need to be holding something, and the social aspect of it at bars and such.
Friend of mine with a crazy chain smoking habit used one of,the E-cigs to quit. He slowly used the nicotine stuff less and less, and now uses the nicotine free stuff in his. He can still go smoke with his friends, but doesn't get any nicotine. He said he the big problem with him was the need to be holding something, and the social aspect of it at bars and such.

The social aspect wasn't an issue with me as I have no social life ;)

Seriously though, no one I work with smokes and very few of my friends smoke now either - made a huge difference.

Yeah, for a while after I quit smoking, it was hard to drink beer and fight the urge to light-up... eventually I gave in and quit drinking **BONUS**
That is a bad a$$ looking bike! Are you sure you're cool enough for it? :grin:
Yup, it is a good looker. I just love the colors with the little bit of blue flame work in the seat.
Am I cool enough.......Im "Joe Cool"! I even got the t-shirt to prove it.:cool: :lol:
Sandy got me the Joe Cool Big Daddy "The Original" t-shirt when I bought my Honda 750 Nighthawk .
Im thinking the Triumph just might be a tad bit cooler than the Honda. :wink:

joe cool.jpg
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You are da man!
Thanks Mr.
Hope you are still smoke free. If not,like I said..try,try again.
Its not like this is my first time trying to quit.
And that goes to anyone else trying to quit.
Keep trying,sooner or later something will give. Hopefully it wont be your heart or lungs that give first...just an incentive
Way to go! Sounds to me like you're over the hardest part. Now it is just a matter of keeping your eye out for that monkey so he won't get back on your back.
I quit long ago when I joined the Army. Congrats to you. Everything is so much better without Cigarrettes. I remember when I got my sense of Smell and Taste back. Then came the Breathing. Eventually, I could run ten Miles in 90 Minutes, without getting "winded".
They are expensive, they kill you, and they are disgusting. I can't even be around smokers and the Smell anymore. I still have a dip of Chew now and then, but I will never again willingly inhale Smoke into my Lungs. I'm addicted to staying alive.
My wife uses a victory vapor zeus ecig with great success. Shes been smoke free for 2 months now and says the ecig calms all her cravings instantly.
9 MONTHS BABY !!! :wave: :wave:

Feel good except thee weight Ive gained. Im not a big person and when you ad 15lbs ( up to as much as 20lbs this spring!!!) to this frame at my age,its not so good feeling. I was a lean mean machine back in the day.Never ,never was over weight.If anyhting I was always on the thin side.
Anywhoo,I dont really think about it much or get any bad cravings..LUCKY ME!!!!
For the rest of you quiting ...:clap:
For those who want to...go for never hurt anyone. and good luck
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