Rube Goldberg Lander

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Motor tubes 1 and 2 were located and had an alignment mark drawn the length of each.

Templates were used to cut the bevels in the tops of motor tubes 1 and 2.

Motor retainers were installed on motor tubes 1 and 2 with JB Weld.

A gloop of putty was applied around the joint of structure 2.



Finally, the retaining rings for the last of the boom struts were glued into place.

And that completes the work to date. When I get home tonight, I hope to finish assembling the last pod base structure and maybe get started on the lug fins of the payload bay.
Today, the last two motor tubes had set up so I installed the knurled rings. Now, all 5 are done... at least for now.

The first ping pong ball of tube 1 was install and set aside to dry.

Letting the glue on ball 1 of tube 1 gave me the opportunity to sand the putty from tube 2.

I decided that some more putty would be needed but first, the existing patch would need to be hardened with thin CA.

The rest of the balls were glued into place on boom tube 1 and now I have 4. Coincidentally, the plan happens to call for a total of 4. These just need to be cleaned up a bit.

To this point, virtually all the work has been done on projection from the main part of the rocket. Tonight, I began work on a small part of the main body. I worked on the payload bay. Specifically, I worked on the lug fins of the payload bay.

"What the (*&@#$ is a lug fin?" you might ask.

Its what's coming up next!
There are to be 12 lug fins spaced evenly around the payload bay. To get them located, I generated, printed and cut out a template for 12 fins on a BT80 from the Template Widget. The template was taped onto a 9" section of BT80.

Tick marks matched to the template were scribed onto the tube.

An Estes Angle was then used to run the lines the length of the tube.

And the pager just went off so I guess this will have to wait.
I located my supply of BT2.5 tubes and marked one at 9".

A miter box and razor saw was then used to cut the tube to length.

This process was repeated to make a total of 12.

The tip of one of the tube was then aligned with the 45 deg slot of the miter box so that it could be cut again at that angle.

One of the angled "lug fins" was then carefully aligned with one of the lines placed on the payload tube and glued into place with Titebond II.



A second application of putty was given to boom assembly 2 and a first application to assembly 1.


Three more lug fins were installed in this session for a total of 4. The payload bay was set aside to dry.

Now, church is over; I have finished posting yesterday's update; I am no on call again for the hospital until 7.

I think I am going to go out and do some building.
Well I started the day by sanding the putty on boom assembly 2.

This time I was satisfied so I hardened it with CA and called this one done.

The putty on boom assembly 1 got its initial sanding down. I was mostly OK but had a few small pieces that still needed filling.


The sanded filler on boom assembly 1 was hardened with CA and set aside to cure.

Figuring I might as well get it over with, I carved up three more balls and finished the last of the boom struts for now.
