Quote? What is your favorite quote?

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"You will never get rich working for someone else." My dad, probably many dads. He was a super salesman and started his own sales and distributorship company. He was a real type A workaholic. His business eventually failed, which he blamed on Reganomics and a slightly corrupt SBA. He recovered nicely working as a salesman for someone else, but died leaving little inheritance. He also was a Navy Reservist serving for 18.5 years as an electrician and Chief Petty Officer, He was never called to active service, but I am flying the flag.
"For all the claims one hears about the liberating impact of the data-net, the truth is that it's wished on most of us a brand-new reason for paranoia." --John Brunner, "The Shockwave Rider", 1975
My favorite quote is:
“Son of a bitch”

I’ve heard a lot of people say it. I’m not sure who was the first, but with different inflections and volumes this quote works for many situations.
In the south, the phrase is usually , “Thank you sooooo much.”
My favorite quote is:
“Son of a bitch”

I’ve heard a lot of people say it. I’m not sure who was the first, but with different inflections and volumes this quote works for many situations.

Yup, preceded by some sort of missed opportunity or painful incident.

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.​

~William Shakespeare
"It is necessary to try to surpass oneself always; this occupation ought to last as long as life."​
"Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."​
"It is never the law itself that is in the wrong; it is always some wicked interpreter of the law that has corrupted and abused it."
~Jeremy Bentham
"The cheapest way to do something is to do it right the first time no matter how much it costs. The fastest way to do something is to do it right the first time, no matter how long it takes." — Dr. L. J. Hart-Smith

I had these quotes on the bookcase over my desk at Boeing for many years. Too bad those in charge didn't listen to him and still aren't listening as far as I can tell from outside.

edited: I muffed the second quote when I posted this the other day. No idea why....but it's corrected now. Also added quotation marks.
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"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest."​
"Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is."​
“It doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optismism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself”​