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I'm not certain I understand your question Paul..
You purchased raffle tickets at URRG for years..
Nothing has changed..
You get your registration package / and or buy more tickets there at the registration table in person..
You tear the tickets in half and put half in the ticket bucket for the prize you'd like to win.
The other half of the tickets goes in your pocket..
How could a ticket # be called without you being there ????
You're the one to put the tickets in the bin...

I have the same (similar?) question but I will plead ignorant since I haven't done it before. Do you need to be present to win?
For example, I will be there Thursday and Saturday, but not Friday. I plan to put tickets in bins/buckets on Thursday. What happens when my lucky ticket is pulled on Friday when I am not there?

Just wondering........
I have the same (similar?) question but I will plead ignorant since I haven't done it before. Do you need to be present to win?
For example, I will be there Thursday and Saturday, but not Friday. I plan to put tickets in bins/buckets on Thursday. What happens when my lucky ticket is pulled on Friday when I am not there?

Just wondering........
How are ya man ??
That's a rare one for sure..
There's nothing I can do with that..
If a ticket is called and no one comes up were going to pull another ticket..

I have the same (similar?) question but I will plead ignorant since I haven't done it before. Do you need to be present to win?
For example, I will be there Thursday and Saturday, but not Friday. I plan to put tickets in bins/buckets on Thursday. What happens when my lucky ticket is pulled on Friday when I am not there?

Just wondering........
Each day, a selection of prizes will be available. you put your tickets in that bin, and they get drawn that day.. (See the list above again. You see some are being drawn on particular days, even at a particular time..)

So, if you are not there on Friday, and Friday is the day they raffle off the OOP gold plated Mini Mosquito, you lose out..

if you are there on Thursday, and have put your ticket in the bin for the Bikini Drogue, and you are out retrieving something, and your name is called. You either miss out, or they save the ticket till the end of the day (there is a board with the raffle prizes & the ticket number that was called.. I believe if no takers, then the prize is recycled / put up [again] for the next day.. I believe that's how the URRF raffles work.. This should be clarified..
Thanks guys. At least it answers my question.
Hmmmmm..... maybe I can leave my tickets with someone Friday to claim that OOP gold plated Mini Mosquito on my behalf.........
Hi Team.

I see we still have a lot of volunteer spots that are needed. We need your help here.

If you registered and haven't signed up for at least one shift please get online and sign up.

The transporter job is easy, and you get to see the stuff going out to the away cells. There's a lot of those left we have vehicles and if you're not comfortable driving sign up and be a helping hand. We can't launch those rockets if we can't transport them.

The Oasis BFR manager. If you're flying a BFR you're probably going to work out well for one of these shifts. Nothing fly's out there without that job being filled. We have 100 registered BFRs and need 8 spots filled let's make that happen.

Parking lot monitor. We need help here you guide those driving in and get them heading in the right area. Under a tent with help.

Registration. Its going to be busy and you'll have lots of others to work with.

There are many other positions left. Please take the time to sign up for a shift if everyone grabs one well have this licked and the event will be so less stressful for those that have been working on it for the last Year.

For every shift worked you'll get a chance at a volunteer only raffle.

Remember your shifts will be listed on the back of your Lanyard ID so you don't have to try and remember when or what your signed up for.

Please grab one shift if you haven't yet. Its may 25th 12 days left.

Thank you
Each day, a selection of prizes will be available. you put your tickets in that bin, and they get drawn that day.. (See the list above again. You see some are being drawn on particular days, even at a particular time..)

So, if you are not there on Friday, and Friday is the day they raffle off the OOP gold plated Mini Mosquito, you lose out..

if you are there on Thursday, and have put your ticket in the bin for the Bikini Drogue, and you are out retrieving something, and your name is called. You either miss out, or they save the ticket till the end of the day (there is a board with the raffle prizes & the ticket number that was called.. I believe if no takers, then the prize is recycled / put up [again] for the next day.. I believe that's how the URRF raffles work.. This should be clarified..
I'm sorry I didn't get to answer yesterday, life gets in the way, lol..
You have participated in URRG raffles for years..
Not a single thing has changed..
Every raffle I've ever seen has one bucket for your tickets..
You put all tickets in that bucket.
When they do the raffle drawing ( usually at the banquet ),
they pick a random prize, pull a ticket and call out the number..
If no response they throw that ticket away and pick another one.
The person comes up and gets the prize..

The URRG raffle has always been the only raffle I've ever seen with prize specific buckets for you to put your tickets in..
It's still changing as we speak, ( I just got two more prize donors ), I think we're up to 16 donors / buckets for your tickets..
You put your tickets in the bucket for the prize you'd like to win..
A ticket is drawn from that bucket the number called out, a few times if necessary, you come get the prize..
If no response we will draw another ticket..
There's nothing more than this that we can do..
You are unfortunately correct,
if you have a winning ticket and don't respond to the announcement for any reason you will miss out on the prize..
That isn't any different in any raffle I've ever seen..

I'm sorry I didn't get to answer yesterday, life gets in the way, lol..
You have participated in URRG raffles for years..
Not a single thing has changed..
Every raffle I've ever seen has one bucket for your tickets..
You put all tickets in that bucket.
When they do the raffle drawing ( usually at the banquet ),
they pick a random prize, pull a ticket and call out the number..
If no response they throw that ticket away and pick another one.
The person comes up and gets the prize..

The URRG raffle has always been the only raffle I've ever seen with prize specific buckets for you to put your tickets in..
It's still changing as we speak, ( I just got two more prize donors ), I think we're up to 16 donors / buckets for your tickets..
You put your tickets in the bucket for the prize you'd like to win..
A ticket is drawn from that bucket the number called out, a few times if necessary, you come get the prize..
If no response we will draw another ticket..
There's nothing more than this that we can do..
You are unfortunately correct,
if you have a winning ticket and don't respond to the announcement for any reason you will miss out on the prize..
That isn't any different in any raffle I've ever seen..

I guess you are screwed if you are out recovering a rocket and do not hear your number called. In the past, I seem to remember the ticket pulled had at least till the end of the day to respond. I also seem to remember there was a board where you could check if your ticket was pulled. Although, I'm not that concerned, separate prize buckets is something I have never experienced at any LDRS, must be something new.
Hi Team.

I see we still have a lot of volunteer spots that are needed. We need your help here.

If you registered and haven't signed up for at least one shift please get online and sign up.

The transporter job is easy, and you get to see the stuff going out to the away cells. There's a lot of those left we have vehicles and if you're not comfortable driving sign up and be a helping hand. We can't launch those rockets if we can't transport them.

The Oasis BFR manager. If you're flying a BFR you're probably going to work out well for one of these shifts. Nothing fly's out there without that job being filled. We have 100 registered BFRs and need 8 spots filled let's make that happen.

Parking lot monitor. We need help here you guide those driving in and get them heading in the right area. Under a tent with help.

Registration. Its going to be busy and you'll have lots of others to work with.

There are many other positions left. Please take the time to sign up for a shift if everyone grabs one well have this licked and the event will be so less stressful for those that have been working on it for the last Year.

For every shift worked you'll get a chance at a volunteer only raffle.

Remember your shifts will be listed on the back of your Lanyard ID so you don't have to try and remember when or what your signed up for.

Please grab one shift if you haven't yet. Its may 25th 12 days left.

Thank you
Ladies and gentlemen,
We still have too many open volunteer spots for shifts for jobs from everything that requires a specific skill to those that require zero skill..
This is turning into the launch of the century, no joke..
All attending this launch will fondly remember it on their death bed..
The flyer count at this launch is setting up to set records..
It doesn't seem possible we still at this late date have open volunteer slots..
If you're flying a BFR, you most certainly be taking some volunteer shifts to work the BFR's in some way..
If you're flying ANYTHING you most certainly can help at so many different jobs that have to be done to make this launch work..
I promise you, registration will have many people there to help show you what to do,, you will be another paid of many pairs of hands..
How long do you want to wait on the registration line when you show up to register ???
No one else wants to wait a long time either- many hands make things roll right along..
The parking lot ez up still has slots open ?
Seeing everyone arrive and pointing them in the correct direction, way to easy, way to cool..
I promise you all, the more you put into this launch, the more you will enjoy it..
It's just simply way too cool hanging of for a shift with others making this launch happen.. Right in the middle of the works.. If I could only make you understand how much fun it is..
Oasis BFR-- in any job, are you kiddng,
that is a coveted place to be at any time during the launch, way cool, helping bring hundreds of pounds rockets out to the pads.. When have you seen that ???

Folks, some of you are fairly new to rocketry.
This is your evolution in rocketry.
The more you help, the more involved you are,
the more you will learn and experience and enjoy..

One last point
( I saved this for last, lol )
I'm not sure how well we advertised it, but we have a special raffle just for volunteers..
You have a better chance to win raffle prizes just for volunteering.. woooo wooooo, lol..

Lets get ta hitting the volunteer shifts..

I guess you are screwed if you are out recovering a rocket and do not hear your number called. In the past, I seem to remember the ticket pulled had at least till the end of the day to respond. I also seem to remember there was a board where you could check if your ticket was pulled. Although, I'm not that concerned, separate prize buckets is something I have never experienced at any LDRS, must be something new.
Not something new for URRG Fred..
Maybe new for you..
When was the last time you came up to Potter ???
Other then the super cool of having separate buckets that adds a lot of effort to running the raffle but also adds a whole lota cool, lol, (Well worth it )...
This raffle works the same as the MDRA raffle if I remember correctly..
Did you help with the raffle at MDRA for all of the Red Glare's and all of the LDRS that were held there ???

To be fair on the raffle question(s), there are many different ways to run a raffle. But in this case, some of the questions may stem from the multi day nature of this thing. If a sponsor is generous enough to offer daily prizes, is there a bucket for each prize, on each day? Or is there just one bucket for that sponsor, and each day a ticket is pulled from whatever remains in the bucket from the day before (plus new tickets thrown in). Must be present to win is a tough one too. Not everyone is there all 4 days. People will often be out in the field and not able to drop everything to check numbers, even if it can be heard. So a board is a good idea, and I think someone mentioned that.

A suggestion: Instead of pushing everything unclaimed to the following day, perhaps have a redraw as necessary each afternoon at 3pm. Otherwise we may see a lot of prizes stacked up on Sunday. (Unless that is a goal.)

But in the end, this is just for fun, so let's try to not take this too seriously, and have faith that all questions will be answered at the field once we see how it is set up and proceeding. Same with parking, food, pad assignments, etc., etc. I've never been, but it sounds like the MANY folks involved have done this before and have things in hand. And if not, we'll figure it out at the field together. Just remember that this is a large event and we will need to bring our patience and understanding with us!

And keep that sense of humor. It's critical!
For anyone that might be having trouble figuring out how to sign up for a volunteer shift at this year's LDRS, here is a link to the signup page.

LDRS Volunteer Signups

This is the first LDRS for me and my wife. Between the two of us we are signed up for 9 shifts. Surely everyone can take at least 1 of the remaining shifts.
You AND your wife are just killer man..
Thank you both so much..
And this is your first LDRS ??
Your both going to have such a wonderful time..
I wish I could tell you two too go check out the wineries and scenery..
It really is some of the most beautiful country anywhere..
But you won't want to leave the launch, lol..

Not something new for URRG Fred..
Maybe new for you..
When was the last time you came up to Potter ??? This past June 23 URRF.
Other then the super cool of having separate buckets that adds a lot of effort to running the raffle but also adds a whole lota cool, lol, (Well worth it )...
This raffle works the same as the MDRA raffle if I remember correctly.. Your memory is incorrect. The winning ticket is attached to the prize, until the end of the launch and/or in most cases, held until the member claims the prize at a later date..
Did you help with the raffle at MDRA for all of the Red Glare's and all of the LDRS that were held there ??? What's the matter with You? You know darn well I am an active participating member of MDRA leadership and have been for over 25 + years.

I was just making a comment in my previous post. Why are you so defensive and insulting. See response to you above in red.
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I was just making a comment in my previous post. Why are you so defensive and insulting. See response to you above in red.
Ohh geezz Fred..
Never defensive or insulting..
You know me better than that.
Yes, 25 years at MDRA, and I know you there for at least 20 of them, lol..
You questioned the how the raffle works so i asked if you ever set one up at MDRA..
That most certainly isn't defensive or insulting in the least.

Be safe Fred.
See you in 2 weeks..

Ohh geezz Fred..
Never defensive or insulting..
You know me better than that.
Yes, 25 years at MDRA, and I know you there for at least 20 of them, lol..
You questioned the how the raffle works so i asked if you ever set one up at MDRA..
That most certainly isn't defensive or insulting in the least.

Be safe Fred.
See you in 2 weeks..

In the general context of your response and the fact that you do know me, your questioning responses directly directed at me, most certainly was defensive and insulting. If it was not your intent to insult or be defensive, I can except it. I'll leave it at that. However, asking me whether I have ever helped set up a raffle at MDRA or when was the last time I was at URRG, had nothing to do with my questions or comments I made in my original response and your response was defensive at best and somewhat insulting. As the old saying goes, "words matter".
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for those new to the field, this may help.

it's from URRF-6 from 2019, but gives an idea of what the field / farm is like, as well as typical pad setups!

This is a great video and does give you an awesome view of the whole field!

For context, the away cell layout this year (and last year for those who attended URRF) is in the center of the field as opposed to on the left in URRF 6. This means the away cell pads are not sitting next to the river and the predominant recovery area is about a mile long.

I fondly remember flying a complex O cluster out by that river at URRF 7 and hoping my rocket didn't come straight back down in the water :) (it actually landed about 100 yards from the pad... on the dry side!) The newer orientation of the field greatly reduces that likelihood.

Come find me and say "hi" any time Friday or Saturday and I will give you a cool OpenRocket range sticker (if you ask nicely I'll give you two ;))

You're looking for this guy:
I'll have a badge with my TRF avatar hanging off me somewhere.

And you shall get one (or two) of these:

Hope to see you there!

Come find me and say "hi" any time Friday or Saturday and I will give you a cool OpenRocket range sticker (if you ask nicely I'll give you two ;))

You're looking for this guy:
View attachment 647002
I'll have a badge with my TRF avatar hanging off me somewhere.

And you shall get one (or two) of these:
View attachment 647003

Hope to see you there!
You're not gonna wear that Mets hat are ya?
HI Darren thanks for the many shifts its greatly appreciated. I see B RadB was asking about community dog Barf. Oh ya we have a large Yellow plastic sona tube full of it. well make sure its at the SRC Youth Tent as they will be needing lots your welcome to help yourself there.
You AND your wife are just killer man..
Thank you both so much..
And this is your first LDRS ??
Your both going to have such a wonderful time..
I wish I could tell you two too go check out the wineries and scenery..
It really is some of the most beautiful country anywhere..
But you won't want to leave the launch, lol..

Yep. First LDRS. Have wanted to go since I first joined Tripoli in ‘98. The stars just never aligned. And we plan on arriving in Pen Yann on Sunday, so we will have a couple of days of exploring wine country before the event.