High Flying Cards SCUD-C Build

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Originally posted by BobH48

I would be concerned with how well the glue is going to hold if you clearcoat the sheets first. The glue needs to soak in a little for strength, in my opinion. Models using the double wrap method would have this problem. I also wouldn't want the fins that are surface mounted to be glued to a sealed tube. ..snip..

Hey Bob, that's a good point also. How well does the clear coat resist glue? I might try an experiment some time. I'll clear coat some printouts and smear some glue on them to them to see how much the ink runs and how much can penetrate the clear coat...

Originally posted by C Greg
I used drafting vellum to make a fillet on a big paper rocket, then painted the fillet to match the rocket with some 50-cent craft-store acrylics.
But it was easy to match colors 'cause the rocket was black and white (Black Brant II).


C Greg,

Thanks for the vellum tip. It never occurred to me to beef up fins with paper. Makes sense though! Like you said, if you can color match then it makes life easier.

I've covered balsa fins with paper with good success. I know others have used tissue paper for covering fins. A comparison of the methods is somewhere, probably EMRR...

Thanks for all the tips guys. I've learned some things building this one!

I think between some form of clear coat somewhere in the process and being a little smarter in applying the fillet (using Eric's suggestion) that will take care of the sloppy fillets in the future.

Of course only building plain white rockets would help take care of that too!! I never noticed this problem with a white rocket!!! :kill:

Originally posted by Mike_BAR
Thanks for the link with the good build techniques.

Oh Boy, another flying card model!!! :cool:

I remember seeing that review. Very nice work! Does that guy frequent this forum??? He should post some of his other work...

Are you gents talking about this Black Brant-II? https://www.lhvcc.com/egiftshop/stbb/
Or is there another one specifically set up as a model rocket?
My printer is an Epson CX-6400 (ALL-IN-ONE) Scanner Printer Copier. I got it for $200 at Office Depot, but after 3 rebates, I got $100 back! :D I'm not sure what all it will do for resolution, but I have no complaints with it. Some of the programs I use cause trouble, but not the printer. It uses 4 seperate cartridges for ink. And even though Epson told me DO NOT use 110lb cardstock, it'll still munch it, and spit out a nice model:) (Though I don't make a habbit of using 110) Interesting idea with the vellum.

Lobbing rockets into hurricanes?***:eek:- UH- Who? Me? Why I would never publicly admit- er-I mean publicly condone- Yeah that's it- CONDONE, anything contradictory to public, or general safety! ;)
Originally posted by AX'E
..snip..My printer is an Epson CX-6400 (ALL-IN-ONE) Scanner Printer Copier. I got it for $200 at Office Depot, but after 3 rebates, I got $100 back! :D ...snip...

Wow, 100 bucks isn't bad. Not that I am going to run out tomorrow and get one, but that's less than I thought a hurricane proof printer would cost. So Epson's print outs are hurricane proof? Did you buy the Epson knowing it had the best ink? How much are the four cartridges??? Just wondering for future reference.

Originally posted by jjnodice
How much are the four cartridges??? Just wondering for future reference. [Snip]
This is a huge component when you analyze the true cost of printing. As you know, a lot of ink can be used to print card model patterns.

Don't just look at the initial cost of the printer, always factor in the price of the ink cartridges before you make your purchase.

Now, after all that, Epson make some fine ink-jet printers.
Just a quick bit before my time is up!:)Im on borrowed comp time, Till I get mine back up and running- hard drive blew- :(

Yes! I did purchase my printer becasue I knew a bit about what Iwanted, and had been searching for one for a few months. I needed an ALL-IN-ONE because of everything I tinker with, so that narowed it somewhat. I need seperate cartridges, to make it cost effective,and I wanted an INK-JET, because that is what other modelers, and my PRO Graphic Artist mother recomended. After looking at several, I was going to go for a CANNON, or an EPSON, leaning toward EPSON, becasue if it;s ability to eat cardstock well.
ALthough I had looked at a few other models, when I saw the CX-6400 advertised for the price in my ealrier post, I went down to Office Depot tht day!:) It about 2 years now, and starting to 'squaeak'a bit. - The cartridges cost $12-14.00 for the colors, and in the hight $20's (I forget) for a double size black cartridge. I usually use up yellow most. I guess it's becasue of the camoflage shadings and such I'm always using?
Just thought I'd pop in here for a bit- Ok I'm gone- lol
...from this thread...

When I left off this thread I was approaching the finishing stages of the flying model. Since then I added launch lugs, shock cord, glued the conduits to the body, added the motor block, etc.

I then added over an ounce of modeling clay to the nose to balance the rocket. Eric's plan called for a cg location ~240 mm from the rear of the body tube when loaded with a C6-5. I hit that location pretty close and performed the swing test as recommended by Eric's instructions. It wasn't the best swing test, so I added a little more nose weight to put the cg ~255 mm from the rear of the body tube. It swung (swang?) like a champ.

I declare it flight ready. I'm sure it will look really good in flight!

My overall impressions of the kit are good. It is more challenging than it looks! Despite my best efforts at messing up the build (see previous posts) the rocket managed to look pretty decent. As I said before, my problems with the build were my own fault. A better build performance than mine will result in a very nice looking model.

Here's a pic of the finished SCUD-C along with a little friend I picked up recently in Moscow giving the rocket the Vostok seal of approval.
Originally posted by jjnodice
Here's a pic of the finished SCUD-C along with a little friend I picked up recently in Moscow [Snip]
Excellent looking model as always Jason.

The cosmonaut is a nice addition too.

It seems like a lot of nose weight but those fins do look a tad small. And with a C6-5 your SCUD-C should really soar. Great work.

Nice looking model. :D

Remember that I said I intended to make one over the winter?

Well I got as far as printing it out. :eek:

So much for good intentions. :eek: :rolleyes:
Thanks guys!

Yeah, I was a little surprised to have to add that much weight. Perhaps the Chief Designer can chime in with how much weight he typically he adds to the model. However, the need for a forward CG didn't surprise with fins that small.

Yo Bob! How's the N-1 coming? har har har... :rolleyes: :D ;)

I'm not one to talk here, it took me about 4 months to get around to gluing two conduits to the rocket.

Hopefully I launch it sooner than that!

I flew the SCUD-C twice today. The first flight was on a B6-4, the second on a C6-3. Both were very straight flights with good alititude and good chute deploys/recoveries.

I had a friend with me who got an Estes Patriot starter set for Christmas. We were hoping to do a Patriot/SCUD drag race, but his kid got into his stuff and lost a critical piece of his launch pad. So the drag race didn't happen. Hopefully another time...

Here's the SCUD-C prep'd for flight.

This rocket looked really nice going up! No Patriots in the air to get in the way, either!
Well, I guess that about does it for this build thread. When I launch it again, I'll post some more pics, especially if the Patriot drag race happens.

Someday I'll have to tackle the nozzle details that are intended for display. I need to type up a review for posting to EMRR.

I would highly recommend this kit. It is challenging, but in the end you get a unique looking model that is a good performer.

Thanks Eric for a great kit!


Nice flights. I still intend to build one but have gotten sidetracked by regular model kits that are piling up.

No progress on the N1 either.