Help coming up with paint scheme?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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Hey guys I'm working on a 29mm upscale of the flying umbrella and I'm getting ready to seal and add primer, but I still don't have the slightest clue how I want to paint this. If you guys have any suggestions I'd totally be open to them. Let this naked rocket be your muse:IMG_2219.jpg
Lime green and black with chrome trim... or maybe the lime green with a pearl shimmer effect.
Here in China I see a lot of 16 and 8 color rainbow umbrellas.

I bought one to turn into a parachute. I think that would be an appropriate color scheme.
did this thing fly at CRMRC for a level 1 cert this past week-end?!

It flew for a level one cert ATTEMPT... sadly there is a difference... :(

I ended up just looking at paint schemes that fruity chutes use since they all look great and settled for lime green and black. By the way, lime green is like the worst color ever to try and keep clean...Photo Aug 12, 1 15 12 AM.jpgPhoto Aug 12, 1 15 16 AM.jpgPhoto Aug 12, 1 17 18 AM.jpg
try white.. with sooty rails, and hands from removing a CATO, white quickly shows black & dirt..

Yes, I guess there is a difference. I did say "for", implying the attempt.

I was the guy who got his Talon (purple rocket) stuck in a tree at the launch. Hope to see you again at the field!
Here's something to look at. The darker shade is the same as the color next to it. It's just a shadow effect. White airframe with black nose cone.

Umbrella Rocket.jpg