Found a group of people nearly as annoying as soccer dads....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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So, this afternoon I took my daughter out to 60 Acres to launch some rockets. We were there for about an hour, had some great launches. Then, a car pulls up to the field.....I only wish it was a soccer dad. This was a R/C flyer.

My daughter and I continue our launches, paying no attention to the silly man with his little styrofoam airplane.....until he starts playing with fire. I launch my Estes Bullpup 12D. I knew that was modeled after a Air to Ground missile, but it nearly turned into a Surface to Air Missile. He flew his R/C aircraft directly over the launch pad and I would say the Bullpup missed his plane by maybe 3 to 5 feet (was probably more like 20....but it looked closer from the ground). So as I am tracking my rocket, I can hear him start yelling obscenities from across the field (bear in mind that my 10 year old daughter is standing right next to me as this classy individual is launching a steady stream of F-bombs in my direction). As I am recovering my rocket, he has landed his plane and has ran up to me and is in my face yelling at me about how I shouldn't be launching rockets at his plane. I just looked at him straight in the face and said "Dude, I have been here launching for over an hour. Out of a 60 acre field, you just had to fly your airplane right where the people launching rockets are? Who is the idiot?"

So, my daughter and I were the bigger people and packed our gear and moved to another part of the field. Again the airplane started flying directly over head of us. I pulled out the big Mean Machine and lifted it off the pad on an E9. I think that scared him cause he quickly landed his plane and picked it up and left.
Have experienced similar idiotic reactions. One time launching rockets in a common park space (this was not public property, but a common area within a gated community in which we lived). It was a home school class activity with about eight kids, most of which lived in the community. We had received permission for the launch from the HOA just to be safe. About a half hour into our launch a lady on a horse slipped between the edge of the fairly substaintial property gate/fence and a wooded tree line (out of the sight of the guard entry shack). Since it was fairly remote, I'd say she came from three miles down the road and certainly was not a homeowner in the community. So, in effect, she was tresspassing. Well, she popped out into the open field right when one of the kid's rockets was launched. Not close, probably a couple hundred yards away. But her horse got spooked and raised up on her. She got control, no harm done. But then she raced over and started cussing in front of the kids. Saying it was illegal to launch rockets there, etc. Really making a complete horses a$$ out of herself. What can you do? Typical uppity attitude; couldn't argue with her, especially in front of the kids. My wife was furious though and the next day approached security with the incident. From then on they patrolled that "back entrance" and I'm sure that lady permanently lost her "riding priveliges."
We had one, though not as bad, on our second launch a couple weeks ago at the school grounds. Old guy walking his dog without a leash told my fiance when she retrieved the rocket that they were illegal because they left the ground. I guess my kites are illegal too :( It was a Alpha-III on a A engine, it touched down about 50 yards behind him. He would have never noticed but his leashless dog heard it and turned around. He told her that it "just came right up on us!" He said he was calling the police. I'm sure they were very interested (my city ranked #1 as most violent crimes per capita in 2009).
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Not all R/C folks are like that.

We used to have permission to fly off of some city-owned soccer fields, with an R/C strip at the east end.

When we'd fly, the R/C guys would watch us and ask questions. We'd often wander over and watch them and ask questions, as well.

It's amazing how non-rocketeers often get so insensed about our activities, even when we were in a public area first, in full compliance with any regulations on the space.

Paul's thing with the plane had me ROTFLMAO. I have no Mean Machine but my Hot Needle of Inquiry on cluster power might have scared off someone like that. Can't wait until I build an upscale. :dark:

I've been around RC modelers, and except for the few that think it's funny to buzz by the pad or try to hit the rocket on the way down, they tend to be a nice bunch. Did see one incident some years back before I was a BAR... guy launches what was probably a Big Bertha or similar black rocket; easy to see. Apparently unrelated RC plane guy aims his plane at it; unexpectedly hits what I guess was the shock cord more than 100 feet up, gets shock cord and parachute / shrouds fouled in the engine and front wing. Bertha and nose cone both drop to the ground, unharmed. Big ol' RC plane crashes into splinters. I kept thinking, "Karma, dude, karma!" I was far enough away that I didn't hear the exchange on the ground but I saw the rocket guy later packing his car. I asked him: "Any damage?" (refering to the rocket). "Just his ego, I think!" came the reply. :wink:
The park in town I fly at is for electric rc planes, too. I have to say I have never seen what I would consider a beginner flyer alone without a more experienced person standing close. For electric planes, they seem pretty high dollar.

The few times someone has been there, usually mornings, I prep, they fly. They land, I launch. I retrieve, they fly. Pretty good system and generally only have to wait a few minutes. It can be done graciously to accompany everyone.
Kevin, what caused the "used to" part of that? What ended the love?

Basically, the fields were starting to get pretty heavily scheduled Since that's what they were built for, it kinda makes sense that the soccer teams have priority.

60 Acres is actually owned and operated by the youth soccer organization and they welcome what they call "light use activities" enthusiasts to come use their fields whenever organized soccer activities are not going on. We are truly blessed with the situation we have with the soccer folks here. The park is kind of interesting in that it has two large fields separated by a road. The R/C guys will typically stay on the south side of the road and if they are flying in the north fields are very cool and laid back and will more often than not come up and talk to you for a bit and if airspace does need to be shared because of lots of guys will work something out (you launch a few, then I'll fly for 10 minutes and then you on so forth). The thing that really irked me is that no one was on the south side and we had been launching in our spot for an hour and are the only ones there and this guy A) just has to fly his plane right in our vicinity and B) gets bent out of shape and starts cussing in front of my kid because of his stupidity. I gotta be honest with you all.....I was really hoping my Mean Machine hit that R/C plane....I guarantee an Estes Mean Machine costs a heck of a lot less than an R/C plane, and it would have taught the idiot a very valuable lesson.
I had one, years ago, that was in the class of 'karma bites back".

I was launching. I had used this field regularly, and I had a permit from the Parks and Recreation Dept.

This lady, dressed in a blue mu-mu, walked onto the field, with this little poodle. The kind they call "designer dogs". Well, she was out of our flight path and landing area, so we launched another. She came walking over, screaming at us in every 4 and 5 letter word you can imagine, over how we scared her precious little pooch. Then she pulled out a cell phone and called the police.

When they came, she was yelling at them about how I was a terrorist, etc. when they came to talk to me, I just pulled out my permit, and calmly explained that I had a right to do this here. But why is she walking her dog here? There are signs posted every 50 feet that dogs are not permitted by city ordinance.

That's when I showed them where her dog did its business, which was still warm. They gave her a ticket, which she ripped up, threw on the ground, and used every 4 and 5 letter word at them.

Bad move. The handcuffs came out.

When I got a call from the Parks and Rec dept on Monday, I explained what happened. Its weird to hear a city employee laughing evilly. She had done this to all of the groups who use that field, but it was the first time she had ever called the cops.
I had one, years ago, that was in the class of 'karma bites back".

I was launching. I had used this field regularly, and I had a permit from the Parks and Recreation Dept.

This lady, dressed in a blue mu-mu, walked onto the field, with this little poodle. The kind they call "designer dogs". Well, she was out of our flight path and landing area, so we launched another. She came walking over, screaming at us in every 4 and 5 letter word you can imagine, over how we scared her precious little pooch. Then she pulled out a cell phone and called the police.

When they came, she was yelling at them about how I was a terrorist, etc. when they came to talk to me, I just pulled out my permit, and calmly explained that I had a right to do this here. But why is she walking her dog here? There are signs posted every 50 feet that dogs are not permitted by city ordinance.

That's when I showed them where her dog did its business, which was still warm. They gave her a ticket, which she ripped up, threw on the ground, and used every 4 and 5 letter word at them.

Bad move. The handcuffs came out.

When I got a call from the Parks and Rec dept on Monday, I explained what happened. Its weird to hear a city employee laughing evilly. She had done this to all of the groups who use that field, but it was the first time she had ever called the cops.

Oh that's outstanding! Best story I've heard today...

I had one, years ago, that was in the class of 'karma bites back".

I was launching. I had used this field regularly, and I had a permit from the Parks and Recreation Dept.

This lady, dressed in a blue mu-mu, walked onto the field, with this little poodle. The kind they call "designer dogs". Well, she was out of our flight path and landing area, so we launched another. She came walking over, screaming at us in every 4 and 5 letter word you can imagine, over how we scared her precious little pooch. Then she pulled out a cell phone and called the police.

When they came, she was yelling at them about how I was a terrorist, etc. when they came to talk to me, I just pulled out my permit, and calmly explained that I had a right to do this here. But why is she walking her dog here? There are signs posted every 50 feet that dogs are not permitted by city ordinance.

That's when I showed them where her dog did its business, which was still warm. They gave her a ticket, which she ripped up, threw on the ground, and used every 4 and 5 letter word at them.

Bad move. The handcuffs came out.

When I got a call from the Parks and Rec dept on Monday, I explained what happened. Its weird to hear a city employee laughing evilly. She had done this to all of the groups who use that field, but it was the first time she had ever called the cops.

That's great...more power to ya.
Stupid what she deserved. Had the nerve to tear up the ticket and cuss out the police.
Arrogant beyond belief.
Glad you had your permit in hand and stood up for your rights.
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"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything." - Clarence Darrow
Not all R/C folks are like that.

We used to have permission to fly off of some city-owned soccer fields, with an R/C strip at the east end.

When we'd fly, the R/C guys would watch us and ask questions. We'd often wander over and watch them and ask questions, as well.


That's also been my experience. We flew at VOA alongside the Silent Flyers R/C group. Nice guys. I think they were eventually told that they were no longer welcome, same as us. The kite people were also pretty cool, with an exception or two. Bird watchers and soccer folks always tended to be less cool.:wink:
The park I launch at gets a fair amount of R/C guys. If any R/C guys happen to be there when I plan to launch I always go over and tell them what I will be doing. I have never had a problem with any of them. If one or two come over to watch me I always invite them to launch a rocket. That allows me to move into a better position near the likely recovery area. I always launch from the paved parking area and try to land the rocket in the tall grass.

We usually use different areas of the park, but if they are in "my area" then we take turns with the air space. They fly while I prep. I launch while they change batteries or tweak the planes.

I tend not to suffer fools gladly.

The local park is where I practice the Highland Games heavy athletics. Because I'm somewhat of a large individual (perhaps The Littlest Giant) and toss heavy implements about with great hue and cry, most folks tend to watch from a distance.


Especially the soccer players.
Oh, you are tossing the caber. I thought... never mind what I thought that was a photo of.
I've only flown a little at 60 Acres (quite a drive for me) and I'm also a long time RC electric airplane flyer (about 30 years now). The situation the first time I actually came to 60 Acres was a little scary from a safety standpoint as there was a whole knot of folks flying fairly randomly from the south end of the north field, while a group was setting up a huge amount of GSE for a Scouts rocket launch. There was NOT proper separation per the AMA safety code and I was more than a little concerned. Flying over people is strictly against the code...but then there are those who feel like the don't have to follow no stinkin' safety code :eek:.

That group (NWEF) has apparently secured access to another site as well....but from the way some were approaching their flying I can certainly see how your unfortunate incident happened.
Many towns now have ordinances prohibiting swearing and obscenity in public. Really. It's one of those laws that they sort of pull out and use if they want to give you a hard time, but forget about if they like you.

If some irate idiot is cussing at you, and you have witnesses, and you recount your experiences to the local police complete with the specific verbage used (especially if those witnesses are children and can confirm the vocabulary), the "offender" will often have the police turn back on them.

It has worked for me a few times-
Old dude i think you just put a whole new idea in my head for another hobby... I also dont have trouble with people encroaching on my area for similar reasons. 5"11" 245 and arms that stretch out xl t shirts lol. I am really a nice guy but my tattoos and stature can come off a lil intimidating, my sisters never brought a bf home while i was there haha. Being large has more benefits than being able to carry a fridge by yourself haha.

Highland games sound interesting tho do they let young guys play?
Our club had an R/C guy, older man, call us murderers because one of our rockets landed, under chute, near him. The R/C group was on the opposite end of the field from us. We were apologetic, but he continued his tirade and said if it happened again he was going to do something about it. We launch on a Navy Base, we contacted the CO, explained the situation, he banned the R/C guys from flying on our launch days. Sometimes things work out!
RC people fly often on our field. Some are rocket people too. Likely just a jerk who also does RC.
Went to a Las Vegas Turkey Shoot one year. The line was set up and not to far away a group of RC'ers set up... I thought they set up too near and my fears were confirmed, The inevitable ballistic shot came in, about 50 feet from where they were.

They wisely packed their gear and moved further south on the lake bed ;)
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I tend not to suffer fools gladly.

The local park is where I practice the Highland Games heavy athletics. Because I'm somewhat of a large individual (perhaps The Littlest Giant) and toss heavy implements about with great hue and cry, most folks tend to watch from a distance.


Especially the soccer players.

Now that there's a great big shillelagh!
I guarantee an Estes Mean Machine costs a heck of a lot less than an R/C plane, and it would have taught the idiot a very valuable lesson.

Estes Mean Machine - $20.00

Styrofoam RC Aircraft - $200.00+

Shooting down an RC Aircraft with a model rocket to teach a moron a lesson - Priceless!!!
Old dude i think you just put a whole new idea in my head for another hobby... I also dont have trouble with people encroaching on my area for similar reasons. 5"11" 245 and arms that stretch out xl t shirts lol. I am really a nice guy but my tattoos and stature can come off a lil intimidating, my sisters never brought a bf home while i was there haha. Being large has more benefits than being able to carry a fridge by yourself haha.

Highland games sound interesting tho do they let young guys play?

Here you go!
Many towns now have ordinances prohibiting swearing and obscenity in public. Really. It's one of those laws that they sort of pull out and use if they want to give you a hard time, but forget about if they like you.

If some irate idiot is cussing at you, and you have witnesses, and you recount your experiences to the local police complete with the specific verbage used (especially if those witnesses are children and can confirm the vocabulary), the "offender" will often have the police turn back on them.

It has worked for me a few times-

That is quite possibly the lamest thing I have ever heard.

That irate idiot is protected under the constitution to say whatever the heck he wants, even if it borders on classless ranting. Am I upset that this guy chose to drop f-bombs every other word in front of my kid? Sure. Is it his right to freedom of speech even if it is ill timed? Yes it is.

While I asked him to stop swearing in front of my 10 year old, I would never in a million years think to call the cops on him because he was expressing himself in a manner he deemed fit. I have a huge problem with laws like that
I fly at 60 acres and there are usually R/C fliers there, sometimes quite a few. They usually fly from the south end of the north field, while I launch from near the middle of the field. So far I haven't had any incidents or problems with them. I generally do not launch if a plane is overhead or is very close, and for the most part they do not fly over my launching area. It's a big enough field for both hobbies. They seem to be an amiable lot. The classless dude Paul described should definitely move to Greenland. I've found some of the grounds keepers to be snippy though. One older dude in a red Ford truck commented to me that they wanted to ban rockets from the field. Good luck with that!
Say yer piece and leave but If he carried on, I probably would have had a big problem staying cool even with my kids there. Commendable for taking the higher road. I don't have the guns like the old guy in the skirt (surprised I'm the first on to make a dig) and despite being 6' and only 160 dripping wet, I have a hard time sucking up to a belligerent A-hole.