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Pretty sure almost all of those scripts could easily be written by any AI story generator. Probably more convincingly, too...
There was an old cartoon in Mad Magazine that was basically a flowchart to write a science fiction movie/story. At each point along the line there were choices you could make such as "the aliens/monsters came to earth", "so they could kill us/take our women" and on like that. Depending on what choices you made at any point along the line you could come up with a different story each time. I took that flowchart and put it in a computer program with a random number generator to make the choices. Each time you ran it you would get a different story, many of which didn't make much sense.
180 days since my life CATO'd.

No idea of the future to this day... There is not a day, actually more than a few hours, I don't think of her. 27 years. Where did it go? How many billions of people have asked that question? 'Who knows where the time goes?" Yet we humans find ways to kill too soon. :(

I wish 90% of them could feel the loss of the people FIRST. If they did, I know they would not... alas... another thread.

Anyway I worked. Yeah me. Then worked on wockets. Then took a walk. Then poured a stiff Spiced Rum and Grapefruit juice (most Rum) and sat here and typed this

Thank you for all your support (Channeling Bartel and James).
Call me a grouch, curmudgeon, or fuddy-duddy, but why the heck does a refrigerator need a large circuit board?
If it's a year old, it probably has digital controls, so there's a few square inches right there. Once you start adding sensors and controls for fridge, freezer, ice maker, ice dispenser, etc. I'd think you'd get a decent size board. Even if you don't have the ice maker it wouldn't surprise me if the manufacturer put in the same circuit board to reduce part count back at the factory.
Yeah, but I've got a refrigerator with an ice maker, ice and water dispensers, temperature controls, a light that comes on when you open it and another when you use the ice or water, and it ain't got no damn circuit board. Get off my lawn!
If it's a year old, it probably has digital controls, so there's a few square inches right there. Once you start adding sensors and controls for fridge, freezer, ice maker, ice dispenser, etc. I'd think you'd get a decent size board. Even if you don't have the ice maker it wouldn't surprise me if the manufacturer put in the same circuit board to reduce part count back at the factory.
there's one panel on the back about 14" tall and 12" wide. ...take it off and there's the circuit board that controls everything. Took him 10 minutes to do the whole process.
there's one panel on the back about 14" tall and 12" wide. ...take it off and there's the circuit board that controls everything. Took him 10 minutes to do the whole process.
And to answer @jqavins' question, that's exactly why there's a big circuit board. It saves repair tech time by giving one piece to replace quickly if there's a problem with controls (as opposed to a mechanical problem).
And to answer @jqavins' question, that's exactly why there's a big circuit board. It saves repair tech time by giving one piece to replace quickly if there's a problem with controls (as opposed to a mechanical problem).
Yes, that's better than a lot of little circuit boards. Every refrigerator I've owned, or my parents owned since I was a child, only had switches and solenoids and a simple thermostat for controls. Sure, it's easier to change out the electronics when it's all on one big board rather than a lot of little ones, but easier still if there are no electronics. I don't always believe in "If it was good enough for Mon and Dad, then it's good enough for me", but I do believe in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." What did they "fix" by adding electronics to a kitchen cold box?
Yes, that's better than a lot of little circuit boards. Every refrigerator I've owned, or my parents owned since I was a child, only had switches and solenoids and a simple thermostat for controls. Sure, it's easier to change out the electronics when it's all on one big board rather than a lot of little ones, but easier still if there are no electronics. I don't always believe in "If it was good enough for Mon and Dad, then it's good enough for me", but I do believe in "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." What did they "fix" by adding electronics to a kitchen cold box?
I'm not a refrigeration engineer, so I'm just spitballing here. Your parents' fridge probably didn't have a separate temperature control for the fridge or freezer. If you left the freezer open too long while loading it up, you might overcool the fridge and freeze the lettuce. A set of electronic controls would likely give you better temperature management in the two sections and would likely save energy. The ice maker and dispenser also has a fair amount of control built in beyond simple switches. And all of that is before you get to the (IMHO) weird world of web connectivity and the like. So I'm only a partial Luddite. :D
And all of that is before you get to the (IMHO) weird world of web connectivity and the like. So I'm only a partial Luddite. :D

Yes, I don't need a fridge that can "tweet" (or X?).

But electronic controls do have advantages, in addition to what you mentioned, computerized fan controls do a better job of efficiently controlling both compartments (fridge + freezer) and take care of things like automatic defrosting.

We've come a long way from the iceboxes and the Kelvinator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refrigerator
I watched the guy replace the large circuit board in the refrigerator, that's 1 year old.
My brother inlaw used to live in Brunei. He had a drinks fridge that was malfunctioning. Parts were unobtainium in Brunei, and repair people were very unskilled. I told him to pull out the small circuit board and wash it with a toothbrush and alcohol, dry it and reassemble. Worked a treat, and he didn't need to buy a new fridge.

The high humidity there is problematic and coupled with some flux residue from original assembly, and bad design, caused the malfunction.
Spent 2+ hours on the phone trying to get my iphone to work, it's been putting small caption blocks above everything. The first person I called from the Apple contact listing was a scammer wanting me to send $100 gift cards. Now my phone is mostly locked up which means I cannot even back it up
I told him to pull out the small circuit board and wash it with a toothbrush and alcohol

Funny, I’m in the middle of doing that now. Truck stereo and previous owner dust.



I'm looking to add bluetooth in there. These old Nissans usually had an external CD/Changer input on a DIN jack. This unit has a single CD player, but there is a provision on the PCB for the DIN jack (J302). Looking possible, but iffy at this point without more info.
