In FB Jail...

The Rocketry Forum

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I pride myself on having friends from different race/religion/politics/nationality backgrounds. This carries over to what web forums I participate in online. But it doesn't always work out.

One of my non-rocketry hobbies (which shall remain nameless) is pretty technical and there is really only one forum worth its salt. I've been on there for something like 5 years, maybe 6. So, since before COVID and the 2020 election by several years for sure. While that forum has an international membership, in terms of active members it's mostly a bunch of old white conservative men who are retired or nearly so, who spend a lot of time polishing their guns and complaining about liberals and the government (it's not a gun forum, but it might as well be...). It was that way when I joined but for my first several years there I stuck to the technical threads. I wasn't one of the most active folks but I was there often enough to be recognized as more than a random member. I appreciated the help I got from several of the active members and developed respect for them; I helped others to the extent my growing knowledge and experience allowed.

Then, in January 2020, when COVID started becoming a thing that was talked about, I happened to join a COVID-related thread. My background as a scientist and person involved in the clinical trials process gave me a perspective that few others there had, so I took it on myself to help explain things in response to questions posed in the thread and present facts, while debunking a few ridiculous things that came up (usually from zerohedge links and the like). It actually was going fine until the hydroxychloroquine thing came up. That one incident resulted in massive polarization of folks on the thread into two camps (95% in the pro-'droxy camp). After that, everything COVID-related was political, for no good reason. Nonetheless, I remained subscribed to that thread and would post fact-supported replies and new research that I encountered. I figured even if a lot of people ignored it or even openly scorned it, perhaps what I was posting was helpful to some. I kept at it for a year until maybe ~March 2021 when I realized that it was negatively affecting my mental health to have facts, common sense, and logic repudiated continually by people citing crap article-mill content that would take research out of context to support politically-aligned clickbait. Eventually I unsubscribed from the thread but still went back to the forum once in a while for technical issues, though I had little to post about (my involvement in the hobby was at a stable point) and frankly didn't want to draw attention of the main posters. My mental health improved significantly, being out of that thread.

More than a year after I left the thread, so about a month ago, someone posted in it an article and tagged me so that I got a notification. The article was a good one, but their take on it was using the research and a few sentences out of context, actually flipping the meaning. So, I walked them through what the article was saying, what the conclusions meant, and cautioned them that the sentence they were referring to, which by itself suggested the mRNA vaccines weren't very effective anymore, was actually very focused on infection and wasn't saying anything about their effectiveness against severe covid. In fact, later in that article it was made clear the vaccines still had something like 90% effectiveness against severe covid in the population studied.

But no, I was clearly a tool of a liberal conspiracy; other metrics were thrown at me unrelated to the article; I debunked those as well, showing how they were being interpreted out of context to flip the meaning. At which point I told them I was again leaving the thread; if they wanted a scientific analysis of something from someone with 30 years experience they could let me know, and I would be happy to walk them through it, but that I was done arguing. To which I got a retort that they didn't need someone with a piece of paper; they could read the articles themselves and google any terms they didn't understand. I did not reply.

To Chuck's point, it's a shame that medicine has in many ways become a debatable third rail in this country.

The sad thing is that I respect these people for their technical prowess in the forum's subject matter, but at the same time they are objectively deluded conspiracy theorists. To the point where if I do run into a technical issue and need their help, I am not sure I want to post on that forum anymore, out of concern they may bring up their scorn of me from the other thread.
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In the clink again... This time on a nautical pun... Yes, I was nauti...

Here's the pun...

and my reply...

Then I said...


FB's Artificial Stupidity (it's sure not intelligence) believes that I was actually threatening someone.
Turns out I had one strike against me for suggesting that a certain Ex KGB officer who is leading an illegal war against the Ukranian people should be placed in front of a wall, and receive several objects made from lead was apparently too violent for FB. If it wasn't for the fact that there are people there that I have no other way of reaching, I'd consider leaving the platform.
NO, he should die of heavy metal poisoning or other KGB trade craft.
Never been in FB Jail. Was in a real drunk tank once decades ago though.
I watch Springfield Leather Company Live on Wednesdays and Fridays and Live Shopping on Thursdays.
Other than that, I seldom log into FB.
But I know people that walk around the complex here that have their phone on FB constantly.
For what, I don't know. Maybe because there is so much Fact Sharing occurring on FB!
The only time for me was going on a health forum for my disease, and telling a lady that if she kept on falling by using just a cane, instead of going on to a walker which would give much more stability, It scared her so she reported me. Needless to say I quit going there.
A while back, a friend of mine posted an article that mentioned that a woman is something like 65% more likely to have her male partner leave her if she receives a major medical diagnosis (e.g. MS, cancer, blah blah blah) than a man is to have his female partner leave. I made a comment that "Men are pigs", and got a 3 day ban.
I quit FaceCrook in June of 2021, I have been free of them for over a year, and feel my life is so much better for it.
Mark Zuckercrap can kiss my shiny metal ass. In fact, I'm going to start my own facebook, with hookers and blackjack.
A while back, a friend of mine posted an article that mentioned that a woman is something like 65% more likely to have her male partner leave her if she receives a major medical diagnosis (e.g. MS, cancer, blah blah blah) than a man is to have his female partner leave. I made a comment that "Men are pigs", and got a 3 day ban.
Well-deserved and pretty lenient, in my opinion.
A while back, a friend of mine posted an article that mentioned that a woman is something like 65% more likely to have her male partner leave her if she receives a major medical diagnosis (e.g. MS, cancer, blah blah blah) than a man is to have his female partner leave. I made a comment that "Men are pigs", and got a 3 day ban.

I am not and have never been a Facebook person, so I don't know how or how often it is moderated. My main question is were you moderated because men would be offended or was it that pigs would be offended?

I am not and have never been a Facebook person, so I don't know how or how often it is moderated. My main question is were you moderated because men would be offended or was it that pigs would be offended?

I can respect that for being the most Sandy-ish thing I’ve ever seen.
It would be nice if FB played by their own rules, but they don't.
Started at most recent post and went back to beginning. I have my own unpleasant history with Farce Book.
Was on it from 2009 to 2015 and very active in several health support groups for a couple incurable endocrine and mitochondrial diseases.
I soon set up a secondary account with which to look at those support groups as an outsider and see if what FB said the privacy settings were had any resemblance to reality.
I guess that at this point on the calendar it really is not necessary to point out that they sometimes did not.

Anyway ...

Eventually FB locked me out of my main account claiming they had detected malware in my computer via their Malware Checkpoint program.

Their what????

Looked up FB's own FB page about it, from a coupled years earlier; page said you opt in and then you can download one of these 2 or 3 antimalware programs.

Umm, excuse me, I did not opt in to a service I had no idea existed and the "F-Secure 2014" you are demanding I download is not on that list.

And furthermore ...

... even as I was reading FB's own FB pages about Malware Checkpoint, and major media like the New York Times articles about problems with the thing, FB friends were telling me on that secondary account I mentioned that the thing wasn't a FB product it was a virus pretending to be FB. :rolleyes:

Excuse me, FB itself and multiple national media say the malware checkpoint thing is a legit FB thing. And by the way, 5, five, FIVE, antimalware programs and 1 paid professional not only didn;t find the specific malware FB said was in my PC, they didn't find ANY malware.

I forget of it was PC Mag or PC World, but when one of those had their staffers download F-Secure 2014 on to a computer they'd deliberately put a bit of malware on it, the program screwed up the computer so bad it took them 2 weeks to make it usable again.

Umm NO, no way I'm putting that on my PC.


Anyway ...

I used that previously mentioned account for a couple weeks until FB stopped me nanoseconds after I clicked EDIT on something I'd recently posted and claimed I was being blocked because they had detected unusual activity on my account, so would I send them my photo ID so they could allow me back in.
I found much curiosity in that what I had just clicked to edit was a post debunking a viral thing where the Pope was supposed to have said some anti-American stuff.
Hmm, I've seen FB's privacy issues, I've seen news about FB privacy issues and FB wants my photo id? NO.


As an aside, I had quickly learned that if a thing is viral on FB, condemn as a lie until you can document it being valid.
Seemed I could smell the fake stuff from 80 gigabytes away.
And only twice in 7 years on FB was my gut instinct about a thing being untrue ever wrong.


Eventually ...

In 2017 a retro sci-fi miniatures miniatures game group pushed the right buttons to get me to try FB again ...

I was on about 10 days with a new account when FB said I had to give them my cell phone number and they would "post to your timeline but keep it private".

Oh? Really? Hahahahahaha! 😆 You at FB presume that I'm too stupid to have seen the last 3 to 5 years of network news items covering FB privacy breaches?
And one other thing, disabled impoverished me doesn't have a cell phone number to give.

Same thing happened to a garden railway forum member whose family talked him in to trying FB, he used it about 10 to 14 days before FB extorted him for the cell phone number he did not have one of. Was interesting to see the forum's FB users telling him that's not FB doing that, his computer has a virus. :rolleyes:

While that 2017 return had its brief lifetime, at the same time FB was being publicly anti-gun, they were flooding me with ads for guns and self-defense shooting classes.
Somewhere I think I still have at least a couple screen shots of that.


At this point my experience with FB has shown me that they are both corrupt and pathological liars.
Oh, and an event elsewhere on the web just now which talked about something seen on FB, though the conversation was not on FB, reminded me of the thing where no matter the politics, philosophy, religion, gender, ethnicity, or age, involved, the level of hostile resentment which came from people when you documented, via multiple legit sources, their treasured viral post as false was astonishing.

Then, back to the years on FB, fro an example of another thing, there was the time I replied to a post made on their personal page by a friend from a health support group, hey, this is false, here's documentation, you really should take a couple minutes to check them before sharing them, the gal whose name was either Victoria or Virginia, or similar, responded that she has no free time for doing such fact checking, then posted about what she'd been doing on Farmville for the last 3 hours. :rolleyes:

I shoulda gotten a sociology degree then gotten a multi-million dollar federal grant to study social media behavior ...
umm ...
... wait a minute ...
... in order to do that ...
... I'd have to spend a million hours READING social media ...
... I've been a psych inpatient once already, thank you ...

Anyway, I have concluded that people want, even NEED, untruths which confirm their existing fears, because the most popular viral untruths were alarms and warnings.
And the reactions to those being documented as untrue indicates to me that any reality which contradicts the untruths of their fears is seen as an existential threat and must be stomped out immediately like dropping a brick on a bug, "The untrue fear Must Not be challenged!"
Started at most recent post and went back to beginning. I have my own unpleasant history with Farce Book.
Was on it from 2009 to 2015 and very active in several health support groups for a couple incurable endocrine and mitochondrial diseases.
I soon set up a secondary account with which to look at those support groups as an outsider and see if what FB said the privacy settings were had any resemblance to reality.
I guess that at this point on the calendar it really is not necessary to point out that they sometimes did not.

Anyway ...

Eventually FB locked me out of my main account claiming they had detected malware in my computer via their Malware Checkpoint program.

Their what????

Looked up FB's own FB page about it, from a coupled years earlier; page said you opt in and then you can download one of these 2 or 3 antimalware programs.

Umm, excuse me, I did not opt in to a service I had no idea existed and the "F-Secure 2014" you are demanding I download is not on that list.

And furthermore ...

... even as I was reading FB's own FB pages about Malware Checkpoint, and major media like the New York Times articles about problems with the thing, FB friends were telling me on that secondary account I mentioned that the thing wasn't a FB product it was a virus pretending to be FB. :rolleyes:

Excuse me, FB itself and multiple national media say the malware checkpoint thing is a legit FB thing. And by the way, 5, five, FIVE, antimalware programs and 1 paid professional not only didn;t find the specific malware FB said was in my PC, they didn't find ANY malware.

I forget of it was PC Mag or PC World, but when one of those had their staffers download F-Secure 2014 on to a computer they'd deliberately put a bit of malware on it, the program screwed up the computer so bad it took them 2 weeks to make it usable again.

Umm NO, no way I'm putting that on my PC.


Anyway ...

I used that previously mentioned account for a couple weeks until FB stopped me nanoseconds after I clicked EDIT on something I'd recently posted and claimed I was being blocked because they had detected unusual activity on my account, so would I send them my photo ID so they could allow me back in.
I found much curiosity in that what I had just clicked to edit was a post debunking a viral thing where the Pope was supposed to have said some anti-American stuff.
Hmm, I've seen FB's privacy issues, I've seen news about FB privacy issues and FB wants my photo id? NO.


As an aside, I had quickly learned that if a thing is viral on FB, condemn as a lie until you can document it being valid.
Seemed I could smell the fake stuff from 80 gigabytes away.
And only twice in 7 years on FB was my gut instinct about a thing being untrue ever wrong.


Eventually ...

In 2017 a retro sci-fi miniatures miniatures game group pushed the right buttons to get me to try FB again ...

I was on about 10 days with a new account when FB said I had to give them my cell phone number and they would "post to your timeline but keep it private".

Oh? Really? Hahahahahaha! 😆 You at FB presume that I'm too stupid to have seen the last 3 to 5 years of network news items covering FB privacy breaches?
And one other thing, disabled impoverished me doesn't have a cell phone number to give.

Same thing happened to a garden railway forum member whose family talked him in to trying FB, he used it about 10 to 14 days before FB extorted him for the cell phone number he did not have one of. Was interesting to see the forum's FB users telling him that's not FB doing that, his computer has a virus. :rolleyes:

While that 2017 return had its brief lifetime, at the same time FB was being publicly anti-gun, they were flooding me with ads for guns and self-defense shooting classes.
Somewhere I think I still have at least a couple screen shots of that.

FB doesn't send those ads, Google does, based on your shopping habits...

BTW, I'm Pro Rockets, Pro Gun, and Pro Trains! What scale??? I have N-Scale

At this point my experience with FB has shown me that they are both corrupt and pathological liars.
FB doesn't send those ads, Google does, based on your shopping habits...

BTW, I'm Pro Rockets, Pro Gun, and Pro Trains! What scale??? I have N-Scale
HO scale at the train club, O-Scale at the other train club, N-scale empire under deconstruction at Dad's house, Z-scale in my basement in eventual hope of restoration.

PS. Since you're a train guy, and live in West Chester, have you been to the Christmas train display at the Brandywine Museum? My cousin is the curator/chief engineer for the Christmas train display.
HO scale at the train club, O-Scale at the other train club, N-scale empire under deconstruction at Dad's house, Z-scale in my basement in eventual hope of restoration.

PS. Since you're a train guy, and live in West Chester, have you been to the Christmas train display at the Brandywine Museum? My cousin is the curator/chief engineer for the Christmas train display.
Yes, but not in many years...

BTW, I just placed an order on Sirius Rocketry, and found that they are selling the only 1:87 scale rocket kit I remember ever seeing...
I always hated that almost all plastic models were of scales other than trains except in some cases like 1:48.
Hey Revell... how about 1:160 instead of 1:144 or 1:200, or 1:87 instead of 1:72 or 1:64 ...etc...

If you have it, Check out August, 2021 Model Railroader. My friend Dave's dug out of the basement clay layout is featured.
FB doesn't send those ads, Google does, based on your shopping habits...
YOU ARE WRONG. I own no guns. I have never shopped for guns. With my health the mess it is I get vastly more bang for my buck on hobbies I can do at home.

And those ads were embedded in the FB page where both ad blocking and script blocking programs had no effect.

Thanks to autism and a few other neurological things the web would be unusable if I didn't use several ad and script blocking programs.
What scale???
Plural, scales. :)
Thanks to health decline I don't do N any more. Up till end of 1990s I was doing classic passenger trains of the southeast plus some Amtrak using Life-Like's F40s and E units for power.
Have long done and still do HO.
Have dabbled in HOn30 and On30.
With disability settlement lump sum back pay almost a couple decades ago now I finally got some G, figuring that as my health declined the larger stuff would be easier to work with..
YOU ARE WRONG. I own no guns. I have never shopped for guns. With my health the mess it is I get vastly more bang for my buck on hobbies I can do at home.

And those ads were embedded in the FB page where both ad blocking and script blocking programs had no effect.

Thanks to autism and a few other neurological things the web would be unusable if I didn't use several ad and script blocking programs.
I have seen many ads, both on FB and other sites that are based on my recent purchases...thats all, no need to yell...I wish I could block 'em all, but it's impossible... I know what I want to buy when I need something...
YOU ARE WRONG. I own no guns. I have never shopped for guns. With my health the mess it is I get vastly more bang for my buck on hobbies I can do at home.

And those ads were embedded in the FB page where both ad blocking and script blocking programs had no effect.

Thanks to autism and a few other neurological things the web would be unusable if I didn't use several ad and script blocking programs.
You don't have to shop for the items to start seeing ads about them. Reading articles about things can trigger it. Any number of things could have put that in there, to be perfectly honest.
Lenient because if it were me, I’d think 5 would be more fair. Going into detail on why it’s well-deserved would approach the third rail more closely than I’d like to.
Compared to other crap that is allowed to stand and goes unpunished, do you honestly think saying, "Men are pigs" is worthy of a 5 day ban? Wow...Talk about overly
in regard to the man/pig equivalence, i think this a lazy reference, conjured more from common mythos than logic. in respect to my own behaviors, as a heterosexual young adolescent male through a good portion of adulthood, i can only categorize them as lower primate. In my own terms i refer to this as 'bald monkey syndrome.'
in regard to the man/pig equivalence, i think this a lazy reference, conjured more from common mythos than logic. in respect to my own behaviors, as a heterosexual young adolescent male through a good portion of adulthood, i can only categorize them as lower primate. In my own terms i refer to this as 'bald monkey syndrome.'
Not to mention there are a lot of factors that influence the phenomenon at issue (leaving a partner diagnosed with a chronic or terminal illness) apart from or together with misogyny, which is far from universal among or unique to men. Being sick is both expensive and stressful, two things that negatively affect relationship stability. Depending on the man in question, that may be far more decisive than ordinary sexism. It shouldn’t have taken more than a few seconds worth of thought to see that.

I will not dive further into the topic than this.

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