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Sold Aerotech / Dr. Rockets 54/1706 Complete motor hardware

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
Reaction score
I have a Dr. Rockets 54/1706 Complete Motor hardware set available.
- Case
- Fwd Closure
- Rear Closure
- Seal Disk
Everything in Fantastic condition, minus a nick on the Fwd Closure. Blemish does not affect assembly of the motor in any way, and does not appear inside the smoke well of the closure. Closures screw on very smoothly. Motor cleaned extensively after flight and stored with grease on all threads.

Asking $145 OBO + shipping

I used to have a lot of hard wear many in same sizes. But a few years ago I asked myself why. A large amount of it I never used.
I used to have a lot of hard wear many in same sizes. But a few years ago I asked myself why. A large amount of it I never used.

When there are two fliers in the house and both those fliers really like to launch a lot of rockets and they go together to an average of 2 launches a month (during the season of course) and like to prep their rockets and motors in advance... that's when we find we have a lot of hard wear in many sizes that are in use and the competition for particular favorite sizes can be brutal in this household.

Got any you want to sell?:):)