They Wouldn't Make The Meme, If It Wasn't The Truth...

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That's what led to the demise of that one steam rocket guy. The bible told him to get in a rocket and go to 5000' so he could see that the earth was flat.
IIRC, one of his family members or close associates came out and said he didn't really believe in flat earth, and just pretended he did so flat earthers would fund the stunt he wanted to do. Could be true, but maybe isn't. Who knows. Regardless, speaking ill of the dead is inadvisable.

I think my favorite flat earth moment was when one of them bought that $25,000 gyroscope and found that it precessed relative to him at 15° per hour...
How flat earthers think the dinosaurs went extinct:
I had the Explorer detailed earlier this year. When the guy came over I was talking to him. He noticed contrails in the sky and proceeded to tell me about chem trails. I did a mental eye roll and tried to explain what a contrail was and how they were made. Nope, he said and went on for several minutes telling me about chem trails. I finally said, I'll let you get started and retreated to the garage. How can a seemingly intelligent business owner have that far out conspiracy theory.
I had the Explorer detailed earlier this year. When the guy came over I was talking to him. He noticed contrails in the sky and proceeded to tell me about chem trails. I did a mental eye roll and tried to explain what a contrail was and how they were made. Nope, he said and went on for several minutes telling me about chem trails. I finally said, I'll let you get started and retreated to the garage. How can a seemingly intelligent business owner have that far out conspiracy theory.

Speaking of Chem Trails, Ginger Zee the Weather Lady from GMA talks about Seeding out West. I'm not a chem trail conspiracy person, but they are doing a lot of cloud seeding in ten western states as shown here in the Main Stream Media:

here is the still then the video at 2:35 below that.
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I honestly think (or hope?) that the growing number who claim to be "flat earthers" are really just bored pimple faced youngsters trying to be funny or outrageous and they really don't believe it, but think its funny to repeat it or add to the rhetoric. I mean can people really be THAT dumb these days?? I hope not.
I suspect some (many?) flat earthers are expressing tongue-in-cheek humor. Similar to a fan club years ago, the Minardi Fan Club. They would get together to drink beer and watch Formula 1, knowing well that their team had no chance of winning. And here locally, there is the Elk Island Yacht Club. Elk Island is a small island in our local small river, no chance of yachts. But they meet on Wednesday evenings around a table with lots of beer pitchers.

I've been known to propose preposterous ideas, just to watch everyone's reaction, before they figure out that I'm BS'ing. I relegate Flat Earth in the same category. I've made Flat Earth comments just to yank someone's chain.

Lots of complaints. Avoid the discussion of religion.
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