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TRF Supporter
Jun 6, 2011
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So, the mess I created all over TRF is finally over. Thanks to those of you who donated to a 5th grade STEM teacher (who shall remain anonymous.) has his package winging his way. Classes start Aug 10th. Just in time! This is the first time I've enlisted Discount Rocketry to help me fund a teacher. Jim and Ruby are awesome supporters of all the sport flyers as well as TARC teams, local STEM teachers and Scouts of all sizes and shapes. They had what I thought was needed and could ship motors. I do this not for fame or fortune, but to simply pass the fire to a younger generation. I have a personal affinity for 5th grade teachers, as the man who changed the trajectory of my life and encouraged a new, shy kid to excel in what he loved. Mr. Donald Ary, a Brit whom the USAF Base Commander hired for our base elementary school, recognized I had little need of the reading, spelling and writing portion of our lessons. He fed my addiction to chemistry by letting me demonstrate 'magic' from common household goods. He kept me from smothering in the box most all students are forced into. Those are formative years, when you question your role in the scheme of things and try like hell to 'fit in'. I'll never know how he figured me out, but will always be grateful. Teachers can do that. I normally send funds to a teacher so they can source locally, but Jim and Ruby had what I thought was a perfect fit for him and his students based on our emails. I most likely will never meet this chap and that is fine. If we get just one new rocketeer or even an engineer, scientific tradesman or, joy of joys, a teacher out if it, it's all worth it. To those who donated, you know who you are, and a big thanks go out to you. Yes, I wrote the check for the majority, but that is beside the point. Pass the fire. Give that one kid out of a hundred the fuel for his fire. If we get one new rocketeer out of this, I know I've done my job.
Jim and Ruby at Discount Rocketry are carrying the fire to each and every launch they attend. It's not a glamorous life, and certainly not guaranteed to make you rich. The new trailer is amazing and so well organized. If you ever need any lazer fins cut or any laser work, for that matter, contact Jim. He does this stuff at light speed. The bins he made for motors are a work of art. See them at most major launches in Southern California. '[email protected]' Here are the heroes and a photo of the the class room this chap teaches in. Note all the rockets displayed are his, funded out if his pocket. I wish him well. Maybe he'll join us on TRF, who knows?


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This sounds great. And — it's great to hear Jim and Ruby are doing OK. I hadn't heard from Ruby in some relatively recent attempts at touching base and was concerned.

Well done!!
I saw Ruby at DART’s launch on Sunday. Didn’t get a chance to speak with her but she is still kickin’ it.
The teacher responded, "O wow! This is perfect. Thanks so much!"
( unfortunately, I think I already blew out his post with a pic of the box-24 rocket kits and a box of motors)
Mission accomplished, thx to the TRFers who donated either by sales or directly.
I've hooked up with a chap with a non-profit org for the next victim(s). More local this time.
More sales to come. Start them young, it will keep you that way too!
Shout out to Ruby and Jim at Discount Rocketry for shipping everything!
I continue to try and support Jim and Ruby as often as possible. Great service.
No good deed ever goes unpunished. Elsewhere you've prolly seen my post about homeschooling and presenting a 'rocket class's for the same. Again, unasked for, Discount Rocketry has stepped up and donated a bagful of kits needed to get these kids off the ground (pun intended). Thanks to these "rocket pushers" I've re-entered Low Power for the first time in xxx years. Balsa birds are hard! Even tho' I cut my teeth on Estes and Centuri, the light weight and limited go pills really make you work for a good flight profile. We're spoiled in HPR with drillable delays and avionics for the laundry. It helps me to understand what new students face and what I can bring to the party. Check out the Nexus from Discount Rocketry. Tell 'em Dave sent ya. Then tell them Crazy old Dave. Then just tell them the stupid old coot who won't stop talking and bugging them. That should remind them. That would be good for zero discount.
I am also in the early stages of working with an unknown group of homeschoolers. Until I know a little more, I won't know which model or models to use. But if they turn out to be on the young side, I will certainly keep the streamer version of the Nexus in mind. It's a great model. My default go-to is the BMS School Rocket, though I've also done group builds of the regular 1225 Alpha.

Since we homeschooled some, and I did some once-a-week classes at a now-defunct homeschool support group/facility some years ago (which directly led to my becoming a BAR), I'm less concerned about the actual kids I'll be dealing with this time, or, really, their parents. We shall see.
I am also in the early stages of working with an unknown group of homeschoolers. Until I know a little more, I won't know which model or models to use. But if they turn out to be on the young side, I will certainly keep the streamer version of the Nexus in mind. It's a great model. My default go-to is the BMS School Rocket, though I've also done group builds of the regular 1225 Alpha.

Since we homeschooled some, and I did some once-a-week classes at a now-defunct homeschool support group/facility some years ago (which directly led to my becoming a BAR), I'm less concerned about the actual kids I'll be dealing with this time, or, really, their parents. We shall see.
Oh, brother, please keep me posted. The lowest I've done is a batch of bright 4th graders in a science magnet school. All the rest have been 5th and up. Seems when ya get to high school age, the teachers feel you are stepping on their toes. I'm really kinda more worried about the parents, (supposedly all Doctors); same as you. But, IF I was an Astronaut, well ...
Oh, brother, please keep me posted. The lowest I've done is a batch of bright 4th graders in a science magnet school. All the rest have been 5th and up. Seems when ya get to high school age, the teachers feel you are stepping on their toes. I'm really kinda more worried about the parents, (supposedly all Doctors); same as you. But, IF I was an Astronaut, well ...
People are fussy about their kids now, more than I remember any parents being when I was small. It’s the whole “Mama Bear” thing, and it’s more accurate than they realize: bears are infamous for going after things that are not a threat to little ones.

Oh well….