I Have Returned!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
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After a short, 4 hour shift at the hospital today, I got home and saw a sight I had sometimes despaired of ever seening again. There was a Semroc box sitting in my mailbox.

Be still my beating heart!

While this has always been a good thing, it is not something I have experienced for over 2 years.

My last church, Browning UMC, was closed on Easter Sunday of 2010. Through a quirk in our canon law, I fell through the cracks. My bishop had already published his list of appointments and the assumption had been that I would be back at Browning. Sadly, Browning was no more.

For the first time since I was 14, I did not have a job.

I promised my wife that I would not build, fly or otherwise spend money on rocketry until I was employed again. Getting to play around on TRF was not part of the deal because its free and I am positive my wife knew that my system could only take so much shock.

These have been 2 difficult years. God I missed air conditioning, good food, rockets, movies and lots of other things! I especially missed the rockets and air conditioning.

The time has had it rewards as well. People have been good to me.

In June, I finally got some part time work in hospital chaplaincy and have been able to start doing some things again. Air conditioning is a big part of the plans. Banishment of peanut butter sandwiches and ramen noodles is another important part. Most important, though, is my return to active rocketry.

I want to thank ET Dixon UMC for the appointment as associate pastor. That has allowed me to keep my creditials and be on the list for a full time appointment this coming June.

I want to thank Methodist Healthcare systems for taking me on and giving me the opportunity to post this.

I want to thank the people of TRF in general for being my refuge in time of trouble.

I especially want to thank Troj and WiK for giving me the opportunity to play with the gallery section, for providing me with the technical support for things beyond my understanding and for letting me work on some of my crackpot ideas.

I want to thank the Alamo Rocketeers, NAR 661 for keeping me in the loop and sometimes letting me come out and sniff used motors.

I want to thank Art Applewhite for helping me keep my hand in a little bit teaching some rocket related stuff for my church.

I want to thank Scotty Dog for an unexpected Christmas present that really lifted my spirits at a critical time.

I want to thank Erik of BadAzz who did something similar and thought of me even as he faced issues with his wife's health.

I want to thank JohnNGA for the support, plans and inspiration for what will be described below.

I want to thank Layne Pemberton of Puria Llama Chow for the laughs.

I want to thank Mark at Stickershock for bearing with me when I lost my job and giving me the chance to pay off what I owed him. I still want to go ahead with the "John Deere" stuff we were working on when everything went to pieces.

I want to thank Gordon of Roachwerks for the custom work he did for me over 3 years ago. Hopefully, the project will finally be finished within the month.

I want to thank LW Bernici for the facecards he sent me for scanning into the gallery. It helped my spirits, will help the gallery and TRI but, most importantly, revived some cherished memories of youth.

I want to thank the people of YORF who helped me with background information for the galleries.

There are so many more to thank and I apologize for not remembering them off the top of my head as I type this, humbled, by what people have done for me. I do, however, have to mention two more.

The last rocket I flew in Feb of 2010 was at a DARS competition. I had a great time up there and was amazed that I actually won something. I just enjoyed to opportunity to get out and play. Over the last 2 years, I have changed my mind several times as to what my first forray into rocketry would be, if that day ever came about. Scotty and Erik and Art, y'all are still at the top of the list but something has come up that just seems "fitting".

In October of this year, DARS is having a "classics" competition. It is not a sanctioned event but it sure seems like it will be fun. It also seems right to start up where I left off. Doing so will let me try a few "new" things as well as finish at least one project that went into hiatus when things turned bad. Who know? I might even get another ribbon.

I like old things. That's one of the reasons why the DARS Classic "Classic" event apeals to me. I was inspired by JohnNGA's Rock-a-Chute Mrk 1 and will be building my own for the event. I thank him for the plans he sent me.

That brings me to the Semroc box I saw waiting for me today. Carl from Semroc was most helpful in providing me with extra information and a custom nose cone. I was getting my order together for my "triumphant" return and then things turned mysterious. My emails went unanswered and even a phone call to Semroc just got the answering machine. Knowing their first rate customer service first hand, I worried that they might have gone on vacation and asked about that on YORF.

They had not gone on vacation. Nor was I being ignored. Today I got my welcome back to rocketry box. It is not for me to detail the full extent of their kindness but I can express my gratitude.

Thanks to Carl and Sheryl of Semroc. Its good to be back.
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A little about the DARS Classic

The site for this year's festivities is here: https://www.dars.org/fallclassic/fc2012.htm

I plan on trying at least one entry in each of the events.

Classic Classic: Centuri Vulcan Clone, FSI Intrepid original, Centuri Screaming Eagle (my first rocket), Semroc Mark II clone

Classic Upscale: Hawks Hobby Super Sprite, BT60 Centuri Vulcan

Classic Craftsman: My Rock-a-Chute Mk 1 clone courtesy of JohnNGA and Semroc

NASA Ships: SHR Mercury Redstone, My own scratch PEPP 1 Aeroshell 5 years in the making with parts from Roachwerks and Stickershock.

As a rabid John Deere man, do tell me more about this John Deere "stuff". My dad and I collect John Deere two cylinder tractors from late '56 to roughly end of production in 1960.


As a rabid John Deere man, do tell me more about this John Deere "stuff". My dad and I collect John Deere two cylinder tractors from late '56 to roughly end of production in 1960.


Its nothing fantasitcal. I have two old WCR rockets, the Screamer and Screamer II. Both are painted with John Deere green and yellow paint. I call one the John Deere and the other the Jane Doe. Mark was working up some custom decals for me in the John Deere theme of things.
Does this mean we will see you at Shiner?

One of the sad conditions of my employment is that I actually show up when scheduled. I tried to explain to MHS that it would be so much less trouble for everyone concerned if they just sent a check to my house (or the rocket supplier of my choice) but they want an actual physical presence.

Go figure.
Congratulations! Great news and welcome back!

Thanks. After making the original post, I spent a blissful hour and a half gluing together truss members for one of my submission.

Its nice to make sawdust again but all my FNF is dried out!!!!!!!!!
Glad everything has turned around and to see you back on TRF.:wave:
Its nice to make sawdust again but all my FNF is dried out!!!!!!!!!

Don't give up on that FnF until you've tried this: Place a wet paper towel in the tub folded so that it covers the material. Make sure the lid is on securely ! (which is how mine got dried out in the first place) Put the tub in a plastic bag and let sit. I'm not sure how long it actually took but I had fully usable FnF in 24 hours.

This year's Classic will be "classic" if the South Texas crew makes an appearance. Thanks for posting the link and welcome back to the build queue.
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Wonderful news!!!! More than welcome, can't wait to see your Mark 1 leaving the pad. I came across a little more info will PM.
Welcome back to the fold,oh ye lost lamb! Had I known y'all would have taken donations, I would have been happy to send my tithe in rocket parts!
PLEASE PM me your mailing address!
:cool:the prodigal one has returned, Layne and I are sharpening our X-actos, and the fattened llama is getting VERY nervous:surprised:
Welcome back! I had no idea of your situation.
That ScottyDog is something else! I had the same experience from him.
Congrats! I know what it is like to have to step out of the hobby for a while against your will. I am glad you are back and active again.
I'm glad things are looking up for you..two necessities in life are employment and a build que
Welcome back to the fold,oh ye lost lamb! Had I known y'all would have taken donations, I would have been happy to send my tithe in rocket parts!
PLEASE PM me your mailing address!
:cool:the prodigal one has returned, Layne and I are sharpening our X-actos, and the fattened llama is getting VERY nervous:surprised:

I am terribly worried now that what I posted sounds like I am trolling for freebies. I am not. The largess I experienced was completely unexpected and, even more so, undeserved.

As for Evil Ed in particular, you have been good to me and my club in the past and that is most sincerely appreciated. I still think the "Evil" part is way overblown.
The largess I experienced was completely unexpected and, even more so, undeserved.
I really dont get the "undeserved part.
Unless your postings and the work you do here on TRF is just a front to hide a really bad, phony piece of crap....you more than deserve the largess you have experienced.
Dont be suprised if you experience some more good will from people here on TRF.
Thats the kind of people that hang around this joint.
I really dont get the "undeserved part.
Unless your postings and the work you do here on TRF is just a front to hide a really bad, phony piece of crap....you more than deserve the largess you have experienced.
Dont be suprised if you experience some more good will from people here on TRF.
Thats the kind of people that hang around this joint.

Ditto what he said! How many of US have YOU been there for (I remember when my Wife had cancer!) If it had occured to me that you were interested in building during this time you would have gotten a package a hell of a lot sooner- and I blame MYSELF for not checking in with y'all more often! I gotta get a way overdue "something":wink: sent to one of our new members (Promised 2 weeks ago:eyeroll:). I'll be putting it in the mail on Tuesday. Don't make me have to make 2 trips to the Post Office. So Reverend, where's that *$&%!! address!
(Might as well send it to me- if not you, I'll get it from Layne or Carl!:neener:)

EVIL Ed Hartle:dark:
Ditto what he said! How many of US have YOU been there for (I remember when my Wife had cancer!) If it had occured to me that you were interested in building during this time you would have gotten a package a hell of a lot sooner- and I blame MYSELF for not checking in with y'all more often! I gotta get a way overdue "something":wink: sent to one of our new members (Promised 2 weeks ago:eyeroll:). I'll be putting it in the mail on Tuesday. Don't make me have to make 2 trips to the Post Office. So Reverend, where's that *$&%!! address!
(Might as well send it to me- if not you, I'll get it from Layne or Carl!:neener:)

EVIL Ed Hartle:dark:

Ha! you two seem strangely deluded.

I didn't build anything during the long dry spell. I thought about it sometimes thinking that if I didn't fly it would be OK but it wouldn't have been. I told Gracie I wouldn't. The time was one of looking for employment and surviving, not "having fun". Also the thought of building but not flying was depressing in its own way.

The build pile is still there. I still want to build them all. I'm going to fail but it will be a magnificent failure!
John you are a good man and deserve every bit of good fortune that wends itself your way sir.
Welcome back Rocket Powered Preacher. I hope you have success with your SHR Mercury Redstone. Out of my 5 flights only 2 were successful, I am tried of rebuilding the tower so the rocket and tower parts now reside on the shelf of shame.
Welcome back Rocket Powered Preacher. I hope you have success with your SHR Mercury Redstone. Out of my 5 flights only 2 were successful, I am tried of rebuilding the tower so the rocket and tower parts now reside on the shelf of shame.

Some day, one of these companies will wise up and manufacture a rubber escape tower.
Welcome back Rocket Powered Preacher. I hope you have success with your SHR Mercury Redstone. Out of my 5 flights only 2 were successful, I am tried of rebuilding the tower so the rocket and tower parts now reside on the shelf of shame.

I've only had two flights. The flights were successful but the LES did not survive the first landing. The second flight was uncovered. I've now rebuilt the LES from brass and am hoping for the best.
John, my only hope is that you haven't returned with a vengeance.... :)


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