How many rockets do I need?

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I was asked that, and responded "Need is such a funny word." She just shook her head and grinned. My wife is a particularly good sport about the rocket thing though.
multiply the number of protons in the universe by Avogadro's number and you will have a good approximation of the quantity that will occupy your "learning phase".

After that, the numbers get big.
I now have an Ex, so its no longer how many do I need, its "How many do I WANT!" lol
my typical answer for this type of question is n+1, but with rockets it seems to be n+2. :D
My trucks license plate holder say's it all " All I need is One more Rocket "
How many rockets do you need? How many are there?

Actually if you have one less than me then you can’t possibly be a serious rocketeer.
If you have one more than me then you’re a fanatic and should be locked up for your own good.
I don't think it is about how many rockets you need, but, she is asking you in womenese, that you spend more time with your rockets than you do with her. OK, I'm not Dr. Phil, but I'm good at reading between the lines. Unfortunately it is usually too late and I say something that I shouldn't. :facepalm: :bangpan:

So my response to her, would have been...I think we should build a rocket together, go launch it, then go out for a nice dinner and a moon night stroll along the lake. And you could also add some other things she likes to do, such as go shopping together, go visit her parents...things she likes or wants.

Sorry if I hijacked this...
...I dunno...I have 34 nosecones in a drawer and just ordered 7 more...I haven't run out of ideas...yet...
"How many pairs of shoes do you need, honey ?" My wife is still ahead in that department compared to my rockets.

This has worked for me in the past. The future is looking ominous though.........
This has worked for me in the past. The future is looking ominous though.........

Certainly, almost any answer to that question will be the wrong answer in the long run and must be followed with "plan B" strategies like tightwad mentions in post #18. Roses, shiney objects made with precious metals and stones, tequila work for me. Hopefully your wife is a friend of yours.
My solution is that each paycheck a fixed amount automatically gets direct deposited in a personal savings account.

My wife has the exact same thing happen when she gets paid. We agreed on the amount going into our personal accounts.

I can spend that money on anything I want (except other women) and she spends hers anyway she wants.

If I want to spend it on rockets, she doesn't say a word when the box comes to the door.

Her account is always nearly empty because her hobby (horses) is way more expensive than all of my hobbies
Hmmm... Horses and rockets are probably pretty close in expenses... :p Of course, you can't shred a horse at Mach 3...
One of each, and remember or rather remind her, she has shoes, purses, accessories, etc...
My wife is asking...

The answer depends on what she tends to collect.

For example, "One fewer than you have pairs of shoes, dear."

-Kevin (who, fortunately, never gets asked that question)
My wife's question is different since the last few times we have moved have been in progressively smaller houses. She tends to ask me, "And where do you think you are going to put these new rockets?" or "And so what are you going to get rid of to make room for them?"

I keep building more shelf space but that's only going to work for so long...
My solution is that each paycheck a fixed amount automatically gets direct deposited in a personal savings account.

My wife has the exact same thing happen when she gets paid. We agreed on the amount going into our personal accounts.

I can spend that money on anything I want (except other women) and she spends hers anyway she wants.

If I want to spend it on rockets, she doesn't say a word when the box comes to the door.

Her account is always nearly empty because her hobby (horses) is way more expensive than all of my hobbies

My wife loves horses and wanted to buy one. After much research we ended up renting our fields to an outfitter. We get paid for having horses in our fields and still get all the benefits of having horses, like riding, grooming and feeding them carrots.

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