Estes Pro Series II kits on sale at Fry's

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Good deal, Greg. Actually someone else made the sale known. I was just an enabler ;.) Ironically I had checked their website the day before the sale began. They had a similar sale, but not on the composite motors or the MDRM, back just before Christmas. I got a NS and a Leviathan with free shipping then and found that they had the NS in stores at the $20 price. Mentioned it to some friends here in North Texas.

I may have to mod the Mega Red Max to 38mm and add a couple more feet of tubing. Maybe it is having been a Cold Warrier for 21 years, but I tend not to build models with WWII or Warsaw Bloc markings, although I am a Haueisen on my Mother's side. My Dad was in the Pacific Theature in WWII. I built a SEMROC Lil' Ivan version of the Centuri kit, but finished it in red, white, and blue. Besides, those who know me figure it would be in Scarlet and Gray. Can't disappoint them.

Speaking of the Cold War...

Short history of the Genie air-to-air missile. Couldn't figure out how to start a new thread.

FYI for the So. Cal. residents on here...... Just got back from checking out Fry's in Fountain Valley and Anaheim. Fountain Valley had 2 Mega Red Max's (which are now mine) and a couple of all the others EXCEPT the Nike Smoke. No motors at all. Prices were posted as the sale price.

Anaheim had one Partizon and that's it. Had several F50's, F26's and G40-4's. Prices were listed correctly for the kits but motors were listed at 19.99 and 24.99. I asked them do a price check and all motors came up as 9.99.

I am including a photo to document this historical event. I am still a bit stunned that it's real ...


I just called Fry's and I was told that this is a close out. I'm wondering if they are cutting ties with Estes due to the MSRP issue.
FYI for the So. Cal. residents on here...... Just got back from checking out Fry's in Fountain Valley and Anaheim. Fountain Valley had 2 Mega Red Max's (which are now mine) and a couple of all the others EXCEPT the Nike Smoke. No motors at all. Prices were posted as the sale price.

Anaheim had one Partizon and that's it. Had several F50's, F26's and G40-4's. Prices were listed correctly for the kits but motors were listed at 19.99 and 24.99. I asked them do a price check and all motors came up as 9.99.


Hmmm... I wonder who got the MDRM, as it was still there when I got my stuff yesterday.
I just called Fry's and I was told that this is a close out. I'm wondering if they are cutting ties with Estes due to the MSRP issue.

Lets keep an eye out then....the rest of the kits may go for a song soon....I'd love to pick up some LPR's for $2!
Just got back from the Fry's in Industry, they had almost every kit and every motor except the G80's (but they were out of those before Christmas). Picked up some G40's and one F50 that will be a great booster motor for a two-stager I've got planned.
Lets keep an eye out then....the rest of the kits may go for a song soon....I'd love to pick up some LPR's for $2!

I would too, but between this, the eggfinder, and the monumental stickershock order I'm building toward I'm a bit low on dry powder.

And now I'm out!
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Highly recommended. I did not add any length or nose weight, flies great.

That's good to know, but I was thinking how a short 54 would do. Maybe that's too ambitious.

So what 38 motors have you flown it on and did you build it stock?

As of yesterday afternoon when I left it, the Renton, WA Fry's had three Partizons, three Argents, four Nike Smokes, two Leviathans, no Mega DRMs. Also on sale are Mega Mosquitos ($15), Eliminators ($13), Long Toms ($10) and Big Berthas ($10). This last, in particular, is mystifying. Lots of other at or near full list (regular DRMs for $18, for example).

All the shelf tags were showing pre-sale prices.

Lots of G40-4s and F50-4s and I think I left two F50-6s. There weren't any F26s and I cleared out the 7 second delay Gs.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to go over after work and get some more..... it's just too handy (it's reasonable walking distance from where I am right now).
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Well I should not have wandered down the aisle after picking up my Vegas online order. Ended up with another shipping cart full. Still some ventris, leviathon, & agent's left on the shelf. I took the last parizon after snapping a photo. Few F-engines & short delay G's left. I cleaned out the ignitors.



I managed to get a Mega Red Max for $25 at the Dallas Fry's by shopping online. They let you reserve your items and then pick them up in the store.

Thanks for the "heads up".

It's really great seeing so much excitement over the Pro II kits and motors....and so many getting some stuff! Maybe at the next few launches there'll be a lot more mid-power going up?

I'll be ready to drag race my Ventris, Max, Argent, Partizon, Nike and Leviathan!
I have a problem! I stopped on the way home and bought 9 more motors. The problem is there are still 10 more there, and I have to drive past them everyday. Somehow, I know how this will end.
I'll be ready to drag race my Ventris, Max, Argent, Partizon, Nike and Leviathan!

Sam and I have been planning a Nike Smoke drag race since the last Fry's sale. Should have mine ready for the next launch. F26FJs (three smoke trails would be fun) or F50Ts at high noon?
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Even though I haven't even built the Leviathan or Ventris that I already have, I decided to embrace the madness. I just got back from the Fry's in Concord, CA. I got a Partizon, Leviathan, Nike Smoke, and an Argent. That gives me the full line of PSII builder kits, except for the Mega Der Red Max. I never really liked the MDRM. I did get a Nike Smoke, even though I am not even sure I really like that rocket either --- it always seemed a little odd-looking to me, but it is a scale kit, so that is kind of cool. I will probably use the second Leviathan to make a Scale Patriot.

For motors, I got the one and only G40-7 in the store, the last 3 F26-6s, and the last 3 F50-6s. There were still several G40-4s and at least 1 F50-4, maybe more. I got the last 2 packs of Sonic Igniters.

There were plenty of rockets left. I think there were 3 Mega Der Red Maxs, 3 Ventrises, one Leviathan, and 2 or 3 Nike Smokes. There was a Partizon, but it looked to me like it might be missing a coupler. I was just looking thought the plastic, so it may be slid down inside a tube, but I didn't see it. In the package I bought, it was clearly visible.

Nothing was marked with the sale prices --- most of the kits were marked $39.99, but rang up $19.99, motors were marked $19.99, but rang up $9.99. I didn't price check the MDRMs.

In some ways, I hope no more sales come for awhile. It seems like I'm becoming one of those people who is just collecting kits that never get built. Now I have 6 PSII kits to build, and I haven't even built or flown one before! I've got a Saturn V that is pretty far beyond my current skills to build. I have an Executioner, and a stack of LPR kits from the other Estes sale. It seems like if a good deal comes along, I can't stop myself, even if I never build or fly anything! At least I never paid retail...
I have a problem! I stopped on the way home and bought 9 more motors. The problem is there are still 10 more there, and I have to drive past them everyday. Somehow, I know how this will end.

Do the new ads help?


They are definitely individualy tailored. Mine are trying to sell me LIPOs (been looking to get a flexible setup to run the eggtimer/finder and boy's RC car), web hosting (I'm race director for a charity 5K and setting up the web registration), and tow behind trailers (I drive a Prius...glad to see I'm not completely transparent).
I just ordered some G40 and F50 motors online and received free shipping. Wish they had a larger selection of motors that weren't strictly "in store only".
Sam and I have been planning a Nike Smoke drag race since the last Fry's sale. Should have mine ready for the next launch. F26FJs (three smoke trails would be fun) or F50Ts at high noon?

I'm willing to put a bottle of Crown on the prize table.....I'm thinking, after the kids go home, the Scouts are done and the TARC teams's just us farting around.....
You are very lucky to have a Hobby Store that has Sales in your State. We only have one Hobby Store in my State, and they never have Sales because it's not a Chain Store, just some guys Hobby Shop. Don't get me wrong, it's a great little shop, but you don't go there looking for a Deal.
The nearest Hobby Lobby is in New Hampshire, 125 Miles away from me.:(
I've never even heard of Frys.:(

Fry's is not really a hobby store. It's more of an electronics store, but it carries rocket kits and motors as "toys." there's nothing else hobby related. For instance, you probably can't get glue or a hobby knife.

You may be able to get a kit shipped to you from Fry's (probable not motors). If there is a kit you want that can't be shipped, PM me.
I'm willing to put a bottle of Crown on the prize table.....I'm thinking, after the kids go home, the Scouts are done and the TARC teams's just us farting around.....

I think the scouts would get a kick out of it. Maybe keep the adult beverage in a paper bag you crazy male escort ! :)