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Seems to be under 30 degrees, but wow

Seems to be under 30 degrees, but wow

Very common around here... probably unloading wood chips or some sort of bulk materials...

All the grain elevators around here have to have something similar to unload trucks... When I was farming grain, I'd pull my lil' ol bobtail '66 Chevy over the pit, onto the lift, and they'd raise the back "gate" that came up behind the tires to the frame... then they signal you to back up. Set the brakes and shut the engine off, and jump out, while the loader guy opened the tailgate hatch on the truck, and as soon as you were over by his control booth out of the way, he'd start the lift... raise the truck up to about that angle (60 degrees or so usually) and all the grain pours out. He'd start the drop and once the truck was down to about 30 degrees he'd usually go out and sweep stray grain off the apron and rake stuff that landed by the "back gate" behind the tires into the pit, close the rear hatch of the truck, and return to the control booth... I'd make my way around the truck, and just as the lift laid flat I'd jump up into the truck, fire up, release the brakes, and pull back around in line for the scale to weigh out...

Some guys would be running 18 wheelers pulling flatbed trailers with sideboards on them, hauling several hundred bushels of grain at a time... they did them the same way... kinda neat seeing a Peterbuilt sticking up the sky like a space shuttle, with grain pouring out the back...

Later! OL JR :)
All the grain elevators around here have to have something similar to unload trucks... When I was farming grain, I'd pull my lil' ol bobtail '66 Chevy over the pit, onto the lift, and they'd raise the back "gate" that came up behind the tires to the frame... then they signal you to back up. Set the brakes and shut the engine off, and jump out, while the loader guy opened the tailgate hatch on the truck, and as soon as you were over by his control booth out of the way, he'd start the lift... raise the truck up to about that angle (60 degrees or so usually) and all the grain pours out.
And the thing about grain dust is that in a controlled environment, it does this. In the open, a well-placed spark means that truck is going up like, well, a rocket. :D
And the thing about grain dust is that in a controlled environment, it does this. In the open, a well-placed spark means that truck is going up like, well, a rocket. :D

Grain dust is just part and parcel around combines, trucks, and especially grain elevators... A good grain elevator design will have dustproof switches, electrical junction boxes, and anti-static measures, as well as enclosed electric motors or ones drawing filtered air to prevent dust from entering the brushes or commutators where sparks could ignite a dust explosion.

Dust concentrations have to be just right basically to really get a dust explosion, and it basically needs a confined space to contain the deflagration gases and overpressurize the structure and blow it apart.

Later! OL JR :)

We worry about you constantly. All clutching the grass to keep from falling off tha earth. I was right there with yall last night:

Seriously though.... How much to ship me a koala. Their farts must smell magical since they only eat eucalyptus.

I do not think I am alone in demanding some sort of pic with you and one of your awesome local creatures...... Heck just some sort of marmot will suffice

oh..... wait.... funny pic thread

* checks pockets *

We worry about you constantly. All clutching the grass to keep from falling off tha earth.

LOL Nah, that would be silly!! We just have Velcro on the soles of our shoes. Yeah, yeah.. I know NASA keeps banging on about how it invented Velcro for the space program.. It was really for us! Using it on the space program was just another one of those happy coincidences.

Seriously though.... How much to ship me a koala. Their farts must smell magical since they only eat eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus is like crack for Koalas.

You might want to check out Drop-Bears -

I do not think I am alone in demanding some wort of pic with you and one of your awesome local creatures...... Heck just some sort of marmot will suffice

Hmmmm... I'll see what I can do :)

Oh K diddy you are one of the good ones :) I would love it if you called me some day so I could hear how you murder our language. I have caught bits in your vids and love it.

Straight smoke yo

Bah! I spend time on this nice little forum and all of a sudden you bring science into it?! argh!!!

Along those lines - If a clown falls over in a forest and there's no one there to see it, is it still funny?


It's ALWAYS funny except applause and photosynthesis are mutually exclusive. Plants and trees tend to the latter..
(Mitch Hedberg would have carried the one over to the punch line on that note..." I like to believe you are all just photosynthesizing that last joke and I am waiting for the sap to run"....)

(frack- now I'm writing material for dead comedians...sad in a way...)
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