Post A Pic That Makes You Go "NO! NO!! NO!!!"

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Didn't Captain piccard eat one of those when he was captured by the cardassians?
Which Cardassian?
kim kardashian sisters GIF

("NO! NO! NO!")
I've had Tacos Lengua. They were delicious! Tongue is basically a very lean muscle. Not much different than any other muscle group that we eat from cows.
your & my experience differ greatly..

mine was a typical english sandwich.. lotsa butter, so-so bread and tongue.. pickled I guess. I just wolfed it down to please grandma..
I've had Tacos Lengua. They were delicious! Tongue is basically a very lean muscle. Not much different than any other muscle group that we eat from cows.
I've had fresh cow tongue. Tastes nothing like a steak. I've had pig jowl. Tastes nothing like a chop. I've had halibut cheek, and it tastes delicious.
I've had blood sausage. My friend and I went to St. Andrews for The British open in 1990. The night before we went to a Pub near where we were staying. There was a shelf of more than a dozen Single Malt Scotch. We started on the left and worked our way to the right. I don't think we got to the end. The next day I had a bad hangover. We stayed in a hostel and at breakfast they were serving a typical English breakfast. Which is eggs sunny side up and greasy. Baked beans. Fried tomatoes and mushrooms. Some kind of porridge. And blood sausage. I looked at my friend and asked what it was. He told me and said eat it and you will feel better. I did and I did. Felt good enough to start drinking beer at the tournament.
Hey! Don't knock until you've tried it!!! As a kid there were times that all we had was ketchup and pasta (no cheese), and we kids loved it.
Not a lot of macaroni eaten at my place. Noodles of every kind and the 9 YO wont eat any of them without copious amounts of ketchup!

Whatever you do... *DO NOT LOOK* for videos on the Surströmming Challenge. You Have Been Warned!!! The forum, and I are not responsible for members who ignore this warning, and do not have a large, large-opening, empty, watertight container within arms reach. One idiot combined it with a chili pepper that was 45,000 on the Scoville Scale. He lived to regret it.
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I'll save the ketchup for the hashbrowns... My French toast deserves peanut butter, chocolate chips, bacon, and maple syrup.

However, I won't hesitate to put ketchup on fried chicken.

Ketchup on fried chicken is for when you don't have hot sauce, but otherwise, ketchup will get me by.
My dad used to put ketchup on scrambled eggs. 🤢
Now, I like me some ketchup, but there are some ground rules.
Not on: eggs, chicken, or pasta of any sort. On a burger, hotdog or brat, yes, and that’s it, thank you very much… :)