You might be a rocket geek if...

The Rocketry Forum

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You drop the dog's PET water bottle, break it, and decide to do a fiberglass repair to save it...


BTW, it holds water just fine--used 6oz satin weave scraps with US Composites laminating epoxy. Not pretty, but it works!
If talking about bragging rights, you say you can identify 30+ motors blindfolded, simply by listening to the launch.
If you search "rocketry forum" in your browser history and 95% of your history comes up.
If you are already planning on who to strike damage on on Black Friday/Saturday.
When the landlord puts the kibosh on your rocket themed weather vane installation outside your apartment for fears that it may actually be live and armed.
... you spend five minutes explaining what Nomex is to a clerk at Joanns fabrics and then get a puzzled look when you explain what you want it for.
If you ever have tried explaining TRF to your friends, and they look at you like
I am not a rocket geek. But...

If I mess up one little part while building a rocket, I WILL buy an entire new kit to get another of that part if I can't find it any other way.

I have demonstrated several times to my wife the proper method of filling and sanding balsa parts while pretending that this soul-crushing ordeal is fun and promotes weight loss.

At work, my desktop picture is a composite photo of my entire fleet from two different angles. I have also posted this picture on Twitter. It was met with condescending comments from my bored followers ("We thought you were an adult." "Oooooo. Are you going to be an astronaut or a fireman?")

I have recently finished laboriously cutting out all of the parts for an Estes Orbital Transport out of Basswood. I will spend many, many hours filling and sanding these parts until they resemble guitar picks.

I have spent several hours, on more than several occasions, looking at the scans of old Estes and Centuri catalogs on Ninfinger's Website.

I am thinking of buying a farm.

I have been to a woodworker's specialty store on several occasions and subjected myself to the amused and impatient comments from THOSE GEEKS. I sense an actual reluctance on their part to even sell me wood filler and sanding blocks. They also resent my naturally sunny disposition; something they don't have.

I have ordered 20 display stands from Estes.

I am determined to buy a Cineroc at some point. It will be for display only. I will build ANOTHER Omega as a display stand.

I have begun using large cans of Rustoleum and Krylon because the little cans at the hobby shop are not even close to large enough.

I am constantly tinkering with different mixtures of different kinds of wood filler. I bought a special tupperware bowl for these experiments. I am making progress in this great work.

I have 14 rubber sanding blocks of different shapes and sizes.

Since I have a book carton full of unused rocket parts from various failed projects, I now have a sketchbook where I am "designing" several grandiose scratch builds. We'll see.

I am NOT a ROCKET GEEK. I am, however, happiest while in complete denial.


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You might be a rocket geek if the first thing you do when you get paid is send an order into SEMROC(I don't resemble that at all :blush: )
You might be a rocket geek if the first thing you do when you get paid is send an order into SEMROC(I don't resemble that at all :blush: )

:rofl: I think I'm about to do that this weekend ! :lol:

You might be a rocket geek when your rocket friends tease you with mailing tubes they recieved at their job.
:rofl: I think I'm about to do that this weekend ! :lol:

You might be a rocket geek when your rocket friends tease you with mailing tubes they recieved at their job.
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I got 8 tubes like those from the trash can in front of WalMart. They are 4 foot floresent light shipping tubes. A bit larger thn a normal 38mm tube but they'll do ;) I'll just have to add a few cones to a spring time order I want to place with Sandman, I got a list for him to make, like about 4...or 5...or 6 :)
You might be a rocket geek if.... your two year old son see's a container of wrapping paper at a department store and exclaims "Look at all of those rockets!" :D
If your height of the day was finding 2 mailing tubes in completely seperate places...
And the larger one fit a LOC 3 inch nose cone perfectly...
And the smaller one couples the larger one even better...
If you are questioned about why you are buying a piece of 8020 by the FRC robotics team...
When you tell the waitress at the restaurant that one of rolls of toilet paper in the dual paper dispensers is out in the restroom, and then ask her to give you the core, because it might just fit the Estes Partizon you just bought and just have with you at the restaurant (was showing it to a friend), as a coupler (It didn't, but could with some cutting and fitting).
When you tell the waitress at the restaurant that one of rolls of toilet paper in the dual paper dispensers is out in the restroom, and then ask her to give you the core, because it might just fit the Estes Partizon you just bought and just have with you at the restaurant (was showing it to a friend), as a coupler (It didn't, but could with some cutting and fitting).

This is bad. Would be worse if you emptied the roll yourself so you can get it.
Sorry, but I gotta dig this one up again.

You might be a rocket geek if you spend your whole Memorial day cleaning out your workshop and building a new workbench.

You switched pharmacy when you discovered Rexan pill bottles make great couplers for LOC 38mm tubes.

You told the above trick to a friend and he topped that by sharing that the little plastic cap on milk cartons makes a perfect screw-on 24mm motor retainer.

You used the wire handle from the fold-up cardboard rice container you get from the Chinese restaurant as an engine hook, and cut the smiley face out of the "it's a pleasure to serve you" plastic bag to make a parachute.

You go to the party goods shop to buy disposable plastic stem ware wine glasses to make nose cones...
... realize they just don't fit any body tube right
... and just put two together to create an egg capsule.
When you realize that the leftover parts from a UPS fail/Estes warranty replacement are just what you need to build another Cherokee D (your ninth)... This time even larger more powerful than the seven you have yet to launch.
When you impulsively buy every double a battery in stock only to remember that they only LOOK like rocket motors...OOPS. :eek:
If you think about putting a launch rod in your x-mas tree and launching rockets out of it.
If you are already asking your parents if you can go to Freedom Launch over Labor Day in Orangeburg...

If you want to go to LDRS next year... And pray it is out west so you can hook it up with your trip to Philmont...