You might be a rocket geek if...

The Rocketry Forum

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You have never studied for the TMP test and got a 100 on the practice test.
And if you have many pictures that look like this:
(My dad took this photo...)
If your mom or wife ever put away groceries telling you "not for rockets" after each thing she took out.
Happens a lot at my house.

You might be a rocket geek if you did a victory dance around the house when
photo 3.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 1.JPG

arrives on your front porch.
And if you said "I love you" to the UPS driver when he pulled up to the house with your wildman package in it!
If your mom or wife ever put away groceries telling you "not for rockets" after each thing she took out.
Happens a lot at my house.

I got a triangular box yesterday. Guess what it will become? It happens over here a lot...
If the UPS and USPS guy get the full body shakes at the mention of your name.
If you can name the brand, diameter, grains, and propellant of every single motor from its designation.

OR if you can tell what motor launched just from the sound it made
You make a Christmas tree out of the left over styrofoam from your current buid. Don't laugh --I just did it!!
.....when you save paper models with the intention to build and stick a motor in it.
.....when you save the manila folders because they make good shrouds.
.....when you ask your mom/wife to save the tubes from everything to make a rocket.
.....when your college adviser helps you out in promote your rocket club(currently going on)
when doing a math probelm and you have an equation of B6-4, you think of the engine and get a D on on calculus midterm :headbang: :bang:
You might be a rocket geek if going to your grandmother's house for 2 days involves bringing up an entire rocket, epoxy, altimeters, etc...
And if the people give you the "Are you with Al Qaeda" look in Lowes when they ask what you are doing...
If your Tripoli number is in your signature, and the quote in your email signature is from TRF!
You search the word rocket in your email, and 3/4 of your inbox comes up.
You might be a rocket geek if...
You make a MS Word document, in advance, with a list of the next six rocket that you want to buy. (That will happen when I no longer use imaginary numbers to balance my checkbook. :wink: )

I still have to finish my Kestrel, build my 6" Competitor, fix my Blackhawk 29 and build my son's Mini Eagle Claw. THEN I can start building MORE rockets. :D
you make a run to the store @ 2;00am to buy wet wipes...:)
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...when the post office sends you a letter telling you that your representation of a mailbox as a rocket is very original but doesn't fit their "breakaway policy", is too substantial and would cause too much damage to a vehicle that might hit it, and needs to be removed. True story. Not mine but a friend.
...when the post office sends you a letter telling you that your representation of a mailbox as a rocket is very original but doesn't fit their "breakaway policy", is too substantial and would cause too much damage to a vehicle that might hit it, and needs to be removed. True story. Not mine but a friend.

Thats quite odd.... I know of several boxes made out of bricks/marble that weigh close to a half ton.

and you might be a rocket geek if you've ever gone to a FedEx location to pick up a box covered in explosives stickers, while wearing your (competing blue) uniform, and gotten a few sideways looks from the outgoing FedEx drivers.... (hey it's on the way home and it's not a retail location)
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