You might be a child in the 70s if:

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You remember not hating the Dallas Cowboys...😜
And do you remember buying the Dallas Cowboys cheerleading poster, or at least spending more than 10 seconds looking at it in the store, knowing your mom would never let you hang that in your room? So, instead you bought the Lamborghini Countach Poster, which was still neat, but didn't quite fill the same need.
Grandma's annual canning marathon (dill pickles, sweet pickles, peaches, cherries, etc.)
Mom's annual fig-canning marathon: fig preserves, "blackberry" jam, and "raspberry" jam (both made with figs and Jell-O mix).

One year, Grandma (Mom's mom) was helping stem figs after picking them off the tree and said, as she was stuffing figs in her mouth, "Charlotte, I don't know why I keep having to go to the bathroom so much!"
I remember having a sheet of paper taped to the desk with a handwritten index
I had a piece of paper with all the .EXE names of all the programs I had in DOS.
Also got frustrated swapping out floppies with no hard drive.
One for the program and the other for data.
Thank God for hard drives and mice.
Oh, and 9 pin dot matrix printers.
And thermal paper.
I had a piece of paper with all the .EXE names of all the programs I had in DOS.
Also got frustrated swapping out floppies with no hard drive.
One for the program and the other for data.
Thank God for hard drives and mice.
Oh, and 9 pin dot matrix printers.
And thermal paper.
I loved my dot matrix printers. The first I remember was a Panasonic, don't recall the model, but you could program custom character sets. My friends and I, who were all big nerds, and very interested in spy tech and military stuff (and who wasn't during the cold war), programmed our own alphabet. It was so fun to print out our own secret plans for the weekend for our TPing or whatever other mayhem we were causing. No one would ever bother trying to decipher a secret alphabet, right?
Bell bottoms AND a leisure suit. 🤣 And baggies, remember cuffed bell bottoms that didn't remotely cling to the legs? And platform shoes. Brother went to his prom in 76 in a white ruffled shirt, lilac-purple vest-and-bell-bottom jumpsuit and matching bowtie, and platform shoes. 🤣 Sounds ludicrous but he could carry off the look.

All these posts are linking other memories in this brain.

  • Hitchhiking. College was 20 mi away. I could easily get home in 30-40 min max.
  • Razors that had one replaceable blade. Either one or two edges, but one blade. (Admittedly the multi-blades do a better job.)
  • Model airplanes with small, loud 'gas' engines, that you "flew" by turning round and round. Actually I mostly crashed them, then threw up.
  • Metal shop AND wood shop! Power tools, sharp metal, hot metal, molten metal, obscene amounts of electricity...what was not to like? And Home Ec. (One school changed the name to 'Bachelor Living' and doubled enrollment.)
I had exactly one day of PE in 7th grade. From then on, not a single day. I have a single kidney and the docs felt it was too risky for me to participate. I had to make up the lost credits in other ways so I enrolled in extra English and a humanities classes and tons of Library Sciences. I more than made up the missing credits. Jr year I enrolled in Home Ec. The first guy to do so. I really didn’t learn much other than how improve my sewing skills. Most I already knew. I received quite the ribbing for my participation. The flowing year more than 20 boys enrolled. As well as I can remember, it was also called Bachelor Living. Exact same material covered, just a different name to appease the sensitive feelings.