What's the story behind YOUR TRF handle?

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My first bow was a Wing Slimline Vantage Pro. I have a considerable collection of Wing bows, purchased since... My real favorite is a Bob Lee take down, of course, he was the founder and designer of all the rest of the Wings, back when it was Wing Archery in Texas, then it was a subsidary of Head Ski, followed by AMF. I haven't shot in years, but they still decorate the house.

Mine was and still is a childhood nickname.:):):):)

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Nute was originally a mistake of Nate, but eventually it became my official screen name:)

That's my last name. My great-grandfather mumbled a lot.

Just messin' with ya. :tongue: It's "mrich" forwards and backwards. It's hard to find screen names that aren't taken when your name is Mike. ;)
Back in the early nineties, before PHP and fancy forums like this, when the Internet was mostly used by the government and universities, there were things called "newsgroups." As a comic book, and particular a Batman, fan, I joined the alt.comics.batman newsgroup. We were a relatively small group, and at some point we decided that we should each take on the name of a Batman character, the one that most suited who we are.

In the, rather silly, Batman comics of the 1950s and -60s, they introduced a little imp from another dimension. He wore a silly-looking Batman type of costume. He was short, pot-bellied, and a huge Batman fan--so much so, that he delighted to use his magic powers to create catastrophes in Gotham City, and then sit back and watch to see how Batman would handle them. Ultimately he was not evil, just mischievous. And he named himself Bat-mite.

Well, I am short, pot-bellied, a huge Batman fan, and rather mischievous at times, and so I chose Bat-mite. Also, I look rather silly in a Batman costume, so that sealed the deal. :)

“Boomtube” is the name of a rocket I built when I re-entered the hobby. I actually had the idea for “Boomtube” over forty years ago when I was first involved in rocketry.
Cobra is the name of the car. 1336 Is the serial number of the car. TCO was given to me at my last job. "The Chosen One"

That shows a level of creativity that would make you a perfect member of CMASS.
KennB (equally creative)
HAHA yeah... I need to make a CMASS launch eventually. It's about the same distance from me as MMMSC so maybe I will switch off.
I was born with it.

I never really understood why people use handles and not their real names in a forum like this. Some other types of forums, anonymity might be useful, but not this.

- George Gassaway

Years and pages ago but the same answer for me. Other forums I'm known as DaveC or the like. Online gaming...psudonyms out the ying-yang....hmmm...ying-yang....my next new name :)
This is one of my names. It's a real name, and this is how I'm known to a lot of people.

I currently have... about four real names, one of which I happened to be given shortly after birth.

As for where Zeroignite came from, I can largely thank this video:

Just listen to the sound as it lights up... :D
I've always been fascinated with rockets for as long as I can remember, and I wanted my handle to reflect that.
Spoonerization of my name, which is too #$%! common...something like 25 Dave Cooks in San Diego alone.
I'm sure I've seen this thread before...

Not much of a story to my name. firstinitial-lastname. Pretty much the standard anyplace I've ever had a unix account. I use other pseudonyms online sometimes, but was feeling uninspired when I signed up tof TRF I guess.
In graduate school I studied both zeolites and thermodynamics, the name is the obvious mashup. It's also fairly unique, I know of only one other "zeotherm" on the internet... Means I need a different name for when I do shady things :p
As for where Zeroignite came from, I can largely thank this video:

Just listen to the sound as it lights up... :D

That is so freaking awesome

LOL, cool to see thread fired up again


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Mine comes from a habit I have of sticking the largest motor I can find up the end of the rocket. It started with a LOC Aura and a G64, and got worse from there. :) Phil L.
I was sure that I posted to this thread a couple of years ago, but obviously I was dreaming, or my mind was otherwise engaged in some fantastical journey living vicariously through another person who did indeed post here. Or I just forgot to hit the post button, or...

Anyways, The Far Side comic was big in the 80's when I was in high school. My almost fanatical association with the comic was well known to everyone with whom I associated. Farsidius is an kind of "Latinization" of Far Side that I started using over 25 years ago for my online presence (yes, before the WWW, when everything was telnet and files were shared at 1200 and 2400 baud). It seems like I've been farsidius forever (almost) and I can't imagine using any other name here.
I was sure that I posted to this thread a couple of years ago, but obviously I was dreaming, or my mind was otherwise engaged in some fantastical journey living vicariously through another person who did indeed post here. Or I just forgot to hit the post button, or...

Anyways, The Far Side comic was big in the 80's when I was in high school. My almost fanatical association with the comic was well known to everyone with whom I associated. Farsidius is an kind of "Latinization" of Far Side that I started using over 25 years ago for my online presence (yes, before the WWW, when everything was telnet and files were shared at 1200 and 2400 baud). It seems like I've been farsidius forever (almost) and I can't imagine using any other name here.

Do they ever call you "fastidius farsidius?"
I like that. I don't get that one, but I sometimes get fartidius when I'm gaming on-line - which isn't particularly surprising.

Most of you know that Snuggles was my first dog's name. Great dog. had him for 10 years. After he passed, I was thinking about changing my handle. Decided to keep it in memory of him....
Mine as it implies is for 1958 Chev DelRay that is a race car.
This is it. It is a drag race only car that runs 11 O's on motor, mid 10's ona 150 Nitrous pill and 9's on a 200 pill.

I still have it stored away but alas I have not raced it for some time.:sad:

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I like that. I don't get that one, but I sometimes get fartidius when I'm gaming on-line - which isn't particularly surprising.

"Fastidious" means "excessively particular, critical, or demanding." You said you were fanatical about the Far Side, so I took a little leap, and misspelled it on purpose. Just being silly.

Now that I think about it, it wasn't all that funny. :facepalm:
I grew up in the Canal Zone. Kids from the Canal Zone were commonly called "CZ Brats", just like Army kids are Army Brats.