Trident III - Micronized

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Micro Craftman/ClusterNut
TRF Supporter
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Washington DC
Estes mid 70's Trident-III was another of the Classic designs that has been missing from my Fleet a long time. I have a full size Trident-II but it's just not the same;)
I started this 2.6 x downscale some time ago but like many things it to sidelined by other more pressing matters:)
Last weekend I finially made the time get the base building done. Now we start the sanding, filling and finishing process. Hopefully to have it at least mostly ready for this weekends Club launch.
While I truely dislike doing models as they appear on the panel covers, this one will likely end up as a White model. in an attempt to hold the weight down a bit. As it sits with 3 coats of primer she's just at 12.5g which I hope to sand just about all the way off. If I can keep the ewt under 14g I'll be most happy.
The Model's main and propulsion sections are T3 (.375") with T2 (.246") ducts, 9 custom basswood nosecones was a lot of turning. 1/32" Basswood fins. I plan on putting this one on a 4 or 5 inch mylar chute for recovery.
Micro, you are amazing! the cones look great and the vented and mated tubes look great. Fortunately the lines of Trident don't need anything more than white paint and a red stripe or two. and maybe a cockpit windshield and some passenger windows, those might add 0.01 grams.
Dude, you shoulda come to us for *balsa* cones for that puppy! Would've kept the weight down, I am sure, and save you a lot of time and frustration :)

Looking *VERY* sharp!
Forgot about the Trident, it was my most favorite lone flight rocket.......lawn darted into numerous peices....I must of clogged the vent tubes with too much glue or something.

Has anyone done an Upscale? Probably, if so a thread or photos???
All finished ready for flight.
Oh Delta-IV that's awful, but at least you got to fly yours, My original was just finished, before I went on vacations, many years back. I put it in storage with most of my First I was having the apartment painted while I was out of town. Vandels broke in to the storage room, took and destroyed over 100 models and other Mod Roc equipment including the gantry of my 1/100th scale Pad 39A launcher, and of coarse the unflown Trident-III:(
Hopefully this one will at least get off the ground once, before being mashed into dust:D OH I did blow test the vents...Thanks for the heads up:D
Here's a 3pic flt pics of the Micro Trident-III on an MM-II motor.
She got about 18-20', popped the 5" mylar chute and nearly landed back on the launchers. Lot's of fun. Those 3 - .246" (T2) vent tubes worked perfectly.
Even at 14.3grams LOWt I was pleased with the altitude and will fly this one many more times in the months ahead.
If you'd like to try building one the PDF plan in posted on the Micro_Max_Plans yahoo group. if you wish to download, it is an 8.5 x 14 paper plan;) I will say she is a bit of a challange to get all the nose cones turned and cutting and fitting the blow thur ports and T2 vent tube alignment, but I think the finished model is worth the trouble.

mm 321-lp01d-sm_mm trident-iii 1st flt 3 pic_09-16-06.jpg
Originally posted by Micromeister
Here's a 3pic flt pics of the Micro Trident-III on an MM-II motor.


That was a nice flight. I was LCOing when you flew that. It's great you actually caught the launch with your camera.

That's part of the beauty of Micros.... I have 121 different micros at the moment all contained in two Tool boxes. While I'm on the field I can pick form my entire fleet.
Can't say that about my Regular sized and LMR fleet..They are all over the house and completely camming a 10'x 10' x12" shed.

It was great having you come down to fly with us! It' was a pretty good day.. even with the rainy start to the day;) Yeap! I'm getting better with the digital...but still haven't really gotten that much better:( this ONE was pretty much LUCK! You pushed the launch button at just the right time:D
They are still on my list of things to try out. I am not sure about down scaling I have read a little about that and upscaling also. Seems just a bit confusing so far. My math skills are well lets just say they stink:confused: But I wont give up that easy. Sounds like a good winter project. I am definately running out of room and also the MMX motors seem a bit easier to obtain now.
A great model. Attached is a picture of my 1.68 (IIRC) upscale just about to launch on an E15.

This thread reminds me I haven't flown that rocket in a while...;) Time to remove the dust from the ol' Trident.
Ya I know it's showing off but isn't this the place for it???:D
Here are a few pictures of my Trident.
This one was taken at NSL 06. The one on the left belongs to John Dyer
and the other one is MINE.
Mine survived...Sorry John that was mean. :eek:
Have you got the new one built yet???:)

Mark & Loretta
As Mentioned my original size Trident was destroyed by Vandels before it ever got to fly. Years later I did manage to build a Trident-II but it's just not as KEWL as the Trident-III.
It's Gold because I really dislike White rockets...there are just to many of them:D The Only reason the Micro Trident-III is white was to cut down on Paint weight. Yeap it is a concern in the micro model realm:)

057-b1-sm_trident-ii liftoff 1st flt_06-03-90.jpg
Originally posted by Micromeister
It's Gold because I really dislike White rockets...there are just to many of them:D

Maybe you should change your avatar John;) :p