The Boys show

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2011
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Van Alstyne, Tx.
I feel like I got rickrolled. not sure i should say much, cause you know , Spoiler.

But there is already a bazzilion other movies, etc out there with similar (dumb) premise.
Do you mean "The Boys", on Amazon?

A show about super-heroes, sort of. And "the Boys" who are a rag-tag group of anti-super-heros, who are heros, sort of.

Twisted. Dark. A bit funny. I love it.

Ain't no "bazillion" movies or TV shows like THIS. "The Flash" never ran THRU a person by accident (Hey, that scene was in the previews of the pilot, a scene in the first 5 minutes IIRC).
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Meh, it's based on a comic of the same name. Not a whole lot that's new under the sun as far as that goes.

At least production value is rather high, coulda been another "The Tick"...........
I was browsing Amazon Prime a few weeks ago and accidentally "discovered" Season 1.
Was going to pass at first cuz the header doesn't give you an idea of how the show is.
After watching the first five minutes of episode one I was hooked.
Now watching Season two. They are releasing new episodes every Friday.
Warning: Adult themes, Supes with human problems (drug addiction, mental insecurity).
And Homelander is one really sick puppy.
Love Hughie and Starbright's relationship.
And her new costume.
Love the characters in the Boys, especially Butcher.
Wonder why they haven't all been ripped apart by now.
BTW, turn on the captions when Kimiko signs or talks to her brother, or you won't know WTF is going on.
Our club secretary turned me on to this series. I'm only three episodes into the first season but I'm enjoying it. Now that I've finished Orange is the New Black, I can devote more time to my more recent shows to view (I don't do the binge thing, I give it time to sink in).
[Haven't seen season 2 yet]

I have a love/hate relationship with the show. I love the premise, writing, and the dark take on absolute-powered individuals ending up corrupted absolutely (but not all of them). I hate the level of gore that pops up semi-regularly. Yet I can't deny that that the gore somewhat drives home the depravity of the situation, isn't hammy or over the top, and is somehow ….fitting in a cinematic sense.

Probably why I haven't watched S2 yet. I know I'll like the narrative, but I know I'll have to subject myself to the same level of Egh as S1
I find the show hilarious. I love the dark edge. Superheroes with a profit motive. How can anyone not love a show where an invisible superhero gets killed by an explosive up his butt in the first episode?
Some serious dark humor, popping heads like a pimple. Definitely a twisted view on superhero comedy.

Another show I got hooked on was Oak Island, crazy the construction that was done by humans in the 1700's. And crazy the amount of money, time and serious heavy equipment these guys have put into this treasure hunt.
So this is like a more dark Deadpool?

Sort of, yes, but without all the overt attempts at humor. More like a dark sided look at how super heroes might ACTUALLY behave if they were real, and subject to real world motivations like the rest of us and not idealized comic book faux virtue.

And to me, for the most part the gore comes off as 'over the top' humor OR it's used in a very non-comic code sanitized version of events to punctuates the severity of a scene and give a glimpse into just how depraved the characters are/can be.
So I watched the Season 2 finale just now, and I'm happy to say that it was a great episode. Overall I thought S2 was a little all over the place compared with Season 1 story-wise, and a number of things happened that seemed really inconsequential, but it mostly all came back together in the end. Questions were answered and new issues arose that will have me coming back for Season 3.

As for the show itself, overall I think it's fantastic. It is depraved in more ways than one, but it's entirely fitting for a show like this. It is absolutely, positively not for kids. Karl Urban was born to play Billy Butcher, and Antony Starr (Homelander) is the other standout as well. Karl Urban definitely gets the best one-liners, and Antony Starr can go from heroic to pure hate-filled evil with the slightest facial expressions and intonation. Then he gives us the scene at the end of the Season 2 finale, oh my. The show hits some very serious subjects, while also giving scenes that had me rolling laughing. Poor Deep and his dolphin friend........ Anyway, if you're down for a serious show with plenty of dark humor, I give my full recommendation for both seasons of The Boys. You'll never think of the Spice Girls the same way again.
I also enjoyed the finale. Last couple of episodes especially was a gorefest.
Take it as over the top parody.
I may be desensitized since I watched a lot of samurai movies growing up.
That may explain a lot of things.
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