When I was 10ish years old we had a day off of school the following day, but Dad wouldn't let me stay up because he was planning on watching a TV movie. It was the pilot for Kolchak: The Night Stalker. There was nothing I hated more at that age than having to go to bed early, so I sneaked out into the living room and watched the movie from under/behind a chair. Wow, did I have some nightmares that night. Honorable Mention would be The Legend of Boggy Creek, which a group us saw at a local theater one summer night. It was funny/scary, not really anything terrifying, but that night when we got home we were out on the front porch telling my Mom all about it as it got dark. When the time came to be home, none of the kids we went with wanted to walk home by themselves, so Mom, my brother and I had to walk them all there.