Originally posted by rocket trike
What kind of kits would you like to see. I have been working on kits that look different then others. What kind of kits would be a interest to you. The every day looking kits or kits that unique.
Thank you
Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I like my rockets to be a bit more challenging and do more than "swish-pop". Cluster. Staged. Gap-staged. Glider. Helicopter. Take pictures. Make lots of smoke and noise. What it looks like is secondary. When I was a kid I was into the futuristic or "cool-looking" rockets. Those are great for display. But I'm not allowed to display my rockets in my bedroom anymore. Go figure. Now I want something fun to build and, more important, fun AND interesting to fly. Free advice easily worth twice the price.
Here are examples of things that have caught my eye...I've either purchased recently and enjoyed or am strongly considering:
FlisKits Deuce's Wild (canted cluster)
FlisKits Tres (canted cluster)
FlisKits Nomad (3 stager)
Edmonds Ecee (canard rocket glider)
Edmonds Ecee Thunder (huge honkin' canard rocket glider)
Edmonds CiCi2 (2 stage dual-glider)
Gyroc (helicopter recovery)
LOC Graduator (smoke, fire, and noise)