SHOCKER---That Thing You Did

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Funny, I did something similar with the scouts but told him to find a four leaf clover. The kid was eyeballing the ground for hours...

I find 4-leaf clovers like they're going out of style. My daughter has the eye for them too.
Well, I might of shook it a little, honk the horn, got the blue water to splash on his backside but at least I didn't tip it over. Can't understand why the little punk flipped me off. Kids these respect.

Dropping a good size rock down the vent pipe tends to piss folks off also...preferably on a "fresh" porta-pot,ya get better splash.

Few years ago on a big job the porta-pot was kept on a small trailer because it had to be moved everyday to the active work areas.Well one morning after it was set and tires blocked up a lady on the crew went in, making sure to tells us all we better not screw with the trailer.That was the wrong thing to tell a group of guys.I'm not sure what was louder,her screams or our laughter as we pushed it across the yard.Well after that the Penn DOT inspector told us we had to take it off the trailer before use.I guess he didn't find it as humorous as we did....
A package of Tace Bell Fire sauce -with a small slit- properly placed underneath a toilet seat works wonders as well. We had a UPS guy that insisted on taking a dump in our shop bathroom nearly every day, then suddenly he never went in there again :hot:
A package of Tace Bell Fire sauce -with a small slit- properly placed underneath a toilet seat works wonders as well. We had a UPS guy that insisted on taking a dump in our shop bathroom nearly every day, then suddenly he never went in there again :hot:

Well, when ya gotta go... ya gotta go!

Later! OL JR :)
A package of Tace Bell Fire sauce -with a small slit- properly placed underneath a toilet seat works wonders as well. We had a UPS guy that insisted on taking a dump in our shop bathroom nearly every day, then suddenly he never went in there again :hot:

That would make my butt pucker too! What a great gag. Sounds a little tricky to pull off. You musta practiced with a number of packets to get that aim right. This one is still making me chuckle.
Dropping a good size rock down the vent pipe tends to piss folks off also...preferably on a "fresh" porta-pot,ya get better splash.

Few years ago on a big job the porta-pot was kept on a small trailer because it had to be moved everyday to the active work areas.Well one morning after it was set and tires blocked up a lady on the crew went in, making sure to tells us all we better not screw with the trailer.That was the wrong thing to tell a group of guys.I'm not sure what was louder,her screams or our laughter as we pushed it across the yard.Well after that the Penn DOT inspector told us we had to take it off the trailer before use.I guess he didn't find it as humorous as we did....

Yep, I've done the rock thing as well. Funny stuff. The key is to find the biggest rock that will fit down the pipe without getting stuck.

As an inspector myself I don't think I would ever tell a crew something like that.

Also NO caller ID:grin:

Oh man...That brings back some memories. I know statute of limitations don't apply to everything so...I wonder if it would apply to things from oh...20 years ago? Maybe I better shutup now...
The Navy has that initiation process too. My son was wise to that game but it didn't stop him from playing along.

"Go get a bucket of prop wash"

"Get three yards of flightline"

There is more, I just can't think of them.
Regarding scatological interference...mess with me while I am going and I will hit you, I will hit you very hard right in the face.
Welp, then road/sewer/bridge construction isn't for you haha.

Oh, I have seen a plethora of scatological interference techniques, from the simple forest squat attack to trapdoor porta potties. Worst thing I saw was someone setting fire to one with someone inside. They got out fine, and it took a while to really burn. I just would never do that to someone, and I would not at all let someone off the hook if they did it to me. I put it up to a variation of the fight or flight response, since it is one of the most vulnerable times in an animals daily life. Expect sloths, it's like once a week for them.
Geez, I didn't mean to kill the thread, just don't bother me in that situation.
Oh, this thread ain't dead yet. I just have to do a little house cleaning and sweep out a little to speak.

Back in the day..uh...hmmm 19......74-75? Garage band days. For any of you that had a garage band, you already know what kind of riff raff chooses to tag along for whatever reason. We had a house together, and partied a plenty there. It was a given that certain individuals would show up when the fridge would be stocked and always came empty handed. They were called moochers. This one guy made a habit of doing this at any given shin-dig no matter where it was and he liked hitting our house often. His usual payback was being passed out on the floor and would give the drunk artists an opportunity to strip him down to his undies and do all kinds of whacked out artwork all over his body with magic markers.

I never participated in this but I always got a good laugh out of it. BTW, this never happened at our house. It had always been at some other party and Dale would show up somewhere the next day with marks all over him from the previous evening. Those old MM's back in the day were pretty hard to clean off.

I had finally gotten tired of "Moocher Dale" sucking our fridge dry and decided to have a go at him. I let that mooch have all the beer he could stand and made a point to get him as drunk as he could stand. He did the obvious and passed out on the floor in the living room and about 3 AM, I went to my closet, got out my box of Halloween grease makeup, I chose the black & red jars, and proceeded to do his face up. MAN! When I got done with him he looked like a witch doctor from Borneo! I really had a very hard time trying not to laugh while I was doing this and would give a $1000 to have a pic of what he looked like. IT WAS A WORK OF ART! And I swear, morning came, Dale had gotten up to use the facilities, and I never heard someone scream the lords name in vain that loud before. I rolled over in my bed and laughed with vigorous silence.

Poor guy, he never figured out why people did this to him.
Reminds me of some of the Beach Week stories growing up here in WC Fla-
The poor souls over the years that passed out at our place-
You ended up either naked / shaved /artwork- OR ALL
OUTSIDE of someone else's place. Normally with a knock on the door.
The best I could come up with was me and my buds right out of high school used to get drunk and the 1st person to pass out would pay the price. One time we put the poor soul who passed out on a plane to Houston and explained to the stewardess that the guy had to be in a meeting tomorrow morning or he would lose his job. 30 years ago you could actually get away with this. The guy woke in the plane and could not figure it out or was to embarrassed to ask where he was going. When he got to Houston he was screaming over the phone. After a bit we told him there was a return ticket in his coat pocket.
Reminds me of some of the Beach Week stories growing up here in WC Fla-
The poor souls over the years that passed out at our place-
You ended up either naked / shaved /artwork- OR ALL
OUTSIDE of someone else's place. Normally with a knock on the door.

Some people get what they deserve. This same fool that I mentioned was so deprived of attention, did something I think I'll never see again. Somehow we all ended up on the 2nd floor of the house one evening and started playing "keep away" with his hat in one of the bedrooms, and Dale was desperately trying to get it back. It got thrown out the window. We all laughed really hard to the point we didn't see what he had done.
"Hey! Where did Dale go?" Nobody saw what he did but realized what he had done. This idiot had dove out of the window after his hat. Crashed through some bushes and was laid flat on the ground. Fortunately for him, he was too drunk to get busted up but hey, how much of a fool does one have to be to get some lame attention?
Okay Shrox - we know you got more in there besides moving MG's - and a really bad attitude about being left alone to ----
lets hear the rest............
Okay Shrox - we know you got more in there besides moving MG's - and a really bad attitude about being left alone to ----
lets hear the rest............

Yes, let a man poop in peace.

My friends thought they killed me once, I let them believe that for a few minutes...heavy metal bikers crying and pleading to God, it was fun.
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Just don't put it on the roof.

That was done at a high school here in the 80's with a VW Bug.

me and some friends are thinking for a senior prank (we're going to be seniors in highschool in a year) we might take our one teacher's smart car and bring it into the school and place it somewhere like the main hallway. she wouldn't find it funny but everyone else including teachers besides the dean and principal would.