Rocketry on TV!!

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Originally posted by JStarStar
Sometimes I have mixed feelings watching these shows.

Sometimes IMO there is way too high a "Beavis factor", if not on the part of the rocketeers, on the part of the producers.

That is, "FIRE!!! FIRE!!! COOL! IT BLEW UP!!! Huh-huh, Butt-Head, that was cool!!"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I mean, of course sometimes things blow up, but many of these shows make it look like it's planned that way -- like nobody gives a crap whether stuff blows up or not, whether people have to dive behind concrete barriers, etc. Like the Vonage ad. Not a good thing.

I guess my thinking is that if a news or camera crew is on hand, its' probably not time to try that envelope-pushing crazy design you've been trying time and time again to get to work.

You are absolutely going to hate Masterblasters
ya but still its kool just to watch even though they show it like that. u also no what really happened and any 1 here is willing to defend rocketry against what othere ppl who know nothing on rockets and what really goes on thinks
I saw the master blasters add, but didnt catch the theme, what was it?
Basically, the theme is to put big rocket motors on things and see how far you can lob them.

If you saw the Mythbusters episode where they put 3 L motors on the Chevy, you can get an idea. While I can't say anything specific, I'll say that the Masterblasters would call the Mythbusters wusses.
Those were L motors? By the stats they gave (1500lbs for 4 seconds), they sounded more like N4800 motors. Another one I liked was where they put Buster in a chair with 47 White Lightning I132 motors.

edit - I figured out what 1500lbs for 4 seconds would actually be (if it was a rocket motor) - a 26% O6675 (but the N4800 is the closest to the right thrust curve)
if any 1 knows kenn zooner ( i think thats right) is supposed to b on masterblaster.
Originally posted by cjl
Those were L motors? By the stats they gave (1500lbs for 4 seconds), they sounded more like N4800 motors. Another one I liked was where they put Buster in a chair with 47 White Lightning I132 motors.

edit - I figured out what 1500lbs for 4 seconds would actually be (if it was a rocket motor) - a 26% O6675 (but the N4800 is the closest to the right thrust curve)

If I remember correctly they said L motors. But maybe I'm wrong.

3 N's would still be wussy to these guys.
Originally posted by kissarmy887
the snitch was mine. im emily. i had 27 motors on it and yes it was approved by the rso. he had me go back and add more type. we wet the ground around in a 5 ft circle around the pad.

Hi Emily !

We missed you, Zach and your Dad at Manchester yesterday.
Originally posted by SecretSquirrel
If I remember correctly they said L motors. But maybe I'm wrong.

3 N's would still be wussy to these guys.
I just watched it again - they never said L motors (or I didn't hear it), but they definitely said 1500lbs of thrust for 4 seconds. That description only fits 2 types of motors, the N4800 or the O5100, and the mount size and flame (with a bluish tint) indicate that they were the former.
I only saw the show once and didn't memorize it.

Back to my original point.
This is from the Sci Fi channel website:

"Imagination literally takes flight with The SCI FI Channel's new series Master Blasters, the new daredevil stepchild of the reality genre. A high-octane ride into the wild blue yonder, Master Blasters pits teams of amateur rocket scientists against each other in a race to design, build, and launch some very bizarre things into orbit. From rocket-bolstered La-Z-Boys to fuel injected Mini-Coopers, "one small step for man" becomes one giant leap for mad science! A healthy dose of teamwork, competition, and creativity mixed with jet fuel and a strict defiance of the laws of physics makes for television's most explosive half-hour in this weekly docu-style show produced by First Television."

I'll be interested to see the reaction in the general rocketry community once the show starts airing.
That sounds seriously cool. I wonder if they've got any picnic tables lying around? :D

Shouldn't be toooo hard to make copies of the DVDs.....
Someone like..... me could do it fairly easily.

Any idea if Discovery Channel is selling copies of the show? The prices they charge are typically outrageous, but the quality is good.

Otherwise, I can make (or have made) copies with no problem.

I can't wait for the day when I can tell (yes, voice program) my Tivo to record all things rocket. Sigh.
well we worry about setting good examples for our hobby and to let people learn and enjoy it knowing its safe and be fun. We complain that someone doesnt follow certain rules and regulations to fly certain rockets or refuse to allow someone to fly a rocket cause its deemed unsafe...........

But we allow Ky M. to launch a porta potty on 2 HUGE M motors? Ive seen that flight 1000 times and watched that show even more i just dont see the fairness in our rules and regulations and how alot of people preach that its NAR/TRA rules that you must be certified to launch certain rockets. Thats when the what-ifs come to mind. Does he get the permission to launch what ever he can into the air just cause he is who he is?Maybe this might be a usless argument.Just thought we were out to set an example for everyone not make them think we will laugh anything that we can slap a HPR motor in.
Well, it was LDRS. Was it EX day? Probably not, but I'm sure they took the proper safety measures. Obviously they did or that thing would have caused some damage. I'm not trying to defend Ky or the event, though. In fact, if I were him, I would be ashamed to have my name associated with that project. And how the LCO or RSO or anyone on the team let that thing fly, I'll never understand. I mean, they tried to hold the chutes in with masking tape. :confused: I'm not even into high power, but I knew enough to predict what was going to happen on that flight.

Anyway, us rocketeers are a small percentage of the population, and shows like these won't get made unless there's a bigger wow factor than just successful rockets can provide. :rolleyes:
But it's really not unlike other interests. Xgames wouldn't be popular if those tricks weren's so hard. Nascar wouldn't be if it weren't so dangerous. Just watch some sports news or highlights and what do you see? Crashes, mishaps, injuries, then they tell you who won.

sorry for the rant.

i agree with you it takes something big to catch peoples attention but to see the commercial showing a porta potty being tossed into the air with some of our hobbies most serious motors was quite an attention grabber. And that night when it first aired i was laying in bed with my wife and she looked at me and asked me if we did this on our launch field. I explained to her that theres very strict rules we follow NAR/TRA related BUt what REALLY makes me mad is how they can force us to follow their rules and regulations, have members of their org living and flying by their laws and that will fight for the R&Rtill they quit rocketry. But they all thing that launching a porta potty on 2 M motors was the greatest thing since composite motors. If we are out to set examples and to show people we have fun but do it safely why do we allow a popular figure such as him do something that if any of us tried we would be turned down and laughed at. Would i be allowed to launch a porta potty at LDRS? Just the saying as Do as you preech and not as you wish saying falls into play. But once again i dont wanna rant either. Just theres a few people that have posted about how cool that launch was but they are the ones that have pmed a while back saying that me launching HPR's and not being a certain lvl is against the law and UNSAFE. But that porta potty sure was neato wasnt it? go figure....
Not sure what your certifictation problem is but I agree with you, some people dont think my rockets on K and L motors are not safe, because I am 13, well the porta potty wasnt even designed to fly, atleast my rockets are. It wasnt stable, premature ejected, and could have killed someone or ruined someones car/trailer.... bad boy, I agree, it was wild and cool but dangurous.
THAT type of flight is why we don't see that odd of an oddroc over here on the east coast, but only in deserts where there is little or no combustible material (exept stuff that people bring in for the launch). That is also why that is launched 100s to 1000s of feet away, so it won't kill or damage anythig (one)
Originally posted by richalex2010
THAT type of flight is why we don't see that odd of an oddroc over here on the east coast, but only in deserts where there is little or no combustible material (exept stuff that people bring in for the launch). That is also why that is launched 100s to 1000s of feet away, so it won't kill or damage anythig (one)
How many M flights have you seen? Better yet how many flights have you seen go bad? Theres quite a few people on this board that has seen small motors reek havoc even 500 yards away.

Heres the deal. Those M's were used in a porta potty that they were actually working on AT the field.Now you say that it was launched in the desert and it was at a long distance. Obviously you dont understand the power of a M motor. At LDRS in orangeburg a guy set off a K motor in his hotel room and that motor went through 4 rooms before burning out. Needless to say alot of people hasnt seen that guy around anymore.That was a fast way to be kicked out of every rocketry gathering ever held after that.If that had been an M motor or crap even a H someone could have died cause that motor and casing went through some thick walls before ever stopping.

Back to topic at hand And the reason we dont see that type of "rocket" being done here cause most people understand now that flight was the most dumbest thing an rocket hobbiest could and has ever done in this sport/hobby.It was really unsafe, and really unbalanced.If you or I or most of the people in the forums or in rocketry period would have walked up to the RSO table and said iam flying that thing and pointed behind me to a portapotty what kind of reaction do you think we would get? His name and statur got him that flight and he stole the show like he always does from the REAL true people of rocketry.

Heres a scenario for anyone that says you're wrong:

When he went to launch, what if one or both of those M's would have somehow gotten free from inside the porta potty, in turn you have an M literally going mad as it goes through the porta potty walls and straight at the crowd that was there? Thats certain death or you would be hurt so bad you would wish you were dead.

Everyone of us are rolemodels for this hobby. What we do,say,and create reflects this hobby on a much larger scale than most think.If you think a vonage commercial or a newspaper headline or some news report for that matter can make a bad rep about our hobby. Imagine what launching a porta potty did for us.I dont like ranting but i dont like people that contradict themselves by complaining to fellow hobbiest about what they say or do is wrong and misleading or unsafe. When they are the ones that thought it was AWESOME AND COOL to do what ky did.Forgive me if iam wrong and lord help if i am, if you're going to treat the small guys like noobs and press them to do as your rules say, then i only think its just as fair to treat the people who are "famous" on the fields the same way. just my $0.02 worth.

EDIT: i just wanted to say wont doesnt exist on the range at a launch.Tell that to that mother and child that might not have been here when that chute didnt open and it went through their suv window while they were eating lunch in it.When i lauch my rockets i expect the worst to happen every time. And like a manchester at ST2005( used name cause this was the actual real launch ive been too) every flight launched while i was there i kept my eyes on just in case something went bad. When we try to be as safe as possible your attention is demanded to detail and to whats going on at that very moment. You cant afford to not pay attention and thats the reason for the fog horn and the countdown its a prewarning. If you dont pay attention to it then whats the point?
Originally posted by WiK
What rules did the portapotty break?


From the abridged High Power Safty Code at

5 - A high power rocket shall be constructed to withstand the operating stresses and retain structural integrity under conditions expected or known to be encountered in flight.

I can't imagine that a porta-potty is made to ascend vertically at much more than, oh, 80 or 90 miles per hour. As a matter of fact, I saw one break apart on the I-14/I-5 south interchange at 70 mph.... and you'd think that Ky, of all people, would know what stresses are expected or known to be encountered.

7 - A person intending to operate a high power rocket shall determine its stability before flight, providing documentation of the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity of the high power rocket to the Safety Monitor, if requested.

Maybe it wasn't requested.....

To name but a few...

From what i understand no guidelines were followed on this "rocket" just that it had a chute and 2 m motors. Take a look at the pic i attached. Safe huh?
Originally posted by Badboy1982
When he went to launch, what if one or both of those M's would have somehow gotten free from inside the porta potty, in turn you have an M literally going mad as it goes through the porta potty walls and straight at the crowd that was there? Thats certain death or you would be hurt so bad you would wish you were dead.

Dont we run that risk with every rocket?:confused: I have had J's pop out of rockets at a closer distance, wouldnt it pretty much be the same thing? Rather large rocket motor coming at somebody or a group of people. The porta potty did interest people, but I do not believe it stole the show. If someone had a sweet flight on a N or M skidmark, to me, I would talk and gawp over that just as much as the porta potty

Also... how'd we get this far off topic?? Good discussion about Master Blaster and suddenly were saying that someone takes away fame and glory from other people, as well as not a true rocketeer ect. Can we wind it back in??
Don't imagine it RocSim'd well. I guess he may have swing tested it? I do hope he emptied it first....

wait a minute....

He probably forgot!!!! There was too much weight in the tail end!!!

Mystery solved.


Originally posted by karatekicker271
Dont we run that risk with every rocket?:confused: I have had J's pop out of rockets at a closer distance, wouldnt it pretty much be the same thing? Rather large rocket motor coming at somebody or a group of people. The porta potty did interest people, but I do not believe it stole the show. If someone had a sweet flight on a N or M skidmark, to me, I would talk and gawp over that just as much as the porta potty
it didnt steal the show from you or fellow rocketeers. It did steal the show from maybe millions that watched the show
cause all they showed on the previews was as followed:

NG announcer: Stay tuned as a porta potty is launched a few thousand feet into the air.

Now to people that take part in this hobby we see alot of things. HP motors, huge clusters, 10'-18' rockets and etc etc etc.Now bring a person who has never been around rockets and what not and see their reaction.But you asked dont we run those risks with every rocket? yes yes we do visit revious posts ive made over some time about safety and they will show i agree with you 100% I expect my rockets to fail when i launch that way iam prepared for something dangerous.This is my train of thought so i something does go wrong i can react as quickly as possible.But this wasnt a rocket.It wasnt even stable or i even doubt had any type of documentation present when launched.And my comment about stealing the show is correct he got everyones attention that day on field and on tv.when you tell people oh iam launching soem rockets wanna come? they would debate or careless. Iam going to launch a porta potty on TWO M motors see how many people come to watch.
All the rules and regs in the world won't fix stupid. Mechanical devices, even well engineered ones, will fail.

That porta potty was a stupid idea. Even if stability paperwork was requested and provided, how many RSO's could have actually determined if it was legit. How many could crunch all the equations right there and figure it out. That's such an odd shape that all your intuition on stability goes out the window. I mean it doesn't look stable but we've all seen unstable appearing odd rocs fly. And we've all seen stable appearing rockets not fly.

What I'm getting at is that even though launching a porta potty is stupid its not inherently any more dangerous than any other M launch as long as proper range distances are observed. Any rocket can go unstable, any rocket can have motor retention fail, cato, or have the electronics screw up and eject a chute early.

That's not to say we should court disaster and let anything fly just because its gonna be launched 1000-2000 ft away. If the RSO did his best to determine stability/safety and it still screws up, well that's rocketry.

One other thing. A lot of the cert rules we buy/fly under are the result of deals with the regulatory agencies to keep High power legal. IF NAR, TRA, and the vendors didn't follow this procedure you wouldn't even be able to fly G motors cause the CPSC would have shut it down a long time ago.
Originally posted by OARJeepr
All the rules and regs in the world won't fix stupid. Mechanical devices, even well engineered ones, will fail.

That porta potty was a stupid idea. Even if stability paperwork was requested and provided, how many RSO's could have actually determined if it was legit. How many could crunch all the equations right there and figure it out. That's such an odd shape that all your intuition on stability goes out the window. I mean it doesn't look stable but we've all seen unstable appearing odd rocs fly. And we've all seen stable appearing rockets not fly.

What I'm getting at is that even though launching a porta potty is stupid its not inherently any more dangerous than any other M launch as long as proper range distances are observed. Any rocket can go unstable, any rocket can have motor retention fail, cato, or have the electronics screw up and eject a chute early.

i agree with you. But theres a difference in something we have all seen launched and theres something like this. Why push our luck? I rather get hurt by a rocket and know that it couldnt have been avoided then be hit by a 200-300lb porta potty and know that it was a dumb idea in the first place.
Originally posted by Rocket Al
Don't imagine it RocSim'd well. I guess he may have swing tested it? I do hope he emptied it first....

wait a minute....

He probably forgot!!!! There was too much weight in the tail end!!!

Mystery solved.


LMAO you're on a roll this morning,lol.
Look, this isnt what the thread was about. I didnt start this thread to get in a war oer whether Ky was right to launch it or not. No matter what you say, it isnt going to change the fact that he did it. Can we get back on topic about the Master Blaster? Even though that wasnt what show I started this for, we got some interesting discussion about it. I DID NOT start it to talk about whether Ky was justified in launching the Porta Potty or not... ok?

Please get it back on track
I just saw the full commercial for Master Blasters last night, and I must admit, the commercial was definitely well done when it comes to arousing curiosity. Being a desert launcher myself, I've seen quite a few large motors go into rockets both large and small. I've also seen some very frightening ballistic descents, 2 of which were dangerously near people (one about 50 yards in front of the flight line, one about 75 yards behind the flight line, amongst the campers and cars). As long as the guys doing the show aren't just about the "Ooops!" and "Hey Joe, check this out!" moments, I think it should be interesting.

I'm hoping that this show will give us hobbyists a new point of reference when telling people about our pastime. Until now, the only options were, "Remember those toy rockets you launched as a kid?" and "Did you ever see the show on Discovery Channel with the guy who launched a bowling ball and the flying portapotty?" Maybe this will get us something a little more in between the toys and the circus.

On a side note, has anyone noticed that there seems to be more media interest in rocketry lately? First, the Discovery Channel shows a few years ago, then both PopMech and PopSci have had articles about it, and now Master Blasters, a full series?

Originally posted by Rocket Al
From the abridged High Power Safty Code at

5 - A high power rocket shall be constructed to withstand the operating stresses and retain structural integrity under conditions expected or known to be encountered in flight.

I can't imagine that a porta-potty is made to ascend vertically at much more than, oh, 80 or 90 miles per hour. As a matter of fact, I saw one break apart on the I-14/I-5 south interchange at 70 mph.... and you'd think that Ky, of all people, would know what stresses are expected or known to be encountered.

The porta potty was reinforced and handled the forced just fine, until it hit the ground.

7 - A person intending to operate a high power rocket shall determine its stability before flight, providing documentation of the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity of the high power rocket to the Safety Monitor, if requested.

Maybe it wasn't requested.....

It was stable; the problem is that it was severely under-powered. After the initial thrust spike tailed off, it started to arc over and fall. With sufficient thrust, it would've gone up.