Rocketry on TV!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2004
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on channel 168 (science channel) "How high can you fly" with the Bowling Ball lift contest is on now
there is also a show on sci-fi its called master blaster i think it airs on wed. next month
Well, there's also another 2 hr. of it, but I have to go to bed :( I can't even record it! :(
Originally posted by kissarmy887
there is also a show on sci-fi its called master blaster i think it airs on wed. next month
I can't wait for this. I have been watching the adds, it looks like its gonna be awesome!
Originally posted by karatekicker271
on channel 168 (science channel) "How high can you fly" with the Bowling Ball lift contest is on now

Yep, that's the Discovery Channel's "Rocket Challenge," filmed at LDRS 21 in Argonia Kansas. I have the complete set (all 3) recorded on DVD with the commercials manually edited out. I like the one about the speed competition. The one thing that annoys, me, however, is that they keep referring to newtons as pounds. Example - when they announced that the port-a-potty ("Our Stinking Rocket," Ky Michaelson) was going up on 2 M1419's, that it would be pitted against "nearly 3000 pounds of thrust." Other than that, however, it seemed remarkably accurate, and was an interesting show to watch.
Originally posted by cjl
Yep, that's the Discovery Channel's "Rocket Challenge," filmed at LDRS 21 in Argonia Kansas. I have the complete set (all 3) recorded on DVD with the commercials manually edited out. I like the one about the speed competition. The one thing that annoys, me, however, is that they keep referring to newtons as pounds. Example - when they announced that the port-a-potty ("Our Stinking Rocket," Ky Michaelson) was going up on 2 M1419's, that it would be pitted against "nearly 3000 pounds of thrust." Other than that, however, it seemed remarkably accurate, and was an interesting show to watch.

It always bugged me when they said Estes motors were made with Ammonium Nitrate and that hybrids use LOX. Ugh! It's so nerdy of me to say that that gripes me, but it just does!!

*pushes glasses back up nose*

That too (although they got it half right - they use Potassium Nitrate)
Originally posted by cjl
snip... I have the complete set (all 3) recorded on DVD with the commercials manually edited out. ...snip

You do know that there is a black market, uh, market for these things, don't you?
You could make some serious scratch with these.
Well, maybe not serious, but you could cover your costs if you were to offer to sell copies of these to people. Like maybe me.
You know, just saying.
You know.

I think I just taped over my copies a couple weeks ago. (Hey, I already watched 'em a couple times, and the F1 race in Monaco was coming on, and I *had* to have a tape.....)
I would love a copy of the discovery channels rocketry challange. If anyone could help out, I would appreciate it !!! We can discuss via email or PM.

Thx, Kurt T.
Originally posted by cjl
Yep, that's the Discovery Channel's "Rocket Challenge," filmed at LDRS 21 in Argonia Kansas. I have the complete set (all 3) recorded on DVD with the commercials manually edited out. I like the one about the speed competition. The one thing that annoys, me, however, is that they keep referring to newtons as pounds. Example - when they announced that the port-a-potty ("Our Stinking Rocket," Ky Michaelson) was going up on 2 M1419's, that it would be pitted against "nearly 3000 pounds of thrust." Other than that, however, it seemed remarkably accurate, and was an interesting show to watch.

the thing that annoys me is Ky Michaelson jumping around going "ThAT WAS AWESOME, IT WORKED GREAT! WE COULDNT HAVE PLANNED IT BETTER"

when shortly beofre he porta potty had just hit the ground under thrust
Originally posted by Ryan S.
the thing that annoys me is Ky Michaelson jumping around going "ThAT WAS AWESOME, IT WORKED GREAT! WE COULDNT HAVE PLANNED IT BETTER"

when shortly beofre he porta potty had just hit the ground under thrust

Well from the angle that he was at you could not tell that it was still under thrust. I know cause I would out there too and it was not til later that I found out what it looked like from the front. The PP was part of the how low can you go comp and it appeared to be pretty low.

I found the host guy to be the most annoying. He hid in the trailer all day as the heat was over 100 all week. He would come out do a quick spot and jump back into the RV.

The saddest was when the guy with the Pink and Yellow rocket takes his rocket up to the fake RSO table. He took it up with the ignitor in the motor and the only thing the RSO noticed was that there was no launch lugs.

The funniest was when he lost his rocket. What people do not know is that he had a wireless mic on while he was out searching for his rocket. It was real funny stuff but they left it out for some reason. He did get the rocket back, someone else came across it later and took it to him.

Originally posted by aksarben10
Well from the angle that he was at you could not tell that it was still under thrust. I know cause I would out there too and it was not til later that I found out what it looked like from the front. The PP was part of the how low can you go comp and it appeared to be pretty low.

Not only that, but the parachutes deployed way early, which was evident from the flight line.

It was a neat attempt, but sorely underpowered and the early deployment wasn't the ideal, either.

(BTW, I've heard Rocket Challenge is being aired all day today on Discovery Science)

Originally posted by cjl
The one thing that annoys, me, however, is that they keep referring to newtons as pounds.

That's because Newtons of thrust doesn't mean squat to the average person, whereas pounds is a concept they understand.

Originally posted by troj
That's because Newtons of thrust doesn't mean squat to the average person, whereas pounds is a concept they understand.


Newtons and pounds are understood by the average guy, at least I understood them before I got into rocketry.

I think those tasty fig cookies are sold by the pound :)
Originally posted by SecretSquirrel
Newtons and pounds are understood by the average guy, at least I understood them before I got into rocketry.

I think those tasty fig cookies are sold by the pound :)

I dunno if they're sold by the pound, but that's the quantity I consume them by....

Fig Newtons come in a two-serving package; Oreos come in a three-serving package. 8-}

The average guy on the street has no concept of what a newton is.

As for food newtons, the fig are OK, I love the apple. :p <-licking one's lips, not sticking one's tongue out.

Originally posted by troj
That's because Newtons of thrust doesn't mean squat to the average person, whereas pounds is a concept they understand.

Yes, but they don't bother to convert! They treat them as if they were equal units, rather than having 1lb of thrust = 4.45N of thrust
Originally posted by cjl
Yes, but they don't bother to convert! They treat them as if they were equal units, rather than having 1lb of thrust = 4.45N of thrust

They were supposed to convert -- in the early pre-filming discussions, they were given the conversion factor.

Have you figured out how to copy the DVD's yet?
Could make it worth your effort, not gonna make you rich though.

Well, I don't have a DVD-RW drive on my PC, so I can't copy it. Our only DVD recorder is hooked to our TV, so I can't copy it (except to VHS)
i have all three typed on vhs the picture is not great but at least i can see it and say o i remember that !
cjl, a long winded way of copying it I think would be to record the dvd to a vhs, then record other dvd's from the vhs, assuming you can record dvds from tapes.

Sometimes I have mixed feelings watching these shows.

Sometimes IMO there is way too high a "Beavis factor", if not on the part of the rocketeers, on the part of the producers.

That is, "FIRE!!! FIRE!!! COOL! IT BLEW UP!!! Huh-huh, Butt-Head, that was cool!!"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I mean, of course sometimes things blow up, but many of these shows make it look like it's planned that way -- like nobody gives a crap whether stuff blows up or not, whether people have to dive behind concrete barriers, etc. Like the Vonage ad. Not a good thing.

I guess my thinking is that if a news or camera crew is on hand, its' probably not time to try that envelope-pushing crazy design you've been trying time and time again to get to work.
The speed challenge was on a few days ago, pretty cool, about the pounds and newtons talk, even if they didnt say it had (blank) amount of newtons, they could of atleast did the math for exactly how many pounds 1419 newtons is, plus initially it is way more then that. I was wondering about that "stitch" with like 20 estes motors, it catoed but they showed it from an aerial view, was that a helicopter? A few of the motors got pretty close to it:D
the snitch was mine. im emily. i had 27 motors on it and yes it was approved by the rso. he had me go back and add more type. we wet the ground around in a 5 ft circle around the pad.
it was my experiment. my dad who is a lvl 3 helped me build. i learned from this flight. we all learn from mistakes. thoses who ever dare to fail greatly will ever achieve greatly-Robert kennedy. i faild at the flight and im working on how i can fix it so i can achieve what i wated to do.
Forget 27 motors - just stick a 38 on it :D (and make it long enough for a J570)
its done. i flew it like 7 times already. it was awsome. i have also flown it on a skyripper g motor.