Pro98 O-ring question

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2020
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Hey all,

So I have a CTI L3150 Vmax load and I’m wondering wether or not I need this fwd O ring spacer. The seal disk is stepped like on an AV bay bulkplate. I’ll attach photos so you can better understand what I’m trying to say.
This is my first 4” motor. I don’t want it to blow up lol.

With O-ring :
See that gap?
I don’t like that. I don’t know if that’s normal or what. Usually gaps aren’t good. In this case, it may be fine…

Here’s without the O-ring :
No more gap!
I don’t know what the better idea is.
Leave the O ring in, keep the small gap.
Remove the O ring spacer and just put the disc in by itself.

Here’s a picture of the “stepped” insulator :

Please let me know.
Not trying to be an A hole..

what do the the instructions show?

I'd contact the motor vendor,,since he'd be the one to know and/or dealing with the warranty.

It could be..a grain is too long
The liner might be a tad short
a crown on the face of one grain.
other orings in the wrong locations

You’re fine.

I’ve contacted him also and haven’t heard back yet.

All O rings are in the right places.

So what you’re saying is, that I do need the O ring?
2.5.1. There should be sufficient space after the last grain is inserted to fit the forward insulator in place and seat it to the tube with light pressure. If there is less clearance than this, you may remove the last gran spacer and recheck the fit. Only this spacer may be omitted and only if necessary to fit.

Thanks a lot.
So in other words, i don’t need the spacer o ring.
It just has a cleaner fit and the disc comes right up to the liner without the O ring spacer.
You agree?