PML cirrus dart pics

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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I got a Cirrus Dart for christmas, and finished it soon thereafter. My uncle liked the look of it so much, that he called up his friend, a professional painter, who agreed to paint it for me (my uncle is the one who paid him - it was free for me :D)

So, today I got it back from the painter, and it looks absolutely INCREDIBLE. Without further ado, here are the pics (they really don't do it justice):
And the last pic for now - if you want a close up of a specific area, then please tell me, I'd be happy to take one.

I'm still stunned at how it came out though - I'm almost afraid to fly it (don't worry - it will fly :D)
OMG Thats incredibley super duper :D havnt seen anything painted better in my life :eek:
People like you are the reason I’m embarrassed to show my rockets in public. :(
That's.... Outta this world!

Awesome. You might need some felt lined 'socks' to protect the finish and
prevent road rash...
Absolutely - I may even fly it at LDRS. It may be a little dinged up by then, but with luck it shouldn't be damaged when I fly it (first flight will be at NCR's Mile High Mayhem, first weekend in May)
Yeah - mine isn't quite as nice as his, but it still looks pretty good IMO :D

Lets hope it stays that way after a couple of flights.
Yes, but it also is 17oz coming down on nothing but an 18" chute with a LARGE spill hole.
Your risking that paint job to an 18" chute? I'd go 36". Yes, I've packed a 36" chute into about 4" of 38mm tube.

nah, i'd stay small, autopaint is pretty durable, when your rocket hits, most likely it'll be the motor nozzle to hit the ground first, and the last thing you want is too large a chute dragging your rocket along the ground, that could spell huge scratch. hehe. nice paint job.
I weighed it, and decided to go with a 24" chute (that Ed will make me) for the first flight. It shouldn't drift too much with only a G motor, and I can judge which chute to use based on that flight. If it seems to descend too slowly, I can always go with the smaller one.

Ed - are you going to the April 1 launch?
I got a Cirrus Dart for christmas, and finished it soon thereafter. My uncle liked the look of it so much, that he called up his friend, a professional painter, who agreed to paint it for me (my uncle is the one who paid him - it was free for me :D)

So, today I got it back from the painter, and it looks absolutely INCREDIBLE. Without further ado, here are the pics (they really don't do it justice):
Sixteen years later, I just see your thread about the Cirrus Dart, one of my favorite MD builds. Do you still have these photos? I'd love to see them, but the thread no longer displays them.