Oddball Club Badges... A Proposal

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.....OpenRocket's ..... "Chuck Norris"
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Mar 27, 2013
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UPDATED With new badges!

I see these as "Merit/Demerit badges" for remembering the stories behind them...

"Founder's Special" - Getting to meet any of the "Legends" of the Hobby. Points for autographs, and photos. Vern Estes, G. Harry Stine, Lee Piester, etc.

"The Armstrong" - Getting to meet any actual astronaut in person. Points for autographs/photos.

"@The Cape" - Getting to see any launch of a rocket from Cape Canaveral.

The Goldfish Club... For those who have lost/and or recovered a rocket from a body of water.

Lawn Darts? We're stuck with a large number of them. Especially from members who've flown the Estes Big Daddy.

Arbor D'OH!!!? We need a branch for that... (more times than I'd like to admit. See my signature file)

Powerlines? Shocking, but true...

Cats? AKA "Paws"... They're Purrfect for knocking off our rockets.

Dogs? AKA "Jaws"... You have to chew them out for turning survivors from cats and taking advantage of the rockets laid low.

Children? No kidding... Sure, they're the future, but why can't they mind where they put their feet?

Cows? AKA "Mad Cow"... I've got a beef with them... (destroyed the Estes Defender I had a steak in after it came down from the tree it was stuck in)

Cars? AKA "Hit and Run" They seem to AUTOmaticaly home in on anything that lands on the road.

Insects? It bugs a lot of us when a mosquito decides to become part of our hobby.

Orbital? Who hasn't lost their Estes Mosquito when it decided to go for orbit? Mine's catching up with Voyager II.

Miracle Worker? Actually finding your Estes Mosquito.

CATO? A blast to join!

Shell Shock? The yolk's on you.

Shutterbug? Let's see what develops.

Two-to-none? When the booster becomes the only stage to burn

Cluster F***? When you didn't Whip it, Whip it good.

Fusion? When your chute becomes wadding.

Saint? When your chute is holely

Blizzard? Snow way you'll ever find it.

Twister? Give it a spin... Dustdevils/Tornadoes (Go Team Dominator).

Roof? Give me a shingle reason not to add this.

Over the Rainbow? When the updraft sends your rocket off to see the Wizard.

Oh (John) Deere? When the recovery was done post harvest/lawnmower.

Brier Patch? You know where to stick it.

Immovable Object? Hung up on the pad.

Campfire? Where there's smoke...

The Split? When your nosecone/parachute go one way, and the rest goes another.

Pop Fly? Can a Can o'Cola fly? (Answer: Yes)

Hold my Beer? Kegs UP! "Hopscotch" AKA "FlaskKitCase"? Sending the Dram thing up...

The Zipper? When your FLY(ght) begins its return to earth is a little late (or a tad too early).

The Pathfinder? When you need a map and a compass (or GPS) to find your way back from where it landed. Extra points if you should have brought a tent.

Trick or Treat? When you launch a payload of candy for the kids to recover.

KillerBzzzz? AKA "Hornet's Nest" The latest buzz in a bad luck landing.

"Macbeth"? AKA "Shakespeare" Break a Leg!!!

"RodRyder"? You'll poke your eye out, kid

Heatseeker - Does a 90 off the pad and goes after your friend’s sister.

Meatseeker -A Heatseaker, but only if it went after your friend's brother

The Fugitive -. Your helicopter recovery looks like a one-armed man.

The Olympic Flame - Ask Gregory Eberly.

"landshark" - To hell with that baby shark song... Look Out!!!.

"Overthetop"? AKA "Homing Missile" The Loop-dee-loop where the rocket starts out unstable and loops but straightens out as propellant burns and lightens the aft end.

"Stripper" When you exceed the speed of balsa wood.

"Wile E Coyote" When the chute opens as the rocket crashes on the ground.

LIMBO? AKA "How Low Can You Go?" When a parachute deploys at the lowest possible altitude (mere feet above the ground) and the rocket is not damaged. My 2" Estes PSII based Cherokee D nosecone popped off and so did the recovery bay, trapping the chute inside it. It worked its way out, and deployed less than 20' above the ground. Extra points for the body to touch the ground when the shock cord extends to full length

"Cheeky"? When you do your best stripper act to recover your rocket (typically given with a "Goldfish", unless the rocket is dry, but on the other side of the river). (GUILTY)

“the introduction”. Get to know the neighbors. So, they’ll let you retrieve your rocket out of their back yard (or off their roof)(GUILTY)

The "Cowflop"... AKA "Bull$***" or "BULL'S PEYE" Yippee aye ay, Cow Patty!!!

OMG!!!? When the weathercocked rocket goes heatseaker, heading straight for the people on the 2nd story balcony... Only to pop the chute just short of them, and then drift back into your hand... Several hundred feet away from them (and less than a dozen feet from the pad) (I had a whole soccer field of witnesses to that one). My epic response to this flight... "I meant to do that!!!"

SAM's Club? AKA "Ack Ack" My revenge on those F*^%%$g Seagulls! Nearly shot one down with an Estes BBII, all without even trying. Imagine an image of a flying birds in the crosshairs.

"Blast In Show" AKA "Blue Medal" a spectacular CATO of a museum worthy build.

"Straight Shooter" AKA "What Goes UP" A short rocket* with lots of clay in the nosecone CATOs... 4 seconds after the last of the balsa and cardboard confetti hits the ground the nosecone finally whistles in.

"Popflop" A rocket with helicopter nose (i.e. Heliocopter, Cosmic Cobra, etc.) gets stuck on the pad and goes nowhere just to have the ejection charge deploy the nose and body's parachute. The nose doesn't get enough altitude to actually begin to spin, so it just flops to the ground with blades deployed.

"Pump Action" or "Double Barrels" Rocket Recovery via 12 Gauge

Premature Ejection - when the engine mount fails and the body tube fails to contain the forward momentum. The engine blows out the nosecone shortly after leaving the pad.

"Search & Rescue" - When they are brought out to find *YOU* (and not the rocket)!

"Snake Eyes" - When your recovery is interrupted by a grumpy legless reptile.

"Rocket Widow/er" AKA "Black Widow" When your hobby becomes too much for your significant other (GUILTY - BUT... It likely saved me from a nasty divorce w/kids later)

"The Sandlot" You're killin me Smalls! Denied recovery

Any more you guys can think of? For transparency, I'm not the source of all of these... (most of them but not all)... Check out the Model Rocketry Fanatics Facebook thread (and this one) for full credits.
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Walk off / runaway when your rocket decides to walk off / runaway with it's finder ( not you )
I was thinking that would be an image of a wand and a "Poof" cloud AKA "Disappearing Act".

Another could be "Roadrash", where the rocket's fins get sanded down after flight, courteously of the wind, and the parachute.
Those are all excellent!

I don't know what to call this?:

What organization would be producing or handing these out? I feel the idea needs some more flesh before it evolves to proposal
I think they would be an Etsy project for people to self identify... Or NAR or Tripoli.
A circle with a slashed out magnifying glass and footprint (Known as the "No Clue") for the rockets that go up and mysteriously disappear.
We actually once considered something like that for our monthly club launches. But, our ideas were less humorous. We thought of having awards on-hand for things like "Closest to Pad" and "Best Lawndart." The idea was to have enough categories that every regular attendee would probably receive at least one award each year.

After seeing K'Tesh's suggestions, we may need to revisit the idea. :)
A circle with a slashed out magnifying glass and footprint (Known as the "No Clue") for the rockets that go up and mysteriously disappear.

I assume any rocket I didn't see come down achieved low earth orbit and would like a badge to reflect that momentous accomplishment. I have a few mosquitoes circling the earth since the 80's.

"Lost Visual, Assume in Orbit"
"Christmas Story" AKA "Under Wraps"- For those who are lucky to have a family member/significant other who actually supports you in the hobby (with gifts no less).
"Undercover" - What they don't know, won't hurt them... (Guilty)

"Cover Blown" - When USPS/UPS shows up at exactly the wrong time. (Guilty)

"The Boxer" - A kit that went 12 rounds with USPS/UPS/China Post. Bonus points if your kit arrived in good condition despite the seller on ebay only using a padded envelope. (Recipient :'( )

"Puzzle" aka "Wrong Planet" For those of us on the Autism spectrum. (yeah... I'm a member).

"Space Exploration Merit Badge" This one is the real deal... For those of us who earned it in Scouting. (Got one!)

"Missileman" Veterans or Active Duty Servicemembers who actually worked on missiles/rockets (guided/unguided) in any form (to include LAWs, etc)(*NOT* limited only to actual medal recipients). (Yup... Got one! I LOVE the AIM-9! And my Pigs (F-111E Aardvarks (#3 Man Loadtoad, 77th AMU, 20th TFS, UH 88-90)))

"Enabler :wos_love:" Special recognition for those who support those with mobility or other challenges (Even if they're not personally into it)

"BAR" There and Back Again!
"REBAR" Been There... Done that... Back for more!!!
"Christmas Story" AKA "Under Wraps"- For those who are lucky to have a family member/significant other who actually supports you in the hobby (with gifts no less).
"Undercover" - What they don't know, won't hurt them... (Guilty)

"Cover Blown" - When USPS/UPS shows up at exactly the wrong time. (Guilty)

"The Boxer" - A kit that went 12 rounds with USPS/UPS/China Post. Bonus points if your kit arrived in good condition despite the seller on ebay only using a padded envelope. (Recipient :'( )

"Puzzle" aka "Wrong Planet" For those of us on the Autism spectrum. (yeah... I'm a member).

"Space Exploration Merit Badge" This one is the real deal... For those of us who earned it in Scouting. (Got one!)

"Missileman" Veterans or Active Duty Servicemembers who actually worked on missiles/rockets (guided/unguided) in any form (to include LAWs, etc)(*NOT* limited only to actual medal recipients). (Yup... Got one! I LOVE the AIM-9! And my Pigs (F-111E Aardvarks (#3 Man Loadtoad, 77th AMU, 20th TFS, UH 88-90)))

"Enabler :wos_love:" Special recognition for those who support those with mobility or other challenges (Even if they're not personally into it)

"BAR" There and Back Again!
"REBAR" Been There... Done that... Back for more!!!

Would digging out Missilemen so they could get to their duty stations in January on Minot AFB count?
Would digging out Missilemen so they could get to their duty stations in January on Minot AFB count?

This is completely unofficial... So, I'll leave it up to you to decide. I mean, even payroll makes it possible for missiles to work, but in that case, I'd be less inclined to say yes.
Did You DQ Today?
Elain Sadowski Fan Club
Dump Bunny (really old and no longer appropriate)
Get Your Rockets Off (too commercial?)
Rocket Bowling
Hot Stuff
"The Armstrong" - Getting to meet any actual astronaut in person. Points for autographs/photos.
"@The Cape" - Getting to see any launch of a rocket from Cape Canaveral.
Dogs? AKA "Jaws"... You have to chew them out for turning survivors from cats and taking advantage of the rockets laid low.
Well, the cat didn't have anything to do with it, but the rocket didn't survive the dog attack.
The Split? When your nosecone/parachute go one way, and the rest goes another.
"Wile E Coyote" When the chute opens as the rocket crashes on the ground.
And yup.
Any more you guys can think of?
Some less humorous, and no less representative of our shared lunacy:

"Lucky" - Found a rocket at the lost and found table or had it returned by someone else, at least one full day after it was launched.

"Helping Hand" - Returned a rocket to the lost and found table or owner.
We need a special merit badge for Kirby at our local launches. He's the guy who brings a long extension pole with a hook on it for fetching rockets from trees. And, often, if the pole can't reach the rocket, he will climb the tree to recover a rocket.

Last weekend I was reminded of the time I had to retrieve a rocket from the "Pig Pond".....That was special, bit then and remembering it....
How about "The Bon Yoyage Award", for when your rocket develops fin flutter so bad it turns to confetti. We had one of those this past Sat.