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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2009
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who's going? supposing its still on, i'll be there, and also assuming doug gardei makes it, i shall attempt a lvl 1 cert. basically, thats my only flight planned for the day, but i do plan on staying several hours. a lot of my friends have expressed interest in coming down, as well as my brother, so it should be cool.
good luck with your cert. Unfortunatly, I can't come
Originally posted by r1dermon
who's going? supposing its still on, i'll be there, and also assuming doug gardei makes it, i shall attempt a lvl 1 cert. basically, thats my only flight planned for the day, but i do plan on staying several hours. a lot of my friends have expressed interest in coming down, as well as my brother, so it should be cool.

As long as it doesn't rain, the launch will happen.
I'll be there, hopefully it won't be too freezing, the last launch was great weather!
so far so good. all reports say super clear and sunny, 20% chance of rain, with a high of 43...looks like shorts and T-shirts weather!
I plan on being there.... last break before the Mad Rush of Holiday shopping at work. Last break after a stressfull month of work gettting ready for the Mad rush...

Anyway, take your pick what you want to fly your rocket with :D

Need to make a run to Hobbytown Friday... wanna get a few motors.

I plan to fly my UFFO with a C6

Cluseter Bomb with a D13 (if I can get some) or a D9

Ladyrobin with a Loki I405 (Tripoli certified, listed on combined list as the old designation)

If I can get a F, My Bull Puppy likes them.

Maybe put my Sumo up on a G75

Thoy Phoenix with a H144 would be sweet. Depending on the wind. I might downgrade to a H128 or H238.
i was planning on an H128, but if you've got any 38mm H's, i could give it a whirl, depending on winds.
Originally posted by tedman
it tmhere a rain date for the launch

Sunday is the rain date but it's not going to rain. It's just going to be cold.
Brewing a batch of beer first, will be there...with not one, but TWO rockets! :D
Did some driving today after work. First I went to Plaistow to go to Hobbytown USA and picked up a pack of C6-0's, D13-7W's, E18-7W's and a F40-4W. I also got a dual pack of BT-80's to fix my Super Tube. Love that rocket on a E9-4 :).

If anyone is looking for a RMS 18/20, or RMS 24/40, or RMS 29/40-120, hobbytown does have them in stock.
I was planning on coming up to BS and hang out, but looks like I can't make it do to school stuff.

Have fun guys
Originally posted by n3tjm
Did some driving today after work. First I went to Plaistow to go to Hobbytown USA and picked up a pack of C6-0's, D13-7W's, E18-7W's and a F40-4W. I also got a dual pack of BT-80's to fix my Super Tube. Love that rocket on a E9-4 :).

If anyone is looking for a RMS 18/20, or RMS 24/40, or RMS 29/40-120, hobbytown does have them in stock.
how much are they selling the 29/40-120 for? also where is it in plainstow?
Its about $55. not 100% sure. They do have E16, F40, and G64's for it in stock too. I believe it is exit 50 on 495N. Haverhill, Plaistow exit. Left at ramp and head into NH. At the Traffic light where there is a Friendlys, Bedfords, make a right. You will shortly come up to the Shaws plaza. Its in that plaza.
29/40-120 case is 50 bucks there...i was in there last week checking the cases out. they still had a couple G80's, F20's, and E30's last time i went too. just as a heads up.
I finished up my Chang-Zheng (Long March) CZ-2F and I'm planning to launch it for it's first flight tomorrow.

That is, if it's not real windy. It's another finless rocket with just the boosters acting like tube fins for stability.

My Delta II flies nice and straight on light wind days but has a tendency to be all over the sky in the wind so I'm anticipating that the CZ-2F will be similar.
OH BABY, what a way to end the season...its going to be one LOOONG winter build season, but i look forward to it...anyway, great launch today, a little brisk, but man, zero clouds, and the winds were in the 15mph range at times, although they seemed to die a little in the afternoon.

LVL 1 CERT 38 special flew successfully on an H128-M, flight was good and high, about 1400ft i'd guess, rocket came off the rod and weathercocked into the wind, NC was down at deployment, but only had to walk about 200ish yards for a successful level 1 recovery. doug took video, so hopefully he can get that up soon. CANT WAIT!!! lvl 2 next season...whaddya think??
Congrats on the L1!

Beer brewing took a little longer than planned, should be tasty though. A British-style winter ale that is strong in flavor and kick (8.4% ABV).

Doubled the number of flights from the last launch... Two this time! No additional damage, and losing sight of the Stormcaster on a F21-6 for a good twenty seconds is fine if you aim the rod right. landed about 80 yards from where I was standing, hehe. E9 was even closer!

Do like the long-burn of the E9s... A D12/E9 bird would be neat.
And a 1/800 shutter won't freeze a Estes Stormcaster on a F21 :D

Yep, got the video of Liam's cert flight. I will make it available for you when I go home and put it on my pc. Monday at the earliest.

What a day! I did not feel to cold because I dressed in layers. Two pairs of pants, and a t-shirt, cmass shirt, cmass demin longsleeve shirt, sweater, and jacket! You know you put enough layers on when you don't fell cold, but when you take the gloves off your fingers freeze :D.

Got some awesome flights up. First was my Super Tube with a E9-4. Had some trouble getting off the rod, which killed the rockets' altitude. I am glad I chose the 4 second delay though.

Then I flew my Cluster Bomb with a D13. I love those little RMS motors. After that was Liam's cert flight. He passed :D. Once the next-to-the-last hot dog was consumed, I put up my Mustang on an E18-7W. Then I gave my PML Bull Puppy a ride with a F40-4W. I love the way that rocket looks with a F40.

The day was quickly coming to a close so I wanted to fly my Ladyrobin. After setting it up, she launched on a Loki I405. Beautiful flight, and the altimeter reported 1,300 ft. Perfect dual deployment to. My final flight of the day was my Aerotech Sumo with a G75-6J.

Nice launch, had a good time. Only problem I had with the cold is the cheap tape did not want to stick. Everything else went well. Perfect launch to end the season.
Sounds like the CMASS finale was a hit.

Here is a pic from last Saturday


4" bird ( K555 skid )

Originally posted by jrogers
Sounds like the CMASS finale was a hit.

Here is a pic from last Saturday


4" bird ( K555 skid )


Did you light the asphalt on fire?
he he he

Not quite

Did light a couple small fires next to it though ;)
Saturday was beautiful flying day... A little cool and windy but the sky was crystal clear.

I saw my custom 2.5" QuickBase rocket all the way to apogee at 3000' on an Loki H144. That is such an awesome motor -- nice quick boost and brilliant flame. The flight was arrow-straight.

Unfortunately, the main deployed at apogee [note to self: gotta start using shear pins] and the rocket drifted over 3000', well off the Amesbury field. Fortunately, the BeeLine transmitter saved me again! This time I had to borrow both a boat and a saw from friendly neighbors in order to recover it.

My MaxiAlpha on an F20 with 10 2"x6' streamers was sort of cool trailing what looked like a huge mass of tinsel behind it as it fell. Still, I'd like to figure out how to better balance the two halves of the rocket so the streamers are more spread out.

There were two TARC teams there (Acton and North Andover) doing their practice flights. Both had BT-70 based birds. The E9-4s they first tried were about 30-40% short of the necessary altitude but their second flights (on an E15 and F21 respectively) came in closer.

Alas, since I arrived late and spent most of the time in Amesbury woods, I missed most of the flights (including Bill Ralston's upscale Duece's Wild on a pair of F21s which was lost due to obvious reasons.)

It was a nice end to the 2005 flight season!

-- Jim

P.S., As Doug sez, dressing in layers is the way to go. I like those gloves with the finger tips cut out too.

P.P.S, Congratulations, Liam, on your cert!
Also, while recovering my rocket, I saw a lost yellow rocket with a deep red nylon 'chute. I was across the river from it so I couldn't get a good look at it. I'd estimate it was 2"-3.5" in diameter and 3-4' long.

It's sitting up 15-20' in a tree hanging over the edge of the river.

Here is the approximate location shown on Google maps:,-70.9518+(Yellow+rocket)&t=h&iwloc=A&hl=en

If this is yours, email me and I can fill you on details including how best to gain access to the site.

-- Jim
Originally posted by jcsalem
Alas, since I arrived late and spent most of the time in Amesbury woods, I missed most of the flights (including Bill Ralston's upscale Duece's Wild on a pair of F21s which was lost due to obvious reasons.)

Actually, Bill did get it back :D. It turned up in the lost-and-found. It is hard for him to loose a rocket :D.
THAT SOUNDS LIKE MY AURA!!!! OH MY GOD!!! i will PM you...oh my god, that would be sick...i'll PM you.
Originally posted by n3tjm
Actually, Bill did get it back :D. It turned up in the lost-and-found. It is hard for him to loose a rocket :D.

Bill Ralston has the MOST incredible luck with rockets that I have ever seen!

sheesh! :D
Originally posted by jflis
Bill Ralston has the MOST incredible luck with rockets that I have ever seen!

sheesh! :D

It always seems to happen to his Fliskit rockets so Jim doesn't get to sell him a replacement rocket. ;)

His Acme Spitfire had a "bonus delay" on Saturday but after it crashed, how do you tell if there's any damage?