It's been a long term goal of mine to get something over 100k ft. I'd never felt quite confident that I had a reasonable shot a success until now. And, along with other legit prerequisites, watching a few Balls/XPRS attempts I'd always sort of assumed that the motor sizes required were something I wasn't that interested in dealing with, at least for now. But, inspired by a couple friends working on similar projects and, in particular, Kip's recent successful flight, I spun some sims this fall and realized it might be doable with a 75mm -> 54mm. I have enough worked out to post the summary below, but I'm sure I'm going to have a lot of questions: this is a lot of pretty new territory for me...
Edit: That got really long, my apologies. If you actually brave reading the whole thing, maybe some
music helps.
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- 100k apogee, recovery of both booster and sustainer
- Clear video of launch, through apogee, and ideally through sustainer touchdown
- As much home-rolled as possible
- (Relatively) low budget
Design Summary
- Two full stack rockets going into the season
- 75 mm booster -
- 26.5 lb full stack pad weight estimate
- Motor: ~M-1230, orange sunset, 8000 Ns, 6.5s burn time, 9.35 lb propellant, 15.75 lb loaded motor
- 4 fins, > 3 calibers of stability through flight profile per Rasaero, 0.125 in G10 with no tip-to-tip
- Structure - composite airframe, ~0.050 in carbon fiber (5 wraps) (plain weave carbon fiber with Adtech 820 from Soller Composites)
- Electronics
- single altimeter in ISC to manage dual deploy
- 54 mm sustainer:
- 7.75 lb pad weight estimate
- Motor: ~L-325, orange sunset, 2900 Ns, 9s burn time, 3.3 lb propellant, 5.85 lb loaded motor
- 4 fins, > 2 calibers of stability through flight profile per Rasaero, 0.1 in G10 with no tip-to-tip
- Structure - composite airframe, ~0.030 in carbon fiber (3 wraps) (same plain weave carbon fiber with Adtech 820 from Soller Composites)
- Electronics
- redundant in nosecone for recovery, one of which has telemetry and GPS
- one to manage staging bolted to top of motor
- 54 mm 5:1 von Karmen nosecone
- Jim Jarvis style ignition via copper tape, for the full up arming test before sustainer ignitor goes in the motor. No head end.
- Homerolled, I've exclusively been flying these the last few years in similar sized single stage projects
- Standard version has low and high g accelerometers, pressure and temperature sensors. Fancy version additionally has a GPS and radio for telemetry (I've been burned now 1 too many times with my Walston and other directional tracker; having time of flight only to never find the rocket after it's landed)
- User defined events
- Up to 16 user defined events which can trigger pyro output using combinations of AND or OR logic
- Triggered by liftoff, burnout, apogee, or any other user defined event
- Greater than/less than/equal to constraints can be placed on altitude, velocity, acceleration, tilt angle, max tilt angle, flight phase, or powered flight counter. Additionally, time after triggering event and time after all constraints met can be specified.
- Simulation - not there quite yet, but I'm modifying post-scripts for testing I wrote a while ago to ingest Rasaero data -> convert to raw sensor output -> run on flight firmware in an attempt to remove surprises encountered by other folks attempting projects like this and to try to dial in my staging logic.
- Staging logic - TBD but I'm leaning away from a simple timer, and more towards a combination of:
- min_speed < velocity < max_speed
- tilt_angle < max_tilt and max_tilt_angle < max_tilt2
- altitude > min_altitude
Flight Simulation
All simulations were done in Rasaero using weights determined from CAD. Chuck and Kip's new Rasaero thread on skin friction coefficients and simulation has been awesome... Goal is to keep the booster stability at > 3.0 calibers, sustainer at > 2.0 calibers through flight:
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Test Plans
I have a number of test flights slotted for the spring; I want to make sure I feel super comfortable with all components before a full up attempt:
- 54 mm sustainer motor static test. My motor making buddies and I have quite a bit of flight experience with the booster motor, so not static testing that one.
- Sustainer single stage on a small H to test all electronics and cameras
- Staging test with small motors - ~I-600 in the booster -> small H in the sustainer
- Sustainer single stage on the full L-325 motor
Current Progress
Winters are usually pretty busy for me with my extra hobby job, but I've made decent progress on several components of this project which I was either more nervous about finishing in time or could be done before finalizing design
- Most of my time so far has gone into a ground up rewrite up my electronics firmware which I've just about finished. Everything is much more modular, I can define the user events described above, I added support for telemetry with a separate ground station I've been working on along with GPS and I have a full suite of unit and flight tests I've been meaning to write for a while. Big remaining item is to finish the scripts to ingest simulation data for full simulated flights
- 8 of 12 75 mm booster bates grains are cast (going for 2 booster motors total). I have my sustainer motor designed, and just took delivery of some of the fancy pants Loki liners but have not cast grains yet. I need to cast 4 sustainer motors: one for static testing, one for a single stage flight, and two flight ready motors.
- Tubing - I have all tubing rolled for two each of: 54 mm sustainers, ISC 54mm and 75mm and 75 mm boosters
- View attachment 558243
- Fin beveling jig - I built a v2, trying to fix everything that was bothering me from v1 I'm sure I'll find new stuff I'm not happy about with this one
- ISC - At some point I'll write a post detailing my intended design, but for now the 3d printed portion of this part has gone through a few design iterations with some cheapazoidal leftover material:
- View attachment 558244
Game on!