New Star Trek Movie

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Rest assured, the casting is excellent. Especially Dr McCoy and Sylar, err... Spock. :)

I have always loved "origin stories", and that raises my interest in this movie enough to overcome the "cringe factor" about putting young whippersnappers in those roles (think "Wesley Crusher" and "Happy Meal Action Figure").
Rest assured, the casting is excellent. Especially Dr McCoy and Sylar, err... Spock. :)

Finally got a chance to see it this evening - I swear the actor playing McCoy is channelling Deforest Kelley!!! :D I swear I even saw an eyebrow raise once or twice! ;)

I had heard some others say that when the TOS theme plays at the end, they had chills go down their spines - they were right.
Saw it. Loved it, and I went in with a some what bad attitude. The casting was Very good. Lots of little nods to TOS. They even admit in the movie that time travel/alternate universe thing was cheating! The movie did not take itself very seriously.

It worked as a reset. I think it will bring Trek to a new generation. My 18 year old son and his friends all saw it and loved it. My 50 year old friends all saw it and loved it. That kind of sums it up.

But I still don't like the big nacelles on the jjprise.
I saw it yesterday with my brother. I was one of those people growing up that didn't see much distinction or know the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars.

I thought the acting was great - particularly Spock's character. There were a few "campy" moments, and improbable feats, but were easily overlooked for the sake of realizing it's all sci-fi anyways. I think they could have done a better job with the good vs. bad thing. I thought all of that was a little on the weak side. It was more evident to me that the design of the movie was geared towards fans that could identify with "the beginnings" which to a non-fan are likely to see more of a fairly bland plotline. Some names were familiar, but overall from a fresh set of eyes on the Star Trek series I thought it was a good show.
I guess my friends and I are the minority. Overall underwhelmed by the movie. Disappointed. And not because the movie was inconsistent with canon, etc
The science was extremely diluted and ill conceived.
Spoiler alert!The whole red matter theory had numerous gaping holes
Plenty of pure cheese moments.
We refer JJ Abrams to "Serenity" (the movie) prior making the sequel Thats how to make a fun, plausible, epic sci fi flic.
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We refer JJ Abrams to "Serenity" (the movie) prior making the sequel Thats how to make a fun, plausible, epic sci fi flic.

Serenity, Domestic Total Gross: $25,514,517

Star Trek, Domestic Total as of May. 17, 2009: $147,611,000

Yep, JJ really screwed up, didn't he?


Don't get me wrong, I liked Serenity & LOVED Firefly.

But Serenity the movie couldn't hold a candle to Firefly the series. For one, DON'T kill off major characters in the movie. :bangbang::confused2:

Especially one with so much unexplored back-story... Hello, Shepherd Book anyone?

But I digress.... :bangpan:

Perhaps Abrams wasn't the best choice for Star Trek. It did kinda feel like he was following a checklist from all the other Treks.

Vulcan Neck Pinch - check!
Green Skin Girl - check!
Red Shirt death - check!
"<TRF EDIT> Jim, I'm a doctor..." - check!
Mind control insects - check!
Somebody from the future handing out stuff people haven't yet invented - check!

Still it was a summer movie, action is the goal - not science. :neener:

We refer JJ Abrams to "Serenity" (the movie) prior making the sequel Thats how to make a fun, plausible, epic sci fi flic.
Serenity, Domestic Total Gross: $25,514,517

Star Trek, Domestic Total as of May. 17, 2009: $147,611,000

Yep, JJ really screwed up, didn't he?


THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT Domestic Total Gross: $140,539,099
Production Budget: $60,000

Made a lot of money but it was still a crappy movie.

JJ could have done Star Trek "South Park style animation" and still gross $150 million
Yes Serenity's gross was nowhere near what Star Trek's will be but the audiences were different. Serenity was driven by the fans and meant to give closure to a short lived but excellent TV show with the hopes to make enough to pay for it. Star Trek was made to make cash and if it upset a couple of fans, I doubt Abrams cares.

As for the deaths of Book and Wash, sad yes, but I think Whedon new the shot at a squeal was slim and none so went for the full emotional impact. Anyone who was a fan of his work and went in expecting everyone to make it out alive should have know better.
THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT Domestic Total Gross: $140,539,099
Production Budget: $60,000

Made a lot of money but it was still a crappy movie.

JJ could have done Star Trek "South Park style animation" and still gross $150 million

Yep. The new Star Trek movie felt like a heartless cash-in.

Yes Serenity's gross was nowhere near what Star Trek's will be but the audiences were different. Serenity was driven by the fans and meant to give closure to a short lived but excellent TV show with the hopes to make enough to pay for it. Star Trek was made to make cash and if it upset a couple of fans, I doubt Abrams cares.

As for the deaths of Book and Wash, sad yes, but I think Whedon new the shot at a squeal was slim and none so went for the full emotional impact. Anyone who was a fan of his work and went in expecting everyone to make it out alive should have know better.

Very well said.
sigh.. There's always hope someone invigorates the Firefly universe for a well deserved sequel.

FYI there's a model rocket in the ending scene, to honor fallen shipmates, quite interesting..
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Since they were changing everything, they should have changed the look of the Vulcans. I can't seem to think of them as super intelligent beings any more.

Ok I've seen this thing 3 times now.

I still like it. It does have it's problems.

First what I liked:

Casting/ Acting was first rate
SFX were great
Story was very fast paced and action packed
Overall the sets were good, except for engineering
Direction was outstanding
I loved the uniforms.

What I did not like:

The Enterprise is WAY too big. Over 2000ft?
The engines are ugly
The whole timeline thing. I guess I just have to accept it.
Nero's ship is dunb. Why all the platforms/open space?
The story has some large plot holes.


Doesn't Vulcan have ANY defense?
Can't they figure out that they just have to disable the drill?
What the heck is red matter
Spocks ship looks stupid
Why does engineering look like a brewery?
The Kelvin is a dumb name for a ship, what are its sister ships? The Fahrenheit and Celsius?
The much of the ships/facilities are dirty, rundown, worn. This does not reflect well of Starfleet.
The physics of the black hole are wrong.

Overall still a very good movie and I think it has succeeded in re-invigorating the franchise and I look forward to the next movie!
Ok I've seen this thing 3 times now.

I still like it. It does have it's problems.

First what I liked:

Casting/ Acting was first rate
SFX were great
Story was very fast paced and action packed
Overall the sets were good, except for engineering
Direction was outstanding
I loved the uniforms.

What I did not like:

The Enterprise is WAY too big. Over 2000ft?
The engines are ugly
The whole timeline thing. I guess I just have to accept it.
Nero's ship is dunb. Why all the platforms/open space?
The story has some large plot holes.


Doesn't Vulcan have ANY defense?
Can't they figure out that they just have to disable the drill?
What the heck is red matter
Spocks ship looks stupid
Why does engineering look like a brewery?
The Kelvin is a dumb name for a ship, what are its sister ships? The Fahrenheit and Celsius?
The much of the ships/facilities are dirty, rundown, worn. This does not reflect well of Starfleet.
The physics of the black hole are wrong.

Overall still a very good movie and I think it has succeeded in re-invigorating the franchise and I look forward to the next movie!

Vulcans=pacifists... after "Enterprise" of course... they're rather "communistic" in "Enterprise...

Kirk and Sulu disable the drill but didn't anticipate the red matter bomb...

Red Matter= goo robbed out of old lava lamps... VERY crummy story idea. Should have gone with 'modified quantum torpedoes' or something like that.

Spock's ship= VERY dumb-looking... bout like the unicycle with legs that Obi-Wan and General Grievous fight on as he escapes to the landing platform in the last Star Wars movie...

Engineering= brewery... good question... here's a ship capable of warping spacetime and travelling across the galaxy and the interior of the engineering section looks like an old run down Russian tractor factory?? Huge "X" shaped I-beams and concrete is the building material of choice for interstellar ships?? I don't get it either... must've blown their entire sets budget on the clear display panes everywhere on the bridge and on the silly clear plastic tubes and giant 'space cuisineart' that nearly pulverizes Scotty... THAT scene was just DUMB!!! Clear piping in the water system is bad enough but the giant cuisineart, ummm... what purpose is that supposed to serve again?? Does it chop the water up into small enough pieces to fit through the coffee dispenser food slot in the officer's mess or what?? I could see a 'turd chopper' in the sewage processor, but in the fresh water system?? MADE NO SENSE WHATSOEVER...

Kelvin= dumb name... agreed.

rundown, dirty facilities... doesn't quite 'look right' to us 'old Trekkies' but it's that 'new, gritty filmmaking' look that's SO big right now...

physics... well, what can you say-- it IS a Trek movie after all... besides, physics and details just get in the way. Technically speaking, a 'black hole' that can pass matter through into the past would be a wormhole... a rather common occurrence in the ST Universe. Why not just call it a wormhole and be done?? The physics of the supernova was all wrong too, while we're mentioning it. A supernova couldn't "threaten the entire galaxy" though it could make a considerable ding in a good portion of it nearby, but there would be LOT of time to deal with the repercussions, because even if the next star over from Romulus went BOOM! it would take as many light-years as it is away for any Gamma-ray pulses or other planet-frying phenomena to reach it, and it would be known a LONG time beforehand, as stars start winding down toward a supernova millions of years before they actually go BOOM! I suppose 'subspace shock waves' or something could outrun light and destroy Romulus in less than relativistic time constraints, but still the whole thing could have benefitted from some better writing polish there...

Later! OL JR :)
No. Duh! But I thought the best was when Scotty said _______ to the crew and then ________ at the bunch of 'em. I mean, REALLY! :D

Seriously, it was a very good movie. No "wesley crusher" moments, to be sure. Frankly, I think the best thing they did was an excellent job on casting and character development. The story was great, which provided a good movie even for folks not into ST, but (as one reviewer quipped) there were enough "easter eggs" in the movie to satisfy the most hard core trek fan (and I'm fairly hard core...)

I won't discuss anything that would qualify as a spoiler for a couple of weeks. If you haven't seen it by then well, too bad :)

All I could think of, after the movie, was SEQUEL, or a new series. Seriously, if the characters stay as true to form they've got a real winner here. Lots of fun!

So Jim were a couple of weeks out you want to share your thoughts?
So Jim were a couple of weeks out you want to share your thoughts?

Yeah. Basically I just want to know what everybody thought about Spock's new um... personal relationships?

Yes, specifically her. :rolleyes:

Count me firmly in the "WTH?" camp. :y:
Hey he's half human, and if she can't get his human half feelings going, nothing will!
I saw it once and liked it, and last weekend scored this:)

Star Trek.jpg
*** WARNING! Spoilers galore! ***

rundown, dirty facilities... doesn't quite 'look right' to us 'old Trekkies' but it's that 'new, gritty filmmaking' look that's SO big right now...

Hmm. I guess you can't please everyone. I thought it wasn't NEARLY gritty enough for this "old Trekkie". The bridge was completely sterile, unlike the "sheet metal, wire and sparks" design of the old original series bridge. You know, square stuff, buttons and blinking lights, corny photos of various nebulae and galaxies on the screens, and even a big dial with a three-pronged pointer at the helm. This was far more like the newer "Next Generation" stuff.

I recently watched some of the early "original series" episodes (you know, "Man Trap", "Charlie X", etc.) for the first time in at least 15 years, and thought they were remarkably good. What worked really well for me was the sense of adventure you get from NOT having such a slick ship. It felt like they were really taking some chances going out there - kinda like the way you feel when you look at the hardware that took Apollo to the moon. We didn't wait until we had a spaceship that looked like this:

We just went with what we had. Sometimes it didn't work right, and so you get the great Apollo 13 story and the Apollo 11 overloaded LEM computer story.

There was some gritty stuff in engineering in the current movie (I even think I saw a regular home metal conduit box on the wall for a moment), but as someone else pointed out, the rooms were far too big. That's a _ship_? Are you kidding? Do you know what it would cost to heat something like that? And that transparent piping (obviously just there for the lame visual joke) was far too modern (er, futuristic?) for that set.

I did like the characters, especially the McCoy guy, who'd obviously put some effort into doing the DeForest Kelley schtick (but where's the eyebrow raise?). I had a problem with the breaks from the Star Trek universe (Spock's mom dies? Vulcan is destroyed? Spock and Uhura have the hots for each other?), but I understand why they'd do that. You've got 40+ years of straitjackets around the script writers, and want to free things up for more plot possibilities. Still, if they're going to do that, then it's going to be hard to get attached to the characters, which was a big part of the original charm.

I thoroughly disliked the little creature that was hanging around with Scotty - I smell Happy Meal Ewok. On the other hand, if they just used him for a one-line running joke ("Get down from there!") I'd think that was pretty funny.
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I thoroughly disliked the little creature that was hanging around with Scotty - I smell Happy Meal Ewok. On the other hand, if they just used him for a one-line running joke ("Get down from there!") I'd think that was pretty funny.

Did you catch the actor who played that little guy? Deep Roy, who played all the Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Not really - perhaps it is a science research ship and the series are named for noted historical science figures:,_1st_Baron_Kelvin

The USS Kelvin in "Star Trek" was named after the director's grandfather. See:

The "Slusho" bit in the bar scene is another recurring JJ Abrams bit.

As an aside completely unrelated to this thread, the following video was linked on the "Ted" site listed aoove:

James Duffy
[email protected]
Don't read this if you don't want any spoilers.

*** WARNING! Spoilers galore! ***

Hmm. I guess you can't please everyone. I thought it wasn't NEARLY gritty enough for this "old Trekkie". The bridge was completely sterile, unlike the "sheet metal, wire and sparks" design of the old original series bridge. You know, square stuff, buttons and blinking lights, corny photos of various nebulae and galaxies on the screens, and even a big dial with a three-pronged pointer at the helm. This was far more like the newer "Next Generation" stuff.

I recently watched some of the early "original series" episodes (you know, "Man Trap", "Charlie X", etc.) for the first time in at least 15 years, and thought they were remarkably good. What worked really well for me was the sense of adventure you get from NOT having such a slick ship. .

I think the modernization was necessary to draw in a new, younger generation of fans. I've been rewatching Season 1 as well and where I'm good with the original, my teens think a lot of the "technology" is really hokey.

There was some gritty stuff in engineering in the current movie (I even think I saw a regular home metal conduit box on the wall for a moment), but as someone else pointed out, the rooms were far too big. That's a _ship_? Are you kidding? Do you know what it would cost to heat something like that? And that transparent piping (obviously just there for the lame visual joke) was far too modern (er, futuristic?) for that set.

Spock and Uhura have the hots for each other?), but I understand why they'd do that. You've got 40+ years of straitjackets around the script writers, and want to free things up for more plot possibilities. Still, if they're going to do that, then it's going to be hard to get attached to the characters, which was a big part of the original charm.

I'm thinking they added the Spock/Uhura storyline to help draw in females like they did with Arwen's role in the Lord of the Rings films.

I thoroughly disliked the little creature that was hanging around with Scotty - I smell Happy Meal Ewok. On the other hand, if they just used him for a one-line running joke ("Get down from there!") I'd think that was pretty funny.

Ugh. I didn't like that creature at all. :bangbang:

I was wondering what a huge canyon was doing in Iowa. :rolleyes: Or was it a mine? It was pretty funny seeing it there.
Yeah, I understand that they're going after a new audience - they've already got my money <grin>. And I'm all in favor of bringing in the women (and they probably have a captive audience of all of the guys who are into hot green babes).

I hadn't put the "canyon" and "Iowa" things together, but yup, that'd be a slight problem, wouldn't it? Although maybe the idea is that the kind of flooding we had here last year continues into the future, and that's the resulting Mississippi River canyon.
I was wondering what a huge canyon was doing in Iowa. :rolleyes: Or was it a mine? It was pretty funny seeing it there.

Maybe the canyon is a result of a Xindi attack on Earth like the one depicted in "Enterprise?" :)

-- Roger
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I finally got a chance to see it today. Great movie but did anybody notice that the Enterprise runs on Bud? I was watching one of the scenes in the engine room thinking that it looked a lot like a brewery. When I got home a Google search showed that it was shot in the Anheuser Busch factory in Van Nuys!
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