One of the very easiest mods to the ol'e plugs is to snap the little plastic tips the contact wires are bend around thus exposing the little half loop at the bottom of the plug. There's always more then enough to grab with smooth jaw micro clips. Alligator clips don't work worth a darn on any igniter, tho I've seen several of the Micro flying guys in the Vikings club use them with MMX plugs often.
I have to disagree in your assessment of micros as being somehow different or "out of place on a 200acre sodfarm Launch".
I believe Micros will at some point become the mainstay of the hobby; At least here on the east coast where those 200acre launch sites are becoming harder and harder to find. I Want everyone flying micros ever single time there is a Model Rocket Flying event of anykind. We had a number of micros flown at NSL this summer. Two events at this last Naram-51 were either 1/8A specific or well suited to micro models in peanut scale.
Both clubs I'm connected with; Narhams (oldest section in the country) and Vikings (one of the newer "reborn" sections) have increasing numbers of particapation by members flying Micros at
every club launch and a fair number for sanctioned competitions as well. I've been know to fly Micros in standard competitions just because I didn't intend to enter or just a last minute on the field decision. Often using Micro's in any of the Spot landing events, Random Duration, Scale, PMC or any of the Craftsmanship events. Having my entire fleet with me give me all those options
We try to include an 1/8A event in a club scheduled section, open or regional meet each year, or at least a "Fun Fly" event with them.
As mentioned in my earlier post to John there
should be absolutely NO difference between flying Micro Models and any other form of model rocketry. With the exception of the diameter of the Launch rod, just like LMR's and HPR everything else remains the same. Most of us maxx'ers have no trouble flying a Micro model from standard Club style Racks or satellite pad launchers.
As others have commented; Being further way (Our LRP range setups use 50' leads) from the model actually helps along with all the extra eyes aid in tracking and recovery.
Rarely anymore do I even take standard or LRM's out to our monthly club launches unless its for a special event (Night Launches) or I have a specific model I want to fly or requried for a specific competition event, but DO fly anywhere from 10 to 15 or more micros from my fleet every month. With the slip-over rod micro pad add-ons there generally isn't any problem with line waits or backing up other flyers on the ranges and we generally have some pretty large crowds of sport flyers. Both clubs use multi rack ranges with away satellite mid and hpr pads, giving anywhere from a minimum of 8 to 18 available launcher locations. Generally my tripod everyday workhorse Micro launcher base is on site as well so we also have access to micro Tower's, Pistons, and multi rod set-ups for Gliders and relay ignitions system for micro clusters. If it's done with standard size models and I'm on the field it can be flown with Micros.
Micros get just as many Ohoo's and Ahaa's as any other type or size models and sometimes greater since some spectators have NO Idea how well these little models fly.